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Dealing With the Runaway Problem, and Growing Our Sport


most of the "new" top players are going to be mvc and sf heads like filipino champ, dieminion, etc. and other game tourney goers pros... dont cry when most of the new dominating pros in tournaments dont even care about tym.... injustice is not only about of this community or the mk community any more.... ALL gaming communities are looking into it and i see... it will be fortunate if any of tym current top players can stand up and compete with those legends when injustice comes out.... its time for a new era and the standard FGC regulation to hit this place....
Just because there are people from other games looking into Injustice does not mean they'll dominate at all.

We will have new top players.


so you think these new top players will be different from all the super top players in all other communities... u really think this community is going to be graced by the mesiah all-knowing-and-sharing top fairy tale players that have nothing better to do then help noobs? this community is not special or better than all others... it will suffer the same fate...


so you think these new top players will be different from all the super top players in all other communities... u really think this community is going to be graced by the mesiah all-knowing-and-sharing top fairy tale players that have nothing better to do then help noobs? this community is not special or better than all others... it will suffer the same fate...
Considering the top players here generally have shared all their tech, yes I do think so. I'm not talking about just TYM though. The attention this game has been getting is a good sign we'll be seeing good players from all over.

Stop downplaying the forum ffs, more than just the top players contribute and discuss. Take your negativity somewhere else.
I agree with Wonder Chef, hype and drama are not synonymous. Hype, is waiting for a marquee matchup to happen in game between players or their characters, skill, etc.

Drama is when you try to degrade and devalue a player(s) accomplishment and calling them names, and throwing subtle direct and indirect personal insults mixed in with in-game beef, by using the avenue of forum posts and threads that blatantly reek of who you're trying to
"blow up". That's really the opposite, I don't consider that hype.

In my opinion.


I believe in posting for the evolution of the way the game is played, I don't think it would help players by advising them to throw out D1 spears. If you have space to throw a poke out, you have space to do something else other than risk losing half a life bar.

I'm not going any further into this topic though.

My posts aren't based on real experience either? Do I not actually play MK? What have I been doing?
I still do not think you understand what slips was trying to say by what you are saying now.

I completely understand what he is explaining, and I use the same tactic with ermac d1~lift.
a lot of ermacs are doing this now against heavy rush down characters with a lot of success.
This sort of tactic worked against players i played like cdjr and reo last time i was chilling with them in nyc.
Go ahead and tell me they suck or they need to level up. if you played reo today, you'd be wearing bandages again.

I am not one to come into arguments or even step into these threads, but you really are arrogant and ignorant to other people's
train of thought some times. its like you think you are the best or something and always have something to prove.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I still do not think you understand what slips was trying to say by what you are saying now.

I completely understand what he is explaining, and I use the same tactic with ermac d1~lift.
a lot of ermacs are doing this now against heavy rush down characters with a lot of success.
This sort of tactic worked against players i played like cdjr and reo last time i was chilling with them in nyc.
Go ahead and tell me they suck or they need to level up. if you played reo today, you'd be wearing bandages again.

I am not one to come into arguments or even step into these threads, but you really are arrogant and ignorant to other people's
train of thought some times. its like you think you are the best or something and always have something to prove.
I understand exactly what he was trying to say, but I still dont see it as a good idea.

O btw, REO can level up, but I cant? GTFO Zaf...


I understand exactly what he was trying to say, but I still dont see it as a good idea.
no you dont. i honestly believe you do not understand at all. It is posts like yours in that thread that make good viable options for characters never see the light of day. Im not saying it is only you, but other players like you on this site who have the same mentality. When other players start to use things or try new tactics that really could get their character some where, they instantly think " what would TYM think? This probably does suck". Then you will get your players who do find those things and post them regardless and get nothing but shit on for it.

you might of maybe tried scoprion or ermac, but im willing to bet you never pushed the characters to their competitive level.
You can keep theory fighting your way out of this, but im willing to bet if you ever played slips you would be hit by d1~spear.
a lot too.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
no you dont. i honestly believe you do not understand at all. It is posts like yours in that thread that make good viable options for characters never see the light of day. Im not saying it is only you, but other players like you on this site who have the same mentality. When other players start to use things or try new tactics that really could get their character some where, they instantly think " what would TYM think? This probably does suck". Then you will get your players who do find those things and post them regardless and get nothing but shit on for it.

you might of maybe tried scoprion or ermac, but im willing to bet you never pushed the characters to their competitive level.
You can keep theory fighting your way out of this, but im willing to bet if you ever played slips you would be hit by d1~spear.
a lot too.
I'm not stupid enough to get into an argument about something I dont understand, you're all saying that the +13 cancel advantage on hit is enough to make the spear come out and catch an opponent who is either not hitconfirming their pokes or mashing.

