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Question Reptile Q and A Thread


So I have some questions, and instead of making a whole thread about it, I decided to drop them here.

I need help with Reptile's spacing. I end up accidentally dashing and getting full-combo punished way too often. By accident, I mean that I mis-judge the space between myself and my opponent more than I should. Is there any technique to try and remind yourself of the distance?

Also, I feel like outside of getting a forceball on screen and dashing, Reptile has trouble following up or coming in. I may be wrong, but at some distances trying to drop a forceball will only get you murdered.

Which leads to my next issue: Reptile's normals. Is it just me, or is there a distance where every one of his pokes, normals, etc simply can't reach the opponent? I feel like there is a part of the screen where I have no safe options and am at the mercy of my opponent.

Just in general, how do you teach yourself the spacing of Reptile's dash/normals?
Honestly just playing a lot man. The distances will become second nature.



Hey guys... anybody got some tips for dealing with KL's ex teleport? Seems like 1 of 2 things always happens to me... either i get the monkey on my back throw if I don't try to get away or I get a blank ex tele with the armor on the 1,2 string if I try to get away... Halp!!


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey guys... anybody got some tips for dealing with KL's ex teleport? Seems like 1 of 2 things always happens to me... either i get the monkey on my back throw if I don't try to get away or I get a blank ex tele with the armor on the 1,2 string if I try to get away... Halp!!
You could always just dash or walk back.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
isn't there a type of phase that reptile can do midscreen? not the ghost one but like he elbow dashes to the otherside and crouches and somehow ends up in their hitbox...or am i mistaken?
isn't there a type of phase that reptile can do midscreen? not the ghost one but like he elbow dashes to the otherside and crouches and somehow ends up in their hitbox...or am i mistaken?
He can elbow dash past them when they're knocked down, but I've never heard of anything like that before
hmm maybe it IS only in the corner u can do something like that...
If they're JUST outside the elbow dash range, you can elbow in then dash in some more and be "inside" them, but I don't really see a use for that cause reptile gets hurt in the corner.
It'd be better just to dash in for that juicy 321 ah, 7% chip i think? And builds half a bar of meter lol.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
If they're JUST outside the elbow dash range, you can elbow in then dash in some more and be "inside" them, but I don't really see a use for that cause reptile gets hurt in the corner.
It'd be better just to dash in for that juicy 321 ah, 7% chip i think? And builds half a bar of meter lol.
yeah, altho i still use dash shenanigans in the corner, similar to how smoke uses his smokeaway in the corner.