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Tech The Stock Market Returns: Post Final Round Edition


Get out of here your boy just got Smoked.
not here to argue but,

tourny results and all that jazz aside, we have the deepest scene and some of the worlds best players, lack of travelling and lack of West coast majors are the only reasons this inst common fact

Also out of curiosity. Do you honestly believe Waflez is a better player than Tyrant?


Wafflez was pretty much playing Smoke at full potential.

Not only do the rest of the Smoke community need to see what this character is capable of now but Cyrax players as well. Cyrax has way, WAY more filthier stuff than Smoke and the character is still yet to win a major.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
this whole chris g is not a dedicated mk player and the if he played this game seriously BS really need to stop. . .
anyone who enters a tournament for whatever game is because they are playing the game seriously why will i even enter the
tournament if i am not playing seriously? and anyone who has seen chris g knows who mad he gets when he is losing... why would he get mad if he is not taking any of his time to learn this game? and if he does not care about winning in this game?
i think what people mean is he literally on plays the game at tourneys, in my match against him he didn't know f33b3 on hit was plus five so i took the entire round by just doing that, he tried to dash them lol of course he adjusted and after game one beat me when he stopped jumping and blew me up for still no knowing how to punish reptiles dash. he doesn't know frame data, he doesn't know those little things like you can poke out of certain moves (or dash in between) or how unsafe dash really is, he is just really good at fighting games, he knows how to play reptile, and he has experience at tournaments like no other human.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Get out of here your boy just got Smoked.
wait wut

Wound is NorCal. EGP is SoCal.

Look at the difference in distance between Los Angeles and Sacramento.

I mean NorCal is full of awesome people and are friends of EGP but that's like saying Texas and Florida are the same scene.

I don't care about no stocks or props or such things but this is a common misconception
I love PL but he played that match-up absolutely awful. Maybe because he only plays online and has been practicing hard for characters that give him trouble, and kinda neglected this match-up in the process but I'm not even sure this was an excuse. The oddest part is if someone asks me "how do you play against Jax with Kung Lao?" I'd refer them to PL's match with Tyrant at EVO. It was so weird seeing him play like he had no idea what to do against Jax after he was one of the first people to figure out the character last year.

Kung Lao blows up Jax, and there's no reason to ever teleport against him. Just zone, D4, use a lot of 24 overheads, F3's, zone again, blow up his strings with 21 and win the match. Obviously it's far more complicated against Tyrant but still...
Kung lao wins this matchup upclose as well the zoning is what I go for when I knock him down you always get to chip or hit jax with a few free hats on knockdown, upclose you want to stay in that d4/24 range your d4 outranges his completely not too mention that his faster normals whiff in that range and they all hit high not even special mid. I know a lot of people dont implement 24 spin but I just crinch everytime I see a 24 on hit not getting converted into full combo. also in Pl's defence he was either rusty or really nervous because he did some very simple combos with standing 1 jabs instead of divekicks in them sacrificing more than 5% damage in his combos, next to that he messed up 21spin hitconfirm a lot. not too mention he breakerd jax combos midscreen.

Even at evo I thought he was teleporting a lot against tyrant but it worked out for him then.
Winter Barz stock: Way down. Defending Kabal = unacceptable. His claim saying everyone should pick up Kabal would ruin our scene and Kill our game.

Atlanta Scene: Stock up. They are going places and I could feel them having new life down there. Expect big things from them in Injustice.

Florida Scene: Stock up. Great players down there, good dedication, and proper training regiment. Also expect big things from them.

Also EGP is great, and if what Zaf says about the Canadian scene is true, then Injustice should prove to be very interesting.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
PL losing to Jax makes me feel better about losing some to EMP dark the other day. Then again Jax gets away with murder online. Idk how PL lost to Skarlett though. Realistically he should've won both of those matches, had he done that he probably would've taken the tournament. Kung Lao Stock?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Scar: Stock up. As one of the top Skarlet haters and downplayers I must admit it pains me to give Scar props. However, when it comes to the stock market I'm unbiased and reasonable and will give the devil his due. 2 years into the game Skarlet finally delivers, with a big win over Carl and beating the champion of the tournament earlier in pools. No Kitana or Mileena in the top 8 either, meaning Skarlet was queen of the female ninjas this time. Ugh this sucks let's move on.
Top Skarlet Hater? LOL bit i love you.


Original Liu Kang cop.
That's not the goddamn point, Reptile can do long blockstrings ending in a safe special at which point he gets to set up his silly dash or jump shenanigans, and off of a jump kick that's landed he can at least start doing dash oki that is ridiculous as well. Also, how is throw not godlike? 10 frame move that can't be couch blocked and set's up all of Reptile's offense. C'mon guys.
I think you are greatly overestimating the value of patience against Reptile. There are characters that get standing resets into stupid pressure from a jump kick and there are characters that get stupid damage from a jump kick, whereas Reptile gets to set up his GIMMICKY shenanigans. Seriously, when I play reptile the most irritating thing is when someone just slowly makes there way up to me and stands there blocking. Reptiles options without meter against a patient opponent who spaces dash correctly are very limited.


TYM White Knight
Oh man. Come Injustice, Montreal is going to be on the map hard. We have mainly a SF4 Community here. Only Jer and i really play MK here. But our SF group is the best in Canada. There will constantly be people playing injustice, and people to train with. When it comes to numbers, the Montreal group will be one of the biggest.
If the scene becomes as big as it's seeming, we may have a true west to east Injustice scene. The Maritimes are the same way. Mostly SF4/Marvel players, but they are ALL excited for injustice. High Tide Throwdown is at the end of May, and Injustice will have the most entrants. I am hoping to plant the seed early so that we can be hella competitive as well. If Montreal ends up as big as you say it is, we are only a car ride away from having some pretty decent tournaments. Factor in Toronto and you got one hell of a east coast scene.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I'll shutup when reptile places top 8 at a major that actually matters.
This for sure...

