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Confirmed Characters


bye felicia
It means the poll only has enough room for the triple As, ie: the characters everybody (including your mom, that hipster that works at starbucks, those kids who dress up like Harry Potter, that weird guy with the aquafina horn) knows and not every character in the game because if people look at the poll and then have to go to Wikipedia for a quick refresher on who both of the contestants are, then it is a failed popularity contest.

With the exception of Harley, who probably only got the bid because the game doesn't have enough girls, nobody on display here hasn't grown so big that they've escaped the 8-18 demographic that typically encompasses comic fans, therefore no sensible marketing exec would include a nobody like Hawkgirl or Raven up on display while they are still sitting on 1/3rd of the cast from Batman's most recent trillion dollar film.


Man of Tomorrow
Because you can showcase characters to a mainstream audience that aren't well known. Why not throw up a Raven, Hawkwoman, Shazam, what have you when you've got a ton of people voting for prizes and watching these videos? The people are gonna vote, no need to simply have the A+ mainstream heroes.


If they are only going to have triple A in the show I guess we can count out Nightwing, Solomon grundy, Cyborg and Deathstroke since none of them are that well know.
It means the poll only has enough room for the triple As, ie: the characters everybody (including your mom, that hipster that works at starbucks, those kids who dress up like Harry Potter, that weird guy with the aquafina horn) knows and not every character in the game because if people look at the poll and then have to go to Wikipedia for a quick refresher on who both of the contestants are, then it is a failed popularity contest.

With the exception of Harley, who probably only got the bid because the game doesn't have enough girls, nobody on display here hasn't grown so big that they've escaped the 8-18 demographic that typically encompasses comic fans, therefore no sensible marketing exec would include a nobody like Hawkgirl or Raven up on display while they are still sitting on 1/3rd of the cast from Batman's most recent trillion dollar film.
Then why the heck was Shazam up there? Hm?


bye felicia
I think you don't understand the concept. This isn't a showcase. This isn't a tribute to the characters. This isn't even about doing market research. This is about hype. This is about getting people to drop $60 on a game. You want to know why the front runners are in the poll and not the b tiers? Compare the hype in this video;



Man of Tomorrow
I think you don't understand the concept. This isn't a showcase. This isn't a tribute to the characters. This isn't even about doing market research. This is about hype. This is about getting people to drop $60 on a game. You want to know why the front runners are in the poll and not the b tiers? Compare the hype in this video;

The people already know what characters are in the game and they're gonna get gameplay footage one way or another so why do they need to vote for only the A+ people in the game to further increase their hype?


bye felicia
Then why the heck was Shazam up there? Hm?
Because he's one of the oldest comic book characters of all time? Because once upon a time Shazam was as big a pop culture icon as both the Hulk and Superman? Because he had his own television show and everyone in the world knows the exclamation Shazam?!


bye felicia
The people already know what characters are in the game and they're gonna get gameplay footage one way or another so why do they need to vote for only the A+ people in the game to further increase their hype?
WE know. The forum dwellers. The comment monsters. The obsessives. But we are already sold or unsold. Marketing does not matter to us, so we do not matter to marketing. I would think by now anyone following this game would know that inescapably.

Facebook and Twitter polls are not for us. Perky hosts with bad jokes and celebrity interviews are not for us Weekly giveaways and even Gamestop promos are not for us. They are for the unwashed masses who have no idea what this is, have only a passing interest in comic books, and need a reason to budget $60 of their mid-april paycheck to Warner Bros.


bye felicia
I'm not even sure what you're suggesting. It all matters. 10 weeks, sixteen huge comic stars, tons of money (or favors) poured into presentation, and anybody with a twitter / facebook, (ie: anybody) gets to play along. It's genius.

Unless you mean stretch it out to a 32 man tourney (assuming there's 32 chars in the game) or make it obnoxiously complicated with byes and seeds or whatever.


bye felicia
and besides, its not like they haven't made accomodations for us (though imo its so late it borders on insulting). Aquaman got a kick ass trailer and they had the decency to involve some decent players for the footage. I suspect the weeks to come will be peppered with other little hype nuggets for the fanboys, it just won't be part of the tournament.


Man of Tomorrow
I'm not even sure what you're suggesting. It all matters. 10 weeks, sixteen huge comic stars, tons of money (or favors) poured into presentation, and anybody with a twitter / facebook, (ie: anybody) gets to play along. It's genius.

Unless you mean stretch it out to a 32 man tourney (assuming there's 32 chars in the game) or make it obnoxiously complicated with byes and seeds or whatever.

No, you say this is for the people that aren't really "in the know" or whatever but for those people there's only about 6 people that matter and that's the 6 I pointed to. When it comes to any other character they may or may not know them or care so if that's the case anyway then why not just throw a Raven up there in case those people think "Oh, she looks cool, I wanna know more about her" instead of "Oh, I (kinda) know this character, OK" and that be it. When you start getting into the lower tier of the more well known people like a Catwoman then does it matter if she's replaced with a Hawkwoman?


bye felicia
I don't even. . . yes it matters 100%. Nobody (okay, fine, SOME PEOPLE) knows who Hawkwoman is. Everybody knows who Catwoman is. So who do you spend money promoting to? The nobody or the everybody? This is like Marketing 101.


Man of Tomorrow
I don't even. . . yes it matters 100%. Nobody (okay, fine, SOME PEOPLE) knows who Hawkwoman is. Everybody knows who Catwoman is. So who do you spend money promoting to? The nobody or the everybody? This is like Marketing 101.

OK, despite "everyone" knowing who she is, does she matter? What I mean by that, does she have any chance of going over any of the six characters people care about? If not then anyone, literally anyone, can go into that slot. If people are on the Injustice Facebook/Twitter to know or learn about these votings then they know Catwoman is in the game AND she had a reveal trailer for anyone that needs gameplay. So there's no reason for her to be a person to vote on as there's already everything a Catwoman fan or a person that simply knows her needs and she's not gonna win anyway. No one beyond the six people I pointed to has any shot of winning or going anywhere so why not give a slot to Raven or Hawkwoman to hype them up instead of someone that's already been hyped.


If I understand correct what compbros is trying to say is why promote a know B class character when you can promote an unknow B Class character, and hype the fans of that character and maybe get people curious in other characters without having to spend money on making a kickass trailer.


Man of Tomorrow
If I understand correct what compbros is trying to say is why promote a know B class character when you can promote an unknow B Class character, and hype the fans of that character and maybe get people curious in other characters without having to spend money on making a kickass trailer.

Basically, if they're just gonna lose anyway then why not showcase a person that isn't in the public eye.


I just realized something. I was told the Scarecrow probably wouldn't make the roster because he
Died in the comic book, issue 2. Killed by the joker
But what about the Joker? The joker is playable in the game and he
died in the comic book, killed by superman.
Is this a continuity problem/plothole or do you think the joker
survived having supermans fist impaled through his chest somehow?