Salt Proprietor of TYM
Wow, those people seem really mean. ;_; I'm glad I voted for Mr. Mileena.I told Mr Mileena to talk some shit and get the pot stirring...he said, "no mike, I'm not that mean. If I'm gonna win its because they like the nice me."
So by default...I will call them out on all the mean things they are saying.
- Cursing and putdowns will not get you anywhere...sooo mean
Curbo: Hasn't said anything but has a history of trashtalk and cockiness
Death: Hasn't said anything, but he wears hoodies and you can never trust a guy in a hoodie Big D
Blake: Blake is almost as nice as Mr Mileena...Almost
Wounded Cowboy:
- so mean man. Joe loves you. You should feel terrible for saying such mean things.
Gross: Entertaining, but he has a mean streak...I just know it (im totally guessing here)
Joe said this:
Vote for the nice guy...not the meanies