My argument is that that shouldnt work against opponents who hitconfirm their shit, know the holes in their offense and aren't mashing.
I can understand the logic behind D1 into specials, but not D1 into FULL COMBO PUNISHABLE SPECIALS.

MK is an incredibly easy game to understand, but apprently its hard to understand that you can get the same benefits by doing D1~safe special, compared to risking everything with a D1~Unsafe special.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
no you dont. i honestly believe you do not understand at all. It is posts like yours in that thread that make good viable options for characters never see the light of day. Im not saying it is only you, but other players like you on this site who have the same mentality. When other players start to use things or try new tactics that really could get their character some where, they instantly think " what would TYM think? This probably does suck". Then you will get your players who do find those things and post them regardless and get nothing but shit on for it.

you might of maybe tried scoprion or ermac, but im willing to bet you never pushed the characters to their competitive level.
You can keep theory fighting your way out of this, but im willing to bet if you ever played slips you would be hit by d1~spear.
a lot too.
I think you are confusing arrogance with just being straight forward.
You sir are the same way.


Also using Tom Brady as an example in the "top players leaving tym" is kinda silly. Tom takes everything to heart, I love the guy but he catches feels of anything that is ever directed to him, and i swear I have million example threw out mk9 life span to showcase that if need be. He will come back to tym, and leave again its fine.


TYM White Knight
zaf A F0xy Grampa

Take it to pm. 10 bucks says your issue gets resolved within 3 posts.

This is exactly what I am talking about.

Instead of this eye rolling moronic bitchery (because lets face it...the argument is fucking stupid) take it to PM and deal with it there. Then, pride is eliminated and a serious discussion can be had.


LBSH, This is a community where the average age of it's members I think is safe to say fall between 20~25 who are predominantly male. That's a pretty testosterone-driven age group. Add in the fact that this is a competative community. Cover this up with the anonymity of the internet and we have one hell of a potential clusterfuck cake. I don't mean to disregard the ladies in the community, but generally speaking, the ladies are smart enough to avoid most of the drama.

What I'm talking about here is restraint and maturity. If we went to a job acting the way we do here, there wouldn't be too many of us working. It goes with the territory of being a responsible adult; just because you CAN, in no way means you SHOULD. Showing up late to tournaments expecting to get in, playing casuals till 7am then bitching because you slept throgh your match or people say you stink is all on you. It was your decision to stay up that late so tough titties. It's the same thing on the forums. The saying is "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" not "If you don't have anything nice to say, troll the fuck outta them".

As far as the top players leaving goes, you reap what you sow. I totally agree that the top players have had to deal with shit and are probably tired of it. In a lot of cases however, those same top players have drawn the attention towards themselves with their posts and opinions, showing a lack of restraint on their own part. Now before people start thinking I'm picking on the top players only, remember that this door swings both ways. Top players are sick of being challenged by scrubs that don't know what they're talking about, but those same top players have been known to crap on intellingent comments from less-known players. The only real difference here is that the top players think they are in a position to throw a hissy fit and "retire" and the community will fall flat on it's face without them. Sorry about your damned luck guys, but we're still here and still planning on kicking your asses the next time we see you in a tournament ;)

I think it's hilarious that one of the things that we've been talking about here is drama caused by players posting on "troll acoounts" when there is a top player keeping his eye on this very thread under a troll account :p I do have to give Pig Of The Hut props tho. He at least had the balls to show up here, on his main account and still try to help the community in his own way; even after how he's been treated. While I have your attention tho dood, I gotta put ya on blast real quick. You've been a member of TYM for how long and you STILL don't know how to multi-quote :p

I have also been thinking a lot about the whole "stategy guide" idea for TYM. First off, that's the main reason why the majority of us are here. We like our tech, our metagame discussions because we want to get better at our game for whatever reason; be it for tournaments, or online or just to kick the crap outta our buddies over beers on a Saturday night. But I can understand the need for funs too. What I would like to see is that things are put into their proper places so that the individual can choose what they want to see when. If you want tech, go to the tech boards. If you want sexy gifs, go to that section in the General Discussion boards. If you want online discussions... you get the idea. It all goes back to what I said in the beginning about restraint and maturity. Don't bring a "Yo momma" joke into a tech discussion thread or troll someone who may have a different opinion from you. Take it to the appropriate board or PM if need be.

