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Another preview, this time by Newsarama.


Scary Bat
id take tigress over cheetah
I'd take any comic book version of a character of a Young Justice one. They don't belong in this game, maybe as skins or alts, but not as the main version of the character. Not ragging on the cartoon or its fans, each to their own etc. but this is a (fairly) violent fighting game, and while there are fight scenes in the cartoon they lack the brutality that occurs in the game.

I fee they'd be really, really out of place. It's probably why they upped the age/badass level of Raven and Cyborg. Although he does have that horrible 'booyah'


I'd take any comic book version of a character of a Young Justice one. They don't belong in this game, maybe as skins or alts, but not as the main version of the character. Not ragging on the cartoon or its fans, each to their own etc. but this is a (fairly) violent fighting game, and while there are fight scenes in the cartoon they lack the brutality that occurs in the game.

I fee they'd be really, really out of place. It's probably why they upped the age/badass level of Raven and Cyborg. Although he does have that horrible 'booyah'

see isnt that kind of hypocritical though? i mean cyborg and raven are teen titans so why should yj be excluded?
To give space for characters that don't suck.

Shazam and Black Adam are great imo.
Well some people think Batman and Superman sucks does that mean they don't deserve a spot no it should not. I think the only way a character deserve a slot is to either be popular,unique, or just play a large role in the story.


Well some people think Batman and Superman sucks does that mean they don't deserve a spot no it should not. I think the only way a character deserve a slot is to either be popular,unique, or just play a large role in the story.
batman and superman dont suck but they are becoming over rated and rebooted non stop

not to get off topic but we are getting a batman reboot sometime in 2015 or 2016

its like really why not cash in on the success of the arrow tv show and get charlie hunnam to play green arrow?

nothing against stephen amell but hunnam is a fantastic actor and has the look
batman and superman dont suck but they are becoming over rated and rebooted non stop

not to get off topic but we are getting a batman reboot sometime in 2015 or 2016

its like really why not cash in on the success of the arrow tv show and get charlie hunnam to play green arrow?

nothing against stephen amell but hunnam is a fantastic actor and has the look
I don't think they suck in fact Batman my favorite comic book character ,I'm just saying that they do have people that hate them.
Also I agree DC should try and cash in on arrows success.


I am Arkham
truth be told the real reason she was in is because her render was in mk vs dcu and secondly catwoman was in the latest batman film so its ovious wb will try and milk her

same with batman as much as i enjoy him i think there is to many batman charachters. its like dc is telling people batman is the only franchise that they can stand on

we have what 7 total just for his universe wile everyone else has nothing?
Ok, well if you aren't counting the main character themself, it would be 5 from Batman's universe. But, it was stated by Ed Boon, they weren't thinking of these characters as "belonging" to a franchise. They never said "man, we have to have this many from this franchise, this many from that franchise etc." They simply looked at everyone as a DC character. Plain and simple. And that's how it should be. There's absolutely no reason why someone who is an A or B lister should be cast aside, just so we can have some C or D list hero/villain to add to another character's franchise count. This isn't segregated. It's not a matter of making everything fair in terms of everyone getting an equal representation from their own series. There's no reason we need it to be 3 from Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Teen Titans, Aquaman, and Shazam etc. That's boring, and it's going to lead to a lackluster roster.

The fact is, there's popular and recognizable characters that can sell this game, there's unique and fun characters that add to gameplay diversity, and there's characters with a lot of story potential based on their history of interactions with other characters. There's absolutely no need to say "hmmm...ok, we need to ONLY have 2 more from Batman's franchise, so lets go with Joker and Nightwing, sorry Catwoman, Harley, Bane, Scarecrow, Clayface, Ivy, Freeze, Ra's, Robin, Red Hood, and Croc fans, you don't get to see your favorite character because we can only feature so many from each franchise, we want to keep it fair." In turn, now we have to have 2 from all the other franchises. Supes, you get Lex and Doomsday, sorry Braniac or Zod hopefuls. Wonder Woman, you can have Ares and Cheetah, sorry Circe fans. Flash, you get Captain Cold and Gorilla Grodd. Shazam gets Black Adam and Starro. Aquaman gets Black Manta and Ocean Master. Green Lantern gets Sinestro and Grundy. Raven, Cyborg, and Deathstroke.

There's your 24 person roster.

Unhappy with certain people being left out? Well, too damn bad. Because if you add 1 more to one character, you have to add 1 more to everyone else.

Unhappy with certain people being included instead of one of your more favorables? Too bad, because then if we take one character out from one person's franchise, then we have to take one out of all the others.

