If you paid for your badge online you can pick up your badge at anytime! This is one of the MANY perks of being on time with your registration. Technically you could show up on sunday and get your badge and go right to the tournament pools/brackets.ShinBlanka Pig Of The Hut
Maybe I'm slow and I missed something so sorry if this question is stupid.
I registered few weeks back, I won't be there Friday morning but will be there Friday night.
Question - ill be able to get my badge on Saturday anytime?? I'll be bringing my proof of purchase and stuff.
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PS--- Someone please pay for all of those guys entry badge ($40 per person at the door) and for all of there games ($10 per person) and keep up with the badges until they get here. I see people wanting them to come down and compete, but is anyone going to step up and pay all of their way on friday? They said they are going to pay you guys back when they get here. I hope everyone that can make it to compete in FRXV will be here. If you haven't registered online and you can't get here within the time that is allowed to register on time (Friday March 2, 2012 7am-12noon) to compete or have a friend register you then I advise you not to come and waste your money on a trip to Atlanta. We will not accept any offers for registration after registration closes on friday! There's only 2 days and 1 hour and 3 minutes until FRXV!