We can all be mature adults if we want to be, we just have to want to be.

OH! And to all those wanna-be douchebags that want to leave our community in a huff (this goes for everyone! Not just "top players") PLEASE let the door hit you in the ass on the way out :ex :coffee:

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I don't understand the non-pro groupthink mentality that if top players stop posting, they will not be able to level up their characters. The truth is, there is a great deal of information on this site for every character because we have passionate players representing those characters and already pushing them to their limits. If you have a question about <insert character here>, there's probably already been a thread addressing it. We have very in-depth character guides and frame data. We have lists of the largest practical BnB's for every character for every situation. We have hours upon hours of tournament footage of the best players doing their thing. We have threads for risk/reward tech (aka mindgames). We have a fairly stabilized tier list. Of course match-up threads will not always agree because players will always play characters differently from each other and have their own personal good/bad matchups.

In this way, the community is already largely successful. If someone picked up MK today and really read through the forums, they would have more info than they would probably know what to do with. That's the groundwork for leveling up. However, real leveling up comes from grinding out matches and playing people. If you think that the only thing holding you back is that some OTHER (pro) player is hiding back super secret broken tech from you, or hasn't found it yet (and you log on with the anticipation of them graciously revealing it to you), you're out of your fucking mind. The truth is, anyone can take the tools that are already layed out here and utilize them to win a tournament if they train hard with friends and really try to better themselves as a player.

So what's the point to all of this? It's that when we say things like "REO and CDJR have left the community", or whatever, what are you really commenting on? The great majority of pro players on this site have already given us more than our fair share of information and useful posts. Reo has given us tons of videos and guides for characters he doesn't even play that still hold value today. Brady has left us with a wealth of sub-zero knowledge that's still here. If you want to use this site as a means to better understand MK or level up, the pros "haven't gone anywhere", so to speak. If you have questions, forum mods can and do direct you to the appropriate answer if it's been discussed before (as many things have that can have concrete answers). If you want to use this site for trolling, random conversation, comedy, or even drama, you can (and often do) do that too, and that's fine; but the top players don't owe it to you to participate in that.

The next time you ask yourself "why hasn't pro player X posted to TYM, and does this mean it is dead?", consider: what do you want them to post? Do you want pressing character questions to be answered? We have plenty of people who are competent and can do that (and it's up to you to figure out whose opinion you feel is valid and who you don't want to listen to), and plenty of forum to scroll through to find your answer. Do you want to engage them in troll conversation to which they have every right to ignore (because you're wasting their time)? Do you simply want other people to supply you with an infinite amount of new tech and secrets? There's plenty of that, but if you want more you should go find it yourself (or admit that we actually HAVE uncovered a lot about this game already).

tl;dr: pros "not posting" anymore doesn't mean you can't get better. It also doesn't mean you have to stop having fun on this site.
God this SO MUCH.

Honestly, as someone who plays a lot of fighting games, I can say that I have never ever seen a forum with as much info or organization as TYM. Someone was talking to me about learning Ibuki the other day, and they were mentioning how hard it is to find all of the info you need even on SRK, and I agree. I was looking up Skullgirls stuff over there and had to go through 9 pages of a thread to find an updated BnB. A lot of other forums like tekken zaibatsu, dreamcancel, etc. are even worse. The only one that comes close to TYM for me is Dustloop (I love them)

I don't think anyone realizes just how much TYM has spoiled us as far as info and organization goes.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
God this SO MUCH.

Honestly, as someone who plays a lot of fighting games, I can say that I have never ever seen a forum with as much info or organization as TYM. Someone was talking to me about learning Ibuki the other day, and they were mentioning how hard it is to find all of the info you need even on SRK, and I agree. I was looking up Skullgirls stuff over there and had to go through 9 pages of a thread to find an updated BnB. A lot of other forums like tekken zaibatsu, dreamcancel, etc. are even worse. The only one that comes close to TYM for me is Dustloop (I love them)

I don't think anyone realizes just how much TYM has spoiled us as far as info and organization goes.
and to clarify, I don't mean to bash any of those sites, they are all good sites that are doing great things.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
I'm not stupid enough to get into an argument about something I dont understand, you're all saying that the +13 cancel advantage on hit is enough to make the spear come out and catch an opponent who is either not hitconfirming their pokes or mashing.

