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Who Does The Communtiy Want to Send to Final Round for Pure Hype and to Win it All?

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  • Poll closed .

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
The options?

Khaotikx: A boring zoner (tournament kitana number 64)
Curbo: A guy who is hype but has since gone to the dark side
Death: the sheriff of the matchup police, even for characters he doesn't play
Blake: Mains Sonya... enough said
Mr. Mileena: A DOUBLY boring zoner (tournament Kitana number 81)
Gross: Brags about beating Perfect Legend 8 months ago.

ME: Character loyalist that rushes down, zones, and outfootsies his opponents in addition to playing most characters at a high level. I have the best chance of doing well at FR, especially since I own the soul of the guy that is helping to organize it ;)


The options?

Khaotikx: A boring zoner (tournament kitana number 64)
Curbo: A guy who is hype but has since gone to the dark side
Death: the sheriff of the matchup police, even for characters he doesn't play
Blake: Mains Sonya... enough said
Mr. Mileena: A DOUBLY boring zoner (tournament Kitana number 81)
Gross: Brags about beating Perfect Legend 8 months ago.

ME: Character loyalist that rushes down, zones, and outfootsies his opponents in addition to playing most characters at a high level. I have the best chance of doing well at FR, especially since I own the soul of the guy that is helping to organize it ;)
i think cowboy just hinted at possibly rigging the brackets... oh boy


The options?

Khaotikx: A boring zoner (tournament kitana number 64)
Curbo: A guy who is hype but has since gone to the dark side
Death: the sheriff of the matchup police, even for characters he doesn't play
Blake: Mains Sonya... enough said
Mr. Mileena: A DOUBLY boring zoner (tournament Kitana number 81)
Gross: Brags about beating Perfect Legend 8 months ago.

ME: Character loyalist that rushes down, zones, and outfootsies his opponents in addition to playing most characters at a high level. I have the best chance of doing well at FR, especially since I own the soul of the guy that is helping to organize it ;)

I respect this post.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I said it already, but again I really want to know why Gross is on this list if he is sponsored by VxG Elite?

Shouldn't sponsored players sort of be ineligible?


TYM White Knight
I believe in Mr.Mileena. Stand up guy, always voiced his opinion, never mean, very intelligent, but critical when he has to be.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I told Mr Mileena to talk some shit and get the pot stirring...he said, "no mike, I'm not that mean. If I'm gonna win its because they like the nice me."

So by default...I will call them out on all the mean things they are saying.

"First off, why is his name Mr. Mileena when he doesn't even main the character? Shouldn't his name be Mr. Kitana, or Mr. Sindel, or Mr. Edenian, or some shit of that nature? What a dumbass. But besides that, you guys are voting for a guy who hasn't been in a tournament in over a year?! Not only that, you wanna see him wreck shit with A FISH CHARACTER?!? LBSH, the only hype Sindel will EVER get is in Story Mode when she annihilates nearly the entire cast. Voting for this guy...sheesh..."
- Cursing and putdowns will not get you anywhere...sooo mean

Curbo: Hasn't said anything but has a history of trashtalk and cockiness

Death: Hasn't said anything, but he wears hoodies and you can never trust a guy in a hoodie Big D

Blake: Blake is almost as nice as Mr Mileena...Almost ;)

Wounded Cowboy:
"A DOUBLY boring zoner (tournament Kitana number 81)"
"I have improved in every tournament I have been to and I have beaten more top players than almost everyone on this list. What have the other candidates said to make you think that they will improve?"
- so mean man. Joe loves you. You should feel terrible for saying such mean things.

Gross: Entertaining, but he has a mean streak...I just know it (im totally guessing here)

Joe said this:

"As far as my case, I'm just quite honored to be even placed among 7 great players. I cannot promise anything, but I will promise I will try my hardest to do well. At Battle and Brew, I will not hesitate to go all 100% Sindel or Jade. I will try my best with Kitana at Final Round, and will not be afraid to pull out my Sindel if need be.

I won't talk smack, I won't promise anything, but I would appreciate your votes since I have been MIA for almost a year. Whoever wins this I will be extremely happy for. This is ,again, a kind gesture from Reno Racks.

Good luck to all and no matter what, 1 person will be given the chance to attend this. All that matters."
Vote for the nice guy...not the meanies

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The options?

Khaotikx: A boring zoner (tournament kitana number 64)
Curbo: A guy who is hype but has since gone to the dark side
Death: the sheriff of the matchup police, even for characters he doesn't play
Blake: Mains Sonya... enough said
Mr. Mileena: A DOUBLY boring zoner (tournament Kitana number 81)
Gross: Brags about beating Perfect Legend 8 months ago.

ME: Character loyalist that rushes down, zones, and outfootsies his opponents in addition to playing most characters at a high level. I have the best chance of doing well at FR, especially since I own the soul of the guy that is helping to organize it ;)
You have my vote just to get you out of the comfort zone of the west coast.

And its kinda fun to see you crush dreams. Players just do not know what to do against Shang.

I like all the other players and all...... but i'm just sick of seeing Kitana and Kabal and Sonya.

Crush their dreams Wound.