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Something that needs to be said


Zoning Master
This thread needs more Smoke bashing.

In all seriousness, every character aside from Kabal has two or more weaknesses in this game. That is why every character has bad match ups aside from Kabal. So if you want to bad match ups, use Kabal.
Just so you know, cyrax gets nothing from hitting you with d3. He's only +1 on hit, you can blow him up if he starts trying to pressure you with his only hit-confimable strings (11, 12, 21) before they even come out with your 21. Maybe you're giving Cyrax too much respect after that d3 hits, it seems.
Tell that to the people who ever got hit by a d3~net. Or d3~buzzsaw for the low risktaker.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Tell that to the people who ever got hit by a d3~net. Or d3~buzzsaw for the low risktaker.
Literally robbed me of my words. If someone is not respecting your D3 as Cyrax then just freaking cancel it into net and that will pretty much solve your problem since they will respect it forever after... GGA HAN gets the "Come on, mannnnnn" reply of the day.
So what you are saying is that Lao has to make reads to win? Cry me a river, Lao doesn't have 10+ bad matchups. Learn to deal with it or use somebody else.
Dude hush EVERYTHING your char does is safe and does hella damage. I would love to see how good you do when you have to finally guess with your life bar to damage someone. Everything shang pokes with is a damn safe hit confirmable launcher. You have a grab that gives you health bar a half screen safe armor attack that makes you the super version of your opponents character. Shang has like barely any problems vs crouch with f4, f3 and b2. You have a safe mid or low mixup that goes into combo or soul steal that you can do off of jump in or whenever you get frame adv. Shang builds meter like a fucking champion. Shang is also the reason why every char in the game was handed armor like it was a candy. Just cause you and your shang army just now figured out what is needed to win with don't act like you play these super uphill battles. You can poke with ADV ON BLOCK fireballs that are also launchers.

Dude hush EVERYTHING your char does is safe and does hella damage. I would love to see how good you do when you have to finally guess with your life bar to damage someone. Everything shang pokes with is a damn safe hit confirmable launcher. You have a grab that gives you health bar a half screen safe armor attack that makes you the super version of your opponents character. Shang has like barely any problems vs crouch with f4, f3 and b2. You have a safe mid or low mixup that goes into combo or soul steal that you can do off of jump in or whenever you get frame adv. Shang builds meter like a fucking champion. Shang is also the reason why every char in the game was handed armor like it was a candy. Just cause you and your shang army just now figured out what is needed to win with don't act like you play these super uphill battles. You can poke with ADV ON BLOCK fireballs that are also launchers.

Shang is by FAR the most underrated character in the game.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Shang is by FAR the most underrated character in the game.
I didn't say that Shang wasn't good- I think he is definitely a solid character. But you can't tell me that he has less bad MU's than Lao. Working hard and making reads is all part of the game. Even the top tiers aren't exempt.


Joker waiting room
im about to for lunch over at some friends, man, there are hamburgers, sausages and all sorts of nice shit