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Final Round 16 - Trailer & Extra Info from Pig of the Hut


Come March 29th-31st this year in Atlanta Georgia, an event called Final Round will be taking place on the East Coast. This event is just over a month away and will be showcasing Mortal Kombat 9. This event will be particularly exciting for the players who live in the area that aren't able to travel as much as others including L0rdOfTheFly and many more who have the potential to show up. For those who may be unfamiliar with the hype and tradition that Final Round has brought over the years, that is what this tournament trailer is for... to suck you in!

In addition, some words from your swine leader, Pig of the Hut!

Final Round website: http://www.finalround.org/ <-----Pre-register!

Final Round Stream Links
www.Twitch.tv/Streamofthehut MAIN STREAM FOR MK9 (Including top 8)

www.twitch.tv/atlantakombat 2nd stream for MK9 that will be on same time as main stream to cover more matches for community



What's a Smarrgasm?
Well now my thread seems of lesser need lol. Storms how much i gotta pay you to get one of those player profiles leading up to final round? The prince of edenia wants to be feared.


This one's for you
The whole 2 people from Tennessee are coming and training hardcore. Can't wait :D
Edit: The pool release party sounds awesome, everybody preregister!


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
Toasty tournament sounds like a ton of fun, if a miracle happens with my passport I might just be able to make it to this. Stream setup sounds awesome too so either way will get to enjoy it :)