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Cool Livestream going on! Watch before it ends!


Deleted member 5032

That Flash was a lot scarier than I had imagined. He was like She-Hulk from UMvC3 if she had constant access to Ammy's Slow super and the ability to avoid projectiles. Very scary!
Reactions: RYX

Deleted member 5032

The gameplay did look slow to me, especially the movement. This and not being able to cancel dashes cause me some concern.
I'll still try it out before labelling these things flaws.
Hopefully things will look a little faster when people who know what they're doing get to stream some footage. These guys seemed like they were just half-assing it in between SSFIV matches.
Reactions: RYX


I'll need to play the game before I agree that NRS got the movement in Injustice right, but I'm not looking to dislike it, I'm hoping to be proven wrong.
We're on the same page here: play first, then judge.
Having said that, I'm getting old and I'd like a game with a slower pace to keep up with my dying reflexes. :D