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how confident are you that this will be a good game?

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
there have been many games that were hyped up that were absolute failures when released but honestly as a fighting game fan and a comic book fan I'm hyped up!

MK9 wasn't that bad(the netcode was the worst part about it)but people seem to have this fear of fighting games failing to deliver on the hype due to recent events with capcom

i have to admit we never know a game's gonna be bad until we play it and for those who pre-order we outright are taking a risk and betting our money that it'll be a good game

surely this game will never become a garbage game on release like MK Vs DC Universe(I Think lessons were learned since then...)and surely the netcode has gotten better

I'm just starting this topic for those to share thoughts on how hyped and how confident they are about this game's quality as a good game and a good fighting game in general

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I feel like this game will be very good. The only questions/concerns that I still have about it is the one thing that we will not know for sure until after the game is released....

The online experience.

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
I feel like this game will be very good. The only questions/concerns that I still have about it is the one thing that we will not know for sure until after the game is released....

The online experience.
i believe they have fixed the netcode...(Otherwise this game will live and died based on your local scene which i don't have)

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Hey, you never know....with this game appealing to mass audiences, a scene may develop in your area because of it. You just never know!
there's never really been a scene for any fighting game in my area and unless gamestop hosts a release day tournament i won't know how many people here actually give a crap about this game...


I don't follow the hype as much as everyone else does.Im excited for it but it annoys me to see any game gets over-hyped and when it comes out,people play it for a few weeks,get's bodied and complain about patches, and then quits and goes back to marvel or something,and talks shit about it a few months later to the people who stuck with it.


Believe in the hop kick
If the netcode is solid and matchups are more even than in MK9, the game looks like it's going to be solid (in-game frame data, record function for testing setups.) I just hope they don't start patching the game too early by killing the zoners to appease all the scrubs. I also like the fact that the game doesn't have breakers (or does it? I dunno lol) and good reads result in overly aggressive button mashers getting pwned.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
about 75%

I know the engine and the way specials are performed. The issue is back to block and not being able to "dash cancel"


Believe in the hop kick
about 75%

I know the engine and the way specials are performed. The issue is back to block and not being able to "dash cancel"
If backdashes cannot be cancelled into each other, then repeated back dashing will happen as in Tekken: bb - db - b - db - b

This means you have to enable negative edge or destroy your hand by mashing bb - d - bb - d - bb


i think the invincibility on back-dashes will compensate for not being to cancel, unless it's not universal for everything?

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
The clash system took its place.

I'm hoping 3rd times a charm and they got the netcode dialed this time. It's 2013 after all.
i hope the netcode is so good that even people with meh to decent connections can still get something working(It's a reason why games like skullgirls and the marvel vs capcom origins download games are easy to play they have good netcodes and even if you have a horrendous netcode GGPO takes care of that)unfortunately modern day fighting games don't seem to have a netcode that allows for people that have to settle for an iffy internet provider to have a grand time online

Verizon annoys me to no ends but it wouldn't be so bad if i could get a strong connection and a netcode that could cooperate with it


Kung Fu Treachery
As someone coming at this from the Mortal Kombat and comic angle, I am 95% sure I am going to love this game. I appreciated MK vs DC as a stepping stone. I don't think MK9 would, or even could have happened without it. I think they learned some valuable lessons from both games. I'm very happy with the importance NetherRealm is putting on story.

They would have to seriously screw up for this game to be bad. And if that was the case, I imagine we would have heard about that already from the gaming press and people who have had their hands on it.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I haven't been given any reason yet to believe this game will be bad at all. I've been dreaming of an all DC fighter since the dawn of PS3, and I'm hype out meh acehole for this game. Also, Crimson Cobra if your gamestop is doing a midnight release you should walk around and talk to people. See if anyone would be interested in actually learning the game and starting a scene to at the very least get frequent casuals in and see how it goes. Take the initiative and build a scene man, that stuff doesn't just happen. It's been almost a year and a half since my MK9 scene died but I'll be damned if I'm not still trying to recruit people to play to this day. Hell my roommate sucked me into SSFIV after 2 years of saying I would never play it! Get out there and talk to people and let them know your interested and that if they are too they should join you.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
I think the game will be do fine it's using the MK9 engine which we already know was a success and now they are adding that SF depth to the fighting engine for Injustice. This is the 1st game to really appeal to both the MK crowd and the Capcom crowd and if nothing else I think it will be a gateway to more fighting games made for the FGC as a whole instead of games just made one faction of FG players. It's time this "invisible" wall that seperates the FGC comes crashing down and Injustice might be the game that can do it or atleast knock out the 1st bricks.


Believe in the hop kick
i think the invincibility on back-dashes will compensate for not being to cancel, unless it's not universal for everything?
It doesn't compensate anything, If backdashes and forward dashes cannot be cancelled by crouching (which is not possible in MK9) it's gonna be very difficult to try to bait/force whiffs and punish them with launchers.


As long as this game doesn't have special moves as big as hitboxes (Kenshi shoulder, Kabal NMD, Cyrax Net) then retarded zoning shouldn't be an issue in this game like it is in MK.


It doesn't compensate anything, If backdashes and forward dashes cannot be cancelled by crouching (which is not possible in MK9) it's gonna be very difficult to try to bait/force whiffs and punish them with launchers.
Cyborg can cancel into his pop-up move from his forward dash, so I think at least SOME characters can do it.

With a demo coming out this is a very good opportunity to check though. :)


Kung Fu Treachery
Cyborg can cancel into his pop-up move from his forward dash, so I think at least SOME characters can do it.

With a demo coming out this is a very good opportunity to check though. :)
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the Stroke-Phone!

There is a demo coming out?! When was this discovered?


Kung Fu Treachery
just recently, said it's next tuesday for PS3, wednesday for xbox
I'm going to need to borrow Captain Atoms containment suit to deal with this information.

Here is an image of me being one sexy mofo at a cemetery as a token of my gratitude for bringing this to light.

Ahem, now that everyone is all flustered I'll bring this back around.

How could you not be confident this game is going to be amazing when we have someone like Hector Strange on deck?
i got some bad bad feelings about this game, it would surprise me if this game would not broken and competitive.
i also think this will be braindead as hell.