You know, I'm sitting here on my computer, trying to think of a reason, some reason, as to why I should fork out a good $300+ to come to this tournament...and I'm having a real hard time doing that.
I cannot see in any way possible the logic of having a game that is bound to get over 80 entries take place in the course of one day. I already foresee immense delays, mass confusion, and overall a very negative event for MK, which just got announced as an Evo qualifier and frankly, deserves better than this.
I would really love to hear some of the TO's justify their position (I'm totally open to having my mind changed) because I can't think of one. Why does MK have to be held off until Sunday? We are a legit Evo game, we're proved our numbers, why do we not get to enjoy the 3 days that the other games get?
It makes the game look inferior and we all know it is not. We have as much right as the other games do to have pools on Friday and Saturday and Finals on Sunday. Why rush the whole thing? For stream purposes? I seem to recall NEC not having a stream, and sure it must have been a pain for STORMS and others to keep running a cell phone stream, but it was a stream nonetheless.
Another problem I foresee is the negative connotations that will be associated with the MK Community and FR. Be honest, how many times do you think after FR we're going to hear "If I got to rest I woulda smoked you!!" or "If I didn't get randomed out because I couldn't work on the matchup blah blah blah". It's just going to be a mess and stain on the road to the grandaddy of 'em all.
With all due respect to the TO's, this format is absolutely bogus, does nothing to preserve the integrity of the game or its players, and is going (Yes I'm going to go out and guarantee it) to cause big problems all around. Every tournament since the inception of tournaments has had delays...if this gets delayed at all, you're not going to finish, or people will just say fuck it and leave. Please, please, PLEASE reconsider your format. I'm begging you.
Sup KingHippo,
As a tournament organizer for going on 15 years I pride myself in making the best event I can for the scenes of each game while fiting it in a 3 day event. As a player I know how it is to feel like your game isn't respected, but I feel you don't understand how I started running Final Round. This event was a house tournament for local players in Atlanta, Ga. After a few years it grew into the southeast console major. Now 15 years later its and international event, but at it's roots this is a tournament for the players by the players. I'm not some new dude on the block trying to make a quick buck off the FGC with starting a tournament over the past 3-4 years with the fighting game scene is finally blowing up! I've put my heart and soul into the FGC for well over a decade and i've always tried my best to be fair to all communities that attend and compete at FR.
I would like to start off with
NO GAME IS DISRESPECTED IF IT'S IN THE FINAL ROUND OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT LINE UP! Ask the 3S OE, Tekken6, MeltyBlood players or the Blazeblu players that didn't even get put in the EVO tournament season line up this year are we at FRXV disrespecting them! I don't appreciate anyone attacking my tournaments as not being legit in any fashion, thus i'm not going to respond in a polite manner as I normally would! Me/my wife and my friends bust our ass for the FGC for going on 15 years and FR wouldn't have grown to what it is without being for the people by the people 1st and formost!
This is what pisses me off the most because I announced MONTHS AGO that MK9 would be apart of FRXV while everyone in other communities/scenes were saying MK9 would die after EVO2k11. Is that a sign of disrespect? I don't think so, but because I decided to put MK9 on sunday means FR tournament organizers don't respect MK scene. When the local MK9 community reached out to me to ask me how I was going to have MK9 at FRXV I told them in detail what the plan was to get the feedback from them. We talked at length about it and they understood why I had to schedule MK9 that way.
The simple fact of any tournament once it reaches a certain size is that every game can't be on the same day. I estimate at FRXV we will have atleast 3 games( SSF4AE v.2012, UMvC3, SCV) on saturday march 3rd, 2012 that will have over 300-400 players and Tekken 6 having atleast 150. As an organizer I have to make sure I have enough systems to properly run these events in a timely manner. It would be stupid to have the 5th biggest tournament on the sameday as the other 3 imo. Having MK9 on saturday would ruin the entire tournament imo. It would be WAY WORST to have MK9 on the Saturday imo.
Not only would MK9 have less systems to play on during saturday, but with the delays with top players like (Chris G, Arturo, FR ATL_Redd, FR Clint da beast, and plenty more player) playing in multiple pools in multiple games on sat would be a freaking nightmere trying to get matches played! I know that a lot of tekken players play MK9 also and i'm assuming those players will be playing SCV also. It was either put mk all on friday OR put MK9 on friday and play the GF on sunday or play it all on sunday. I put MK9 on SUNDAY because having people come friday and play then take saturday off and then run the grand final on sunday would be worst from a player stand point. Also having all of the tournament on Sunday also you guys to have a team tournament on friday without rushing to complete singles and teams on the same day.
All team events are started and hopefully completed on friday, because team tournaments are the 2nd biggest reason tournaments don't end on time. Most of the time when you get near the end of the team tournament 2-3 players are also far in the singles event and they pretty much put the tournament to a stand still. Even if Justin Wong , Chris G, Arturo, or whatever top player is in the top 8 for every game on sunday it would not slow down the mk9 tournament like it would having MK9 on saturday. If you or anyone else thinks having MK9 only on sunday as a disrespectful act towards the MK9 community or as you put it "A STAIN ON THE RAOD TO EVO" then stay at home! I wouldn't want you to waste your time at FRXV!
PS-- when you have to end your post "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT" it's obvious you don't respect the TO's or you're about to disrespect them. You shouldn't need to put that on the end of your post if you respect the TO or the event, BUT in the same line beg for tournament organizers to change the dates. Now how do you think that is going to work out? This is a VERY SELFISH post imo. To bring this issue up with only 1 month before the event when this has been posted for atleast a month is selfish imo. Switching tournaments games this close to the tournament would be unprofessional as a tournament organizer and disrespectful to the MAJORITY of the players attending FRXV. And i'm not just talking about one scene! I'm talking about EVERYONE that's competing at FRXV over the 3 day weekend. Having a chance to cause a cluster _____ just to please the few is not a great idea for any tournament organizer.
The only way we could have mk9 on saturday is to move another game to another day! People have paid for plane/bus/train tickets, bought badges, paid for game entry, and set vacation time to attend FRXV and play on the dates we have set. I hope you understand better on the reason why I put the games on certain days. If not then I guess I need to learn how to express myself better through words.