My point being, who the hell cares what franchise they are from, or if things are equal. You are going to get some franchises represented more than others. It happens. Marvel vs Capcom 2 & 3, as well as Marvel Ultimate Alliance, featured more X-men than any other franchise. Want to know why? Because they have a lot of popular well known characters to pick from than the rest of the individual Marvel franchises. Just as Batman does with DC. It's just the way it goes.

Think of them as individuals, not focusing on where they originated. Catwoman, Nightwing, and Harley all appear in their own comics these days. They are their own established characters, with their own cast of characters. And Joker is his own beast, so far beyond just relegated as just a "Batman character". Joker is a main DCU villain.

This is such a beaten to death complaint/argument.

I'm so tired of hearing "The only reason Catwoman is in is because of TDKR". Catwoman is one of Batman's most popular villains and is probably THE most popular female villain. She has been a staple in the DCU especially in the last 20 years in all kinds of different media. Don't forget she was the ONLY female villain chosen to be in MK vs DC so Netherrealm obviously liked her to begin with. Even if she was never in TDKR i'm positive she would still have a place in the roster.
Yep, couldn't agree more. Catwoman is #11 on IGN's best comic book villains(that includes all villains from Marvel and DC, Joker took 2nd by the way). She's rated/voted in the top 3 favorite Batman villains in many lists that are found online. Anybody that thinks she just became relevant or popular because of TDKR movie, definitely doesn't follow comics or their characters very closely. And clearly has a bias against anything relating to Batman, and just wish to throw any character from his world under the bus and downplay their importance/popularity amongst most comic book fans and casual audiences.
The only 2 i would CONSIDER taking out if i could would be Cyborg, Solomon Grundy or Bane only because im not in to those types of characters. Cyborg has one hell of a movelist, when my uncle played as him at an expo he had around 9 moves? Maybe 10. Solomon Grundy and Bane look cool but im not a grappler type. I almost cried when i saw Doomsdays Sheeva jump stomp move. I hated that move in MK9.........


Ok, well if you aren't counting the main character themself, it would be 5 from Batman's universe. But, it was stated by Ed Boon, they weren't thinking of these characters as "belonging" to a franchise. They never said "man, we have to have this many from this franchise, this many from that franchise etc." They simply looked at everyone as a DC character. Plain and simple. And that's how it should be. There's absolutely no reason why someone who is an A or B lister should be cast aside, just so we can have some C or D list hero/villain to add to another character's franchise count. This isn't segregated. It's not a matter of making everything fair in terms of everyone getting an equal representation from their own series. There's no reason we need it to be 3 from Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Teen Titans, Aquaman, and Shazam etc. That's boring, and it's going to lead to a lackluster roster.

The fact is, there's popular and recognizable characters that can sell this game, there's unique and fun characters that add to gameplay diversity, and there's characters with a lot of story potential based on their history of interactions with other characters. There's absolutely no need to say "hmmm...ok, we need to ONLY have 2 more from Batman's franchise, so lets go with Joker and Nightwing, sorry Catwoman, Harley, Bane, Scarecrow, Clayface, Ivy, Freeze, Ra's, Robin, Red Hood, and Croc fans, you don't get to see your favorite character because we can only feature so many from each franchise, we want to keep it fair." In turn, now we have to have 2 from all the other franchises. Supes, you get Lex and Doomsday, sorry Braniac or Zod hopefuls. Wonder Woman, you can have Ares and Cheetah, sorry Circe fans. Flash, you get Captain Cold and Gorilla Grodd. Shazam gets Black Adam and Starro. Aquaman gets Black Manta and Ocean Master. Green Lantern gets Sinestro and Grundy. Raven, Cyborg, and Deathstroke.

There's your 24 person roster.

Unhappy with certain people being left out? Well, too damn bad. Because if you add 1 more to one character, you have to add 1 more to everyone else.

Unhappy with certain people being included instead of one of your more favorables? Too bad, because then if we take one character out from one person's franchise, then we have to take one out of all the others.

My point being, who the hell cares what franchise they are from, or if things are equal. You are going to get some franchises represented more than others. It happens. Marvel vs Capcom 2 & 3, as well as Marvel Ultimate Alliance, featured more X-men than any other franchise. Want to know why? Because they have a lot of popular well known characters to pick from than the rest of the individual Marvel franchises. Just as Batman does with DC. It's just the way it goes.

Think of them as individuals, not focusing on where they originated. Catwoman, Nightwing, and Harley all appear in their own comics these days. They are their own established characters, with their own cast of characters. And Joker is his own beast, so far beyond just relegated as just a "Batman character". Joker is a main DCU villain.