My argument is that that shouldnt work against opponents who hitconfirm their shit, know the holes in their offense and aren't mashing.
I can understand the logic behind D1 into specials, but not D1 into FULL COMBO PUNISHABLE SPECIALS.

MK is an incredibly easy game to understand, but apprently its hard to understand that you can get the same benefits by doing D1~safe special, compared to risking everything with a D1~Unsafe special.
Do you not understand that Scorpion can't win some mtachups by 'playing it safe'? Do you really think Scorpion's best chance against Cage, Kabal, Sonya, Kitana and Cyrax rushdown is doing 12 to 15% whenever he guesses right while these other characters do 45 to 100% when they guess right? Its great that the top characters have launchers that are safe and/or have armor, but not all characters have that blessing. Scorpion being one of them.

Is spear full combo punishable? Sure it is.

And one spear can end a round. High risk/unlimited reward is the ONLY thing he's got in order to win. He has to do it. Its the nature of how he has to be played if people are serious about using him at a high level.

Would it be possible that maybe Slips, who has been maining Scorpion since MK9's release; who has won tournaments with Scorpion; who has made top 8 at major tournamnts with Scorpion, who has been top players with Scorpion; who plays with some of the best comp in the country with Scorpion; ACTUALLY understands how to win with Scorpion better than Foxy Grandpa's side-playing online warrior theory-fighting Scorpion?

If the community's answer is anything less than 'yes' then we know what the problem is.


Do you not understand that Scorpion can't win some mtachups by 'playing it safe'? Do you really think Scorpion's best chance against Cage, Kabal, Sonya, Kitana and Cyrax rushdown is doing 12 to 15% whenever he guesses right while these other characters do 45 to 100% when they guess right? Its great that the top characters have launchers that are safe and/or have armor, but not all characters have that blessing. Scorpion being one of them.

Is spear full combo punishable? Sure it is.

And one spear can end a round. High risk/unlimited reward is the ONLY thing he's got in order to win. He has to do it. Its the nature of how he has to be played if people are serious about using him at a high level.

Would it be possible that maybe Slips, who has been maining Scorpion since MK9's release; who has won tournaments with Scorpion; who has made top 8 at major tournamnts with Scorpion, who has been top players with Scorpion; who is plays with some of the best comp in the country with Scorpion; ACTUALLY understands how to win with Scorpion better than Foxy Grandpa's side-playing online warrior Scorpion?

If the community's answer is anything less than 'yes' then we know what the problem is.



TYM White Knight
The fact that all of these "pros" are coming out of the woodwork to only participate in more forum drama is a detriment to their cry that the community constantly blows them up. Seriously guys come on. Lead the community. This has nothing to do with Scorpion tech being viable or not. You are all fighting amongst each other and instead of having the balls to discuss something with maturity through pm, where it would be resolved quickly, you are airing your shit out in public where the flames get fanned, and beckons the shit storm.

I cannot honestly take anyone seriously when they preach about the community itself doing them wrong, when they participate in exposures, call outs, and douchebaggary.

Model the behavior you want.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The fact that all of these "pros" are coming out of the woodwork to only participate in more forum drama is a detriment to their cry that the community constantly blows them up. Seriously guys come on. Lead the community. This has nothing to do with Scorpion tech being viable or not. You are all fighting amongst each other and instead of having the balls to discuss something with maturity through pm, where it would be resolved quickly, you are airing your shit out in public where the flames get fanned, and beckons the shit storm.

I cannot honestly take anyone seriously when they preach about the community itself doing them wrong, when they participate in exposures, call outs, and douchebaggary.

Model the behavior you want.
You're like the mother trying to get their sons to quit fighting each other

Funny part is one player is arguing one thing.... and the other player is arguing something completely different.
Love it.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
TL;DR post: No matter how dumb this place can get, I would consider TYM a godsend compared to places like SRK and TZ where there's either trolls everywhere and maximum bias, or a semi ghost town with online players talking mad shit which would make MKU look like heaven, and character downplayers (TZ mama kazama forum) that makes the trio of tears (wafflez ribbz frothy) seem like they are trying to prove to everyone that Smoke is 2nd best in the game.