Honestly if any player makes top 8 with only Reptile at a real major EVER again, I will quit this game forever and claim that Reptile has always been top 10.

But that will not happen.

A purely Reptile player will NEVER make top 8 ever again.


Kung lao wins this matchup upclose as well the zoning is what I go for when I knock him down you always get to chip or hit jax with a few free hats on knockdown, upclose you want to stay in that d4/24 range your d4 outranges his completely not too mention that his faster normals whiff in that range and they all hit high not even special mid. I know a lot of people dont implement 24 spin but I just crinch everytime I see a 24 on hit not getting converted into full combo. also in Pl's defence he was either rusty or really nervous because he did some very simple combos with standing 1 jabs instead of divekicks in them sacrificing more than 5% damage in his combos, next to that he messed up 21spin hitconfirm a lot. not too mention he breakerd jax combos midscreen.

Even at evo I thought he was teleporting a lot against tyrant but it worked out for him then.
I thought PL looked pretty rusty too. In fact, it was pretty ironic that the best set he played was against Noobe, with Kabal (his secondary) against Cyrax (his second most hated character). He played the Cyrax match-up safe and better than I've seen him play it in a while. But his Kung Lao in general looked sub par compared to his usual high standards. Even watching his matches in pool, he was missing so much shit. Maybe it's not rust, who knows, but he certainly didn't play well (I'm not blowing him up by any means, it's just that he's usually better than this).

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
what year are we in? what has any vsm member done in 2013? i understand you are trying to fit in with your friends, but they dont need your pack mule service. gga and egp are the most accomplished teams in 2013. period.
Dude 2013 is three months old. Nec had 110 people in December and Reo won it for free, he didnt go to winter brawl because he was sick. Also Maxter got second at Nec. There was completion at NEC from every region and look what happened. Egp gga kh Atlanta Canada etc all had players there.


His stock is slightly up, since you've now done this twice in a row.

I believe he is in "the top 10 conversation", meaning he is in that group with Kitana, Cage, Jax, Reptile, Smoke, Liu Kang. Not sure if he'd be in a top 10 if I somehow had a complete MU chart or right outside it. Either way he's very good.

Also he does not lose to the princess stop the downplaying. Stay hollywood though.
I wouldn't put Smoke in that group since I don't think his top 10 status is debatable. And I know you'll hate me, but neither is Kitana's.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I wouldn't put Smoke in that group since I don't think his top 10 status is debatable. And I know you'll hate me, but neither is Kitana's.
Yeah, the only character Smoke might not be ahead of in that group is Cage and that is certainly debate-able.

DISCLAIMER: This statement will be mis-interpreted by 16 Bit as Smoke being bottom five.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I will go ahead and play this stock game while I'm sitting here at the airport gate, waiting for my flight back home. Consider this my entry into the MK 9 Stock Market:

The two matches that I had off-stream was my first round match against Dink (his Quan vs my Sub) who I beat 2 - 1 and against Ludwig Van (his Kabal vs my Sub) who I also beat 2 - 1.

All of my other matches were streamed, so you can view those for yourself. My next tournament will be UFGT 9, so we can discuss if my stock went up or down after that.

The only promise that I will make now is that I will assure you that my Smoke will be better prepped by then. That is my fault for not having him ready for FR, when I knew damn well that I had Kenshi in my pool. I will no longer spend my evenings playing World of Warcraft two weeks before a tournament, instead of playing MK 9. :confused:

Sent from my scrubby HTC Thunderbolt using Tapatalk


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I think you are greatly overestimating the value of patience against Reptile. There are characters that get standing resets into stupid pressure from a jump kick and there are characters that get stupid damage from a jump kick, whereas Reptile gets to set up his GIMMICKY shenanigans. Seriously, when I play reptile the most irritating thing is when someone just slowly makes there way up to me and stands there blocking. Reptiles options without meter against a patient opponent who spaces dash correctly are very limited.

But in all seriousness, I'd say a gimmick is something you exploit when your opponent clearly doesn't know the matchup or just flat out taking advantage of how obnoxiously you're playing the matchup, CSZ's stuff for example, escapable by 9/10 of the cast, very few players bother to look into it though, mindgames in stark contrast lead your opponent into an idea of what you're going to do but fall for what you actually had planned.

It pains me to say it, but the way Reptile fits into the metagame certainly isn't gimmicky, trying to play his game is a haven for meter and gives him more freedom to do what he wants. Which I think is also a huge mistake in how the community has tried to evaluate characters like Mileena, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Noob, Jax etc. and where they stand post-patch.

Otherwise, yeah, I agree I don't really feel at disadvantage or anything after getting jumpkicked by Reptile.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Reptile players don't place top 8 because of Reptile players. Why is it that other character specialists can do this but somehow with like Reptile, Smoke and a few others it's impossible, they're not viable and the bad MU are automatic loses?

My last major was SCR. My path to top 8 was Kabal, Kitana, Reptile, Kabal. Who's going to tell me a dedicated Reptile couldn't make it through that? Even if conservative MUs for Kitana it was two bad MU, a mirror and an even MU. If I was a Reptile player I'd have been..two bad MU, a mirror and an even MU.

If you're a top elite level player you should be able to overcome most opponents regardless of the MU. Then you MIGHT have to overcome maybe one if at most two bad MU against a player of your caliber.