This is such a beaten to death complaint/argument.

Yep, couldn't agree more. Catwoman is #11 on IGN's best comic book villains(that includes all villains from Marvel and DC, Joker took 2nd by the way). She's rated/voted in the top 3 favorite Batman villains in many lists that are found online. Anybody that thinks she just became relevant or popular because of TDKR movie, definitely doesn't follow comics or their characters very closely. And clearly has a bias against anything relating to Batman, and just wish to throw any character from his world under the bus and downplay their importance/popularity amongst most comic book fans and casual audiences.

i dont blame nrs one bit but i do blame warner bros because what if they had a say as to who go's on that roster?

alot of these publishers now a days dont have such free control anymore as people believe wich is why a company like ea is crumbling and how there ceo just quit yesterday


I don't think they suck in fact Batman my favorite comic book character ,I'm just saying that they do have people that hate them.
Also I agree DC should try and cash in on arrows success.
thank you! you would think by now wb and dc would be where marvel is at in regards to a cinematic universe but nope just same old batman and superman remakes.

that is why i have zero hope for cartoon network now since dc cancelled young justice and green lantern animated series and the ratings were fantastic for both shows to be replaced by beware the batman ( cgi toon) and teen titans go wich looks retarded.

also i wrote this after seeing the gl movie at the midnight showing in 2011 as a fan i was disgusted at how it turned out. the cast was fun but the story was utter shit

here is what i did for a gl film wich wouldnt be a orgin film and hal would already have the ring

it was originally a sequal idea i had but this would be a reboot if i was doing it

the second film can open up with the weaponers go to kourgar to set up a base to start making weapons, the people of kourgar fear them as a threat and take action wich leads to violence.

: meanwile on oa on the citadel:

sinestro requests that the guardians send corps members to help aid him in defending his homeworld of kourgar from the weaponers...

the guardians refuse to send the aid and sinestro demands that the guardians step down and pass there power over to him and states that he can install great fear into the enemey and puts on the yellow ring,

witnessing the act of having the yellow ring at this moment the guardians declare sinestro a traitor to the corps and honor guard lanterns are dispatched to take sinestro into custody.

sinestro kills the honor guards in front of the guardians and relinquishes his green lantern ring by his own will and leaves oa.

the guardians summon hal jordan and request his presence and they inform him of sinestros turn to the emotion of fear and yellow energy, they also explain to hal that after krona was banished and hidden away with parallax the punishment was due to krona creating the anti-matter universe.

hal jordan go's on a hunt for sinestro

sinestro returns to his homeworld of kourgar yellow ring and costume and starts to become a dictator and declares himself savior of kourgar and starts killing weaponers left and right.

while hal jordan searches for sinestro he gets a trasmission from kilowog telling him sinestro is on kourgar and meet you there poozer..

hal heads to sinestros home sector arrives onto the planet and see's total devestation and bodies everywhere.

hal see's sinestro floating over a pile of dead weaponers with a sadistic smirk and hears him tell the people of kourgar to bow to him and worship him as a god.

hal confronts sinestro trying to explain that the yellow ring has corrupted him....

sinestro throws the first punch and says human you have no idea who your talking to.

hal responds with a fist construct hitting sinestro wile both floating in the air.

sinestro recovers and the first start to an epic encounter happens

both men fight it out with sinestro getting the upper hand and just when hal is almost out and sinestro is about to kill him, kilowog comes in and knocks sinestro off balance.

sinestro shrugs it off and fires a blast of energey at kilowog and knocks him out cold.

hal recovers and shows sinestro why hes the man without fear by taking it up a few notches.

he creates one giant construct of a f-22 raptor plane and hits sinestro with it.

sinestro knocked out falls to the ground and hal go's to check on kilowog.

back on oa the guardians place sinestro into the central power battery and credit hal jordan for his bravery

before the film ends theres two suprise scenes

scene 1. sinestro is shown inside the battery and is revealed to be a construct from his ring

scene 2. sayd and ganthet are alone in a private chamber discussing how they have to HOPE sinestros turn hasnt misplaced the trust of 3600 sectors with the guardians and they forge a blue ring


Scary Bat
see isnt that kind of hypocritical though? i mean cyborg and raven are teen titans so why should yj be excluded?
Cyborg was a Teen Titan, then he sort of graduated into being an adult hero in the DC Universe. Now in he is a primary member of the Justice League in the comics, he's sort of a big deal, and adult.

