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Big characters squaring off


Ben, OK, I understand. We'll have to wait and see the gameplay to know for sure. As of now, from the reviews I've read so far, Gryndy's game revolves around grapples and Doomsday around rushdown.


would like to know if you can hit some special high damage combos on those big hitbox chars, i hate that. planing on playing grundy atm, dont need some 70% corner combos or some bs like that...

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Bane is a grappler as well. Just not a pure grappler.
let it be known that i sucked with Abel In Street fighter....And the only grapplers i really used were Zangief T.Hawk Iron Tager And Sometimes Cerebella(SkullGirls)
i played with those kind although i mostly mained Peacock in skullgirls


Tired, But Strong
We dunno if any of Doomsday's ground grapples are unblockable, which I think is some major criteria for being a grappler character. Having a true command throw that actually functions like a throw is what differentiates a Zangief style SPD from something like Jax's gotcha grab.


too smart to play MKX
I wish people would stop saying "brawler" like it's an actual class of character.

Doomsday is a Brawler/Rushdown not a grappler and Bane should have been like in TDKR, medium sized and smart.
DKR Bane's size was similar to the comics, in that it varies depending on the panel. In some scene's he wouldn't look a lot bigger than Tom Hardy's actual size, then you have his "Do you feel in charge...?" scene with Dagget and they basically made him look like he was about 6'8 just for the effect.

And Bane is a tactical genius in basically all incarnations not made by Joel Schumacher, so I'd assume he'll be that way in this game too... I don't really know why you'd think he wouldn't be.


Neutral Skipper
I wish people would stop saying "brawler" like it's an actual class of character.

DKR Bane's size was similar to the comics, in that it varies depending on the panel. In some scene's he wouldn't look a lot bigger than Tom Hardy's actual size, then you have his "Do you feel in charge...?" scene with Dagget and they basically made him look like he was about 6'8 just for the effect.

And Bane is a tactical genius in basically all incarnations not made by Joel Schumacher, so I'd assume he'll be that way in this game too... I don't really know why you'd think he wouldn't be.
Because Bane was a retard in the Arkham games and he's voiced by the same guy in Injustice.
The only interpretation of Bane to have that voice was the dumbfuck AC one. This version has the same voice, so it reminds me of him.
Never seemed like a dumbfuck to me. The reason your fights with him involved him hitting walls was because 1) he was stunned from the batarang to the noggin and 2) they kept the same formula so you knew what to do with the Titan goons. And in Arkham City he wasn't even a necessary part of the story.
The only interpretation of Bane to have that voice was the dumbfuck AC one. This version has the same voice, so it reminds me of him.
Do we have any irrefutable evidence that the voice actor in AA/AC is the one in injustice? Because as far as bane is concerend in injustice, ive only heard grunts and groans


Neutral Skipper
Never seemed like a dumbfuck to me. The reason your fights with him involved him hitting walls was because 1) he was stunned from the batarang to the noggin and 2) they kept the same formula so you knew what to do with the Titan goons. And in Arkham City he wasn't even a necessary part of the story.
Surely Bane - the guy who's supposed to have genius-level intellect - would know that after the third batarang or so he should try something else? Whether it was to teach you an element of the game or not it still made him look stupid. I feel that even if he isn't an important part of the story Bane should do something to show off his intelligence, especially since so many people's first impressions of him are that he's all brawn and no brains. As for his voice, it never made him sound particularly intelligent anyway and now I associate it with the Arkham Bane, which in my opinion made him look dumb as hell.
Do we have any irrefutable evidence that the voice actor in AA/AC is the one in injustice? Because as far as bane is concerend in injustice, ive only heard grunts and groans
I dunno, but the same VA, Fred Tatasciore, did Grundy in AC and Injustice, so I don't see why not. According to IMDB, he's also doing the voice for Doomsday.

EDIT: I kinda get where you're coming from Spinky, but I personally thought the VA did pretty well with what he was given. Which wasn't much. Bane's role in both games was pretty limited compared to other villains.


Neutral Skipper
Do we have any irrefutable evidence that the voice actor in AA/AC is the one in injustice? Because as far as bane is concerend in injustice, ive only heard grunts and groans
I saw it somewhere ages ago, can't remember where. The dude's Bane voice is pretty distinctive anyway. I think he's voicing Grundy too, he's known for voicing big monstrous characters. EDIT: Beaten to it, never mind.


too smart to play MKX
How is it not?

It's basically the in-between of the grappler and rushdown classes.
How is it not? Because it's not. It's applied to characters almost exclusively based on the size of their hitbox. If a rusher is huge and has a command grab that isn't the end-all/be-all of their game, they're a suddenly a brawler. Keeping in mind no one would ever call someone like Yun or Hazama a "brawler", even though the criteria just seems to be rusher + command grab = brawler. The term is stupid. They're just rushers.

It's even dumber because I've heard almost fuckall about Doomsday or Bane having command grabs at all, other than Bane's super. People are just assuming they're there based on the sizes of these characters hitboxes.

Got a problem with "BOMB" Bane? :p /troll
Man, Batman & Robin was always my favorite superhero movie by a goddamn mile until I heard Bane was the antagonist for DKR and did some research on the character. I felt so robbed. It's still my favorite superhero movie, just... less so.


Plus on block.
I consider a brawler someone with some or all of the following traits: (usually)large hitbox, few or no true/good projectiles, high damage short combos, one or no ground command grab(that isn't their main attack), armored attacks, dashing attacks, focused on getting it, hard to get off, slower than average in some aspects, high damage punishes.

Examples: Thor, Q, Hulk, Birdie, Abel, Balrog, Dudley, Paul(SFxTK), Cody, Doomsday, Bane.

What do know of Doomsday is that they have a lot of in your face kind of moves and rushing attacks.

Even if a character has a lot of this stuff, if they have one or two moves that really dictate their game then their classification changes(Guile and his Sonic Boom & Flash Kick, T.Hawk and his Mexican Typhoon/Storm Hammer). You don't have to have a command grab to be a brawler, most just do.

This is my opinion and my definition, you don't have to think that way.

This isn't even an arguement, this is just what I think.


The one guy hoping for Kai
What I'm interested in is what role this characters will play in the game:
-Lex:Obviously a big part of the insurgency.
-Doomsday:Has Last Resort against Superman written all over him.
-Bane:Surely they just wont have him cause of the movie,right?I think NRS respects each character's history to know Bane aint just a brute.Surely he could use his intellect to help Lex "Break" Superman like he did Batman.

In a canon fight who would win?Doomsday or Grundy?