it's true but... my standard for 'quality comics' is significantly higher now than I was a kid: I still like to follow the news, the comicdom, but I read only the comics written by few 'selected' authors. Often weeks later the release dates.
I'd buy more at a lower price, but the real issue is the poor quality of the stories.
The worst thing about DC after the reboot is the 'editorial chaos': too many authors reported interferences by some kind of Warner appointed managers; the continuity is in the most complete disarray and I find very difficult to care about series that could be ended after half a dozen issues.
It's a couple of years now, DC did the best to become like Marvel: the sales got up really quick and stayed there for almost an year, now the Marvel relaunch is doing pretty good in sales and all around quality, and DC is going down again... I want to say that a relaunch would be enough to boost the sales, like Marvel did, without another Crisis to broke years-long storylines like Brightest Day, Hawkman or Batman inc.