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Big characters squaring off

Come to think of it, we haven't see the heavy hitters fighting one another yet.

Bane vs. Doomsday
Doomsday vs. Grundy
Grundy vs. Bane

Perhaps add Lex to those matchups, he is pretty big too in his armor.

Who is the biggest character in the game? How do they differ in properties (speed, power, agility?)

Is there any footage I have missed?



Sinestro's might!
MK9 had different sized hitboxes. I'm guessing these guys will as well.

Walk speed is sure to be different from what we've seen so far.


Out of those three I -THINK- Bane is the largest. In terms of hitboxes, Black Adam actually has the highest one we've seen but of those 3(4?) I give it to either Bane or Lex.

Doomsday's your big brawler type, lots of armor, pretty fast for such a huge guy. Grundy is the slowest, with Lex not being too far behind, Bane is somewhere in the middle it seems.

I don't think we've seen enough to decide where Bane is so I won't comment on him, but Grundy could probably take Doomsday since he has to come to him, and depending how good his grabs are against advancing moves(considering they have armor), Doomsday might have to burn meter a lot for armor's sake.

Also, no, the only of those 4 ever shown at offline games is Grundy. Doomsday wasn't even unlocked, Lex and Bane simply weren't ever picked.


Soul Kollector
You haven't missed anything. Most of the reports are:

Grundy - Big Grappler, likely the heaviest grapple set. Has command, standard, aa and chain grapples. Even with changes, likely the slowest character in the game.

Doomsday - Strong Grappler, fastest big character. Has command, standard and aa grapples, but much of his kit is focused on dash attacks. Very in your face character.

Bane - Brawler. From what we've seen, his kit is a hybrid of strikes, pushes and grapples. He probably falls in between Grundy and Doomsday in terms of speed. His trait is a lot like Superman, so expect him to have small windows of high damage spikes.

Lex - Zoner. Lex appears to be a big character in terms of stage interactables, but his kit is built for defense. Lots of traps/pokes/projectiles and a anti projectile shield.


Doomsday is a Brawler/Rushdown not a grappler and Bane should have been like in TDKR, medium sized and smart.
Not the big goomba Rocksteady version and honestly i rather had Ra's or Poison Ivy.


Doomsday is a Brawler/Rushdown not a grappler and Bane should have been like in TDKR, medium sized and smart.
Not the big goomba Rocksteady version and honestly i rather had Ra's or Poison Ivy.
Bane was always huge, what would he do in a fighter that other characters really haven't already covered without his Venom? Hell, it's not even that he's a big dude; it's that people always make him some retarded brute.

Doomsday has grapple moves. See: AA grab, apparently has some kind of command throw as well(don't quote me on this one)
Doomsday is a Brawler/Rushdown not a grappler and Bane should have been like in TDKR, medium sized and smart.
Not the big gumba Rocksteady version and honestly i rather had Ra's or Poison Ivy.
TDKR was NOT Bane done completely right. Bane IS smart. But he's a big brawler, especially when pumped up on Venom, which Nolan ignored in favor of giving him a mask that fed him...I guess pain reduction drugs or something. Nolan's penchant for "realism" really hurt those movies, IMO. I love them, but they're not the end-all-be-all of Batman like they're made out to be. Neither was the Keaton movies. The problem is, I don't know if there CAN be a Batman movie the way it needs to be done. None of the live action movies really showcase his detective work as it's meant to be. Perhaps filmmakers should look at the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock movies for inspiration. But that's just my opinion. Frankly, TDKR did do Catwoman fairly well.


TDKR was NOT Bane done completely right. Bane IS smart. But he's a big brawler, especially when pumped up on Venom, which Nolan ignored in favor of giving him a mask that fed him...I guess pain reduction drugs or something. Nolan's penchant for "realism" really hurt those movies, IMO. I love them, but they're not the end-all-be-all of Batman like they're made out to be. Neither was the Keaton movies. The problem is, I don't know if there CAN be a Batman movie the way it needs to be done. None of the live action movies really showcase his detective work as it's meant to be. Perhaps filmmakers should look at the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock movies for inspiration. But that's just my opinion. Frankly, TDKR did do Catwoman fairly well.
the only thing i don't like about those movies is that sherlock is some kind of batman/james bond. is he like that in the novels? i mean overpowered.


For those of us counting.

Grapple at :33.
Command Grapple at :44.
AA Grapple at :59.
Super Grapple at 2:06.

At 0:44 might be his grab/throw. Yes, his super is a grapple, so is Jax's, but Jax is definitely not a grappler.
Also Cyrax has a command grab and an anti-air move. Is he a grappler?


At 0:44 might be his grab/throw. Yes, his super is a grapple, so is Jax's, but Jax is definitely not a grappler.
Also Cyrax has a command grab and an anti-air move. Is he a grappler?
he's the closest thing to a grappler we have in MK

Having grapple moves =/= grappler, that was already said lol
I wonder how these characters match up, will Grundy be OP with his grapples against Bane or Doomsday? they all have armor to a certain extent.
the only thing i don't like about those movies is that sherlock is some kind of batman/james bond. is he like that in the novels?
Actually, in a manner of speaking, he is. Holmes is a master of deduction, able to tell many things about a person just from a glance which transfers into fighting. He is described by Watson as "one of the finest boxers of his weight that [he has] ever seen" and has some training in Japanese wrestling, which is how he escaped certain death at Reichenbach Falls. He is also known to use a cane and a riding crop as weapons and has had fencing experience. Holmes was also a misogynist and had a cocaine addiction that he fed when cases were rare and he felt his brain needed stimulation. About the only thing that the movie portrayed incorrectly about him were his hygenic habits as the books describe him as fastidious and that his cleanliness habits are akin to a cat's.


Soul Kollector
At 0:44 might be his grab/throw. Yes, his super is a grapple, so is Jax's, but Jax is definitely not a grappler.
Also Cyrax has a command grab and an anti-air move. Is he a grappler?
Obviously that would just make :33 his command grapple then.

I'm not completely sure the comparison to Cyrax is fair, as his kit involves a great amount of projectiles and utility as well.

I do understand your point, but I don't think Grappler is limited to essentially only Grapple characters like Bayman/King. In a game where most characters have only one Grapple attack, a big character with no projectiles and (at least) 4 separate grapple attacks is fairly characterized as a Grappler, imo. Example: Zangief.