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Weight loss and Working out: Before and After


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Fuck yes dude! That's exactly what I like to see! Self control and discipline combined with a little motivation always produces results! My results haven't been anywhere near this great, but I have went from 225 a year ago to 198 today, and I'm working on trying to drop about 5-10 more before May! I will post some pictures later if I get the chance. :) Again fantastic stuff man and keep it up!!


Administrator and Community Engineer
This is excellent.. And it will pay off in so many ways. Really excited for you man, keep it up.


Awesome stuff Phil! This is really inspiring! Truly deserve it man :)

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2


I kninda miss the 288 Phil :( (kidding of course you look way more healthy now, keep it up buddy)

But now you look more like Coach Phil who would snag everything at the hot corner :)


I kninda miss the 288 Phil :( (kidding of course you look way more healthy now, keep it up buddy)

But now you look more like Coach Phil who would snag everything at the hot corner :)
Man, those days... LOL.... now I'm on the mound protecting the middle... fortunately I'm no longer a HUGE target...LOL

DJ L Toro

I keep starting and stopping. But i'm going to start again today and i'll post my results

Edit: Because i'm a tall person posting pics of me in clothes doesnt show that i've gotten to 275, but i'll edit this post with a picture of my most recent ripped size 38 pants.


I've know nothing of shooting-box ....:)

Any team could simply put 7 players between SS and 3B and make an easy out on you...LOL....

Kombat Nazi, however, thinks that pitchers are his personal bowling pins.


Any team could simply put 7 players between SS and 3B and make an easy out on you...LOL....

Kombat Nazi, however, thinks that pitchers are his personal bowling pins.
closer to 7 left fielders but yea, true :)

lol Kombat Nazi... He was ALWAYS good for 2 things, A) Getting hurt some how some way (but never serious enough to leave the game) and B) Attack the ump.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Im glad you chose to share your battle here. It is inspiring!

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


Well, I've been working out isometrically for a while now. Crunches, pushups, squats. I also do the stationary bike when I have time at the end of the night... 23 minute sessions.

I used to actually have a Weider universal weight unit in my house, but when I moved out it stayed. I may be moving it to my job though.

Today, I bought the Aylio Ultimate Resistance Band Set. I don't have the room at my house for the Weider, so this is a really good alternative.

I almost want to participate in this just to further guilt myself into sticking to a solid workout regimen. Weekly pictures that I only look at once every like 3 months maybe so the changes in my body become more apparent? Usually I just go whenever I feel like and bike for some random amount of time... last night was 38 minutes at a resistance setting of 10 out of a max of 20... only went like 8 miles and only burned like 300 calories though. Is that even any good? It seems low :\

Of course mega props to Phil for his progress. It's awesome to see how much you've lost already.


I almost want to participate in this just to further guilt myself into sticking to a solid workout regimen. Weekly pictures that I only look at once every like 3 months maybe so the changes in my body become more apparent? Usually I just go whenever I feel like and bike for some random amount of time... last night was 38 minutes at a resistance setting of 10 out of a max of 20... only went like 8 miles and only burned like 300 calories though. Is that even any good? It seems low :\

Of course mega props to Phil for his progress. It's awesome to see how much you've lost already.
23 mins for me is about 5 miles and 180 calories on a 7 out of 10 setting depending. I also get to choose which course the bike will follow, so it simulates different inclines, terrain, etc... so I change it regularly, but 5 miles/180 calories seems to be my average, so I'd say you're pretty much on a similar pace.

I will say, using myfitnesspal and making my diary public is very sobering. Every day I, and everyone else, get to see exactly what I ate that day. It makes me accountable. The pictures show the progress too. It's good seeing a visual of the change because day to day you barely notice it, but when you see the change in picture form, you can REALLY see changes.
I'll have to look into starting my own account there. The whole forcing yourself to be accountable bit really gets me interested :)

Phil, which do you find harder; exercise itself or the diet that you have to follow?