Raven... she is still a Teen in the comics, this is true, but she has a massive following (as you can by no doubt tell on this forum). They were not included because of the Teen Titans cartoon, hence why they don't look like they do in the cartoon. To include characters from Young Justice thought would be including them because of the cartoon, as I presumed (perhaps wrongly) that is the style you wanted them in. Take YJ Beast Boy for example, he most certainly would not fit in this game: imagine you pick Doomsday, and than brutally mash the shit out of what is quite literally, a child.

Doesn't go down very well is all I am saying.


Cyborg was a Teen Titan, then he sort of graduated into being an adult hero in the DC Universe. Now in he is a primary member of the Justice League in the comics, he's sort of a big deal, and adult.

Raven... she is still a Teen in the comics, this is true, but she has a massive following (as you can by no doubt tell on this forum). They were not included because of the Teen Titans cartoon, hence why they don't look like they do in the cartoon. To include characters from Young Justice thought would be including them because of the cartoon, as I presumed (perhaps wrongly) that is the style you wanted them in. Take YJ Beast Boy for example, he most certainly would not fit in this game: imagine you pick Doomsday, and than brutally mash the shit out of what is quite literally, a child.

Doesn't go down very well is all I am saying.
simply throw blue beetle in and proplem solved. hell even artemis is what 18 19?


I am Arkham
i dont blame nrs one bit but i do blame warner bros because what if they had a say as to who go's on that roster?

alot of these publishers now a days dont have such free control anymore as people believe wich is why a company like ea is crumbling and how there ceo just quit yesterday
WB should have a say in who goes in, as well as DC. It's their characters. They own full rights. Wouldn't you want NRS to have some say in who goes into a game, if someone else were to use MK characters?

It's a collaboration. Boon has said that both NRS and DC discuss who should be included. And frankly, the roster is stacked. Whether you hate a couple of Batman characters or Teen Titans or whoever, nobody can argue against just how great the roster is. You are getting the cream of the crop.

At the end of the day, the characters that are included are for a good reason. I don't know how many times I have to say that. They did not just pick these names from a hat. The roster is something they put a lot of thought into, and make sure that every character is included to tell the story they want to tell, and offer a fun gameplay experience. The characters that are left out, are the ones that aren't needed for the story, for unique gameplay, or to sell the game. That's where DLC comes in. You'll get your MMH, Powergirl, Lobo, and other characters they didn't need right off the bat. Catwoman, Harley, Bane, Nightwing, and especially Joker...are all going to play their roles in the story mode. They aren't there, just to have more Batman characters. It's not like we have Man-Bat and the Clock King in here. We have characters that will serve a purpose. That's all that matters.


WB should have a say in who goes in, as well as DC. It's their characters. They own full rights. Wouldn't you want NRS to have some say in who goes into a game, if someone else were to use MK characters?

It's a collaboration. Boon has said that both NRS and DC discuss who should be included. And frankly, the roster is stacked. Whether you hate a couple of Batman characters or Teen Titans or whoever, nobody can argue against just how great the roster is. You are getting the cream of the crop.

At the end of the day, the characters that are included are for a good reason. I don't know how many times I have to say that. They did not just pick these names from a hat. The roster is something they put a lot of thought into, and make sure that every character is included to tell the story they want to tell, and offer a fun gameplay experience. The characters that are left out, are the ones that aren't needed for the story, for unique gameplay, or to sell the game. That's where DLC comes in. You'll get your MMH, Powergirl, Lobo, and other characters they didn't need right off the bat. Catwoman, Harley, Bane, Nightwing, and especially Joker...are all going to play their roles in the story mode. They aren't there, just to have more Batman characters. It's not like we have Man-Bat and the Clock King in here. We have characters that will serve a purpose. That's all that matters.
in some cases i believe free reign is ok and nrs should have that these guys are known to really please there fanbase and imo they dont need wb on there back saying well so and so sells more than the other .

same with a company like bioware they use to have free reighn until ea basicly said do this that bla bla and yet bioware was the creator of the series mass effect

hell as far as im concerned since nrs is doing a marvel lego game how cool would it have been if they got iron man to appear in injustice as a exclusive fan charachter and to promote the iron man 3 film wich is out may 3rd?

just think of the possibilites what nrs can do if we get a dc vs marvel title if injustice sells well and sits well amongst the fans

im not asking for mk style gore or fatalities but i feel a game like that could really make us nerds nerdgasim


King of Heroes
I personally find Black Adam to be the biggest waste of a character slot this side of Injustice. Catwoman is a close second. With Cyborg and Raven being 3 and 4.

EDIT: NVM make Grundy replace Cyborg and Raven. Grundy is just.....ugh. ((Yet Imma still main him.....))