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General/Other Q&A with Kung Lao

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
What's the best way to punish a blocked teleport?
It is character specific ... as well as move specific.

Who are you looking to punish him with? I know small hit box characters have an easier time... because they can duck the teleport~3. High hit box can not duck it... making it rather hard to do much about.


Get staffed bro
What's the best way to punish a blocked teleport?
21~spin into whatever BnB generally.

How unsafe is a blocked low hat now? Is it like negative 8 or something? It doesn't ever seem worth ending block strings with low hat anymore given the risk.


EX Ovi should launch
21~spin into whatever BnB generally.

How unsafe is a blocked low hat now? Is it like negative 8 or something? It doesn't ever seem worth ending block strings with low hat anymore given the risk.
Low hat was unsafe before the patch and now its still unsafe, just more blatant. Low hat isnt has never been its cracked up to be, and now with safe overhead "Nerf" your laughing really because he didnt need it at all. NRS fixing things that arent broken, and improving things that didnt need to be improved just to make up for it.


Get staffed bro
Low hat was unsafe before the patch and now its still unsafe, just more blatant. Low hat isnt has never been its cracked up to be, and now with safe overhead "Nerf" your laughing really because he didnt need it at all. NRS fixing things that arent broken, and improving things that didnt need to be improved just to make up for it.
Before a blocked low hat could be poked with a 6 frame but not much else I thought? Could I potentially eat subs 9 frame 22 for example? I just want a better idea as to what characters a blocked low hat is less risky on.

Also, does a blocked teleport, 2 (overhead) give frame advantage when blocked standing or is that my imagination?


EX Ovi should launch
I dont know much about kl's frame data, all i know is that whenever i block a low hat i just stand up and do a combo on them, but its spacing specific, if you get pushed back by anything prior to the low hat you might have to spend valuable frames dashing in and then its tight, so pokes are pretty stable i guess.

I dont know about teleport, but if you hit up practice mode, set to always block. Use the teleport overhead, and as it connects pause, take off block and set to jump, hold up while you unpause and you will see how much advantage you have (the enemy will jump the first frame possible after blockstun)

this is by no means accurate, but you will see whether you do or dont have the advantage and can make assumptions from there. Without proper testing you wont ever be sure though so be careful

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Okay, is teleport 3 a bs move online? Cause from my experience, it's ****ing ridiculous. Might be my rage speaking because I lose to even the most mediocre Kung Lao who spams that shit, but it's absolute bullshit online. I've never had a problem with the spin or low hats, but that one move....argh. Can't uppercut it, dashing backwards rarely works, ducking and D1 are inconsistent, and simply blocking results in him right in your face, ready to create pressure.

So tell me, people, is this a move that gains a huge advantage online like Raiden's teleport and Reptile's Elbow dash, or is there a general strategy to avoid and punish it (besides jumping away on reaction) that I'm not aware of? Seriously sick of losing to this character because I have no answers to one dumb move.
When I use Kung Lao I realize that there is "two" ways to punish this quick move. If you are anticipating the teleport duck and as soon as you see the teleport, uppercut. If you weren't ready for the uppercut, then as soon as kung lao does the kick, he kind of pauses if its blocked. Here you can do a fast move or poke and pressure him. Hoped this helps

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
When I use Kung Lao I realize that there is "two" ways to punish this quick move. If you are anticipating the teleport duck and as soon as you see the teleport, uppercut. If you weren't ready for the uppercut, then as soon as kung lao does the kick, he kind of pauses if its blocked. Here you can do a fast move or poke and pressure him. Hoped this helps
Wait, so you CAN uppercut him out of teleport 3? =O


El Psy Congroo
Does jip teleport 3 combo? Saw PL do it a lot and have been having some success with it online. I figured it's at least a nice way to get some chip and speed up/vary the rush down a bit.


NRS fixing things that arent broken, and improving things that didnt need to be improved just to make up for it.
Isn't that just the truth.

Punishing Lao Teleport:
With Jade you don't block teleport, you anticipate it and either ExGLOW it into a combo, or simply uppercut and make him eat boomerang sauce. (Depending on the situation, low, exmid, exhigh)


El Psy Congroo
Is it possible to punish blocked teleports with a teleport 3 into bnb combo? There's that brief moment at the end of their teleport float state when it's blocked that you can punish so I figured it'd be possible to go into teleport the moment you block and hit them as they're landing so it combos rather than kicking them away.
Does jip teleport 3 combo? Saw PL do it a lot and have been having some success with it online. I figured it's at least a nice way to get some chip and speed up/vary the rush down a bit.
Yes it does, a lot of things combo after a succesful jumpin punch, as long as you do the inputs before the jumpin punch actually hits


Dojo Trainee
got 2 questions
1, how do i end 2121221 with the hat (overhead)?
2, if my opponent jumps away from my EX tele-port, is there still a way to hit him with 1, 2 or 4?
thnx in advance


When doing 21212,1+2. Don't even worry about counting the hits, just make sure you start in the right order, and repeatedly tap, and when you want the hat to come out, just make sure the last button you let go of is 2.

I don't know about EX teleport, I think you just are reset to a semi-safe position around your opponent.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Dear Kung Lao,

How the hell do I beat your ass? I can't attack you at all!

I dash block, you know that I'm doing that and don't spin into pressure. I jump in, you spin. I dash, you spin. I attack, you spin. I turtle, you teleport 3.

I hate you.


Dear Kung Lao,

How the hell do I beat your ass? I can't attack you at all!

I dash block, you know that I'm doing that and don't spin into pressure. I jump in, you spin. I dash, you spin. I attack, you spin. I turtle, you teleport 3.

I hate you.
you main smoke and raiden, as a KL main id say personally these are the two who give me more of a hard time than anyone. keep away with smoke, uppercut tele 3 on reaction or use your telesmoke to get away. take your time and poke.

with raiden you shouldnt really need help. once the opponent respects the electric fly, you control them. use your teleport to keep out the corner and stay safe in the midscreen.

its not much but hope this helps

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
you main smoke and raiden, as a KL main id say personally these are the two who give me more of a hard time than anyone. keep away with smoke, uppercut tele 3 on reaction or use your telesmoke to get away. take your time and poke.

with raiden you shouldnt really need help. once the opponent respects the electric fly, you control them. use your teleport to keep out the corner and stay safe in the midscreen.

its not much but hope this helps
So, you basically just play runaway the whole game? *snore*

That's how I beat this one KL last night. Anytime he moved... I superman'd. That's all I could do, otherwise I'd get hit with a spin. :(

I always feel so scared to move against KL b/c of his spin move.


So, you basically just play runaway the whole game? *snore*

That's how I beat this one KL last night. Anytime he moved... I superman'd. That's all I could do, otherwise I'd get hit with a spin. :(

I always feel so scared to move against KL b/c of his spin move.
up close KL will prevail in many situations. and i dont necessarily mean keep away the whole game, especially using raiden. but you must have patience and use your characters abilities in an advantage. i guess the strategy isnt about keeping KL away, but making KL come to you. that way you have the ability to counter anything KL does and as hes the one advancing on you, as long as you can defend accordingly theres not much he can do. and remember i dont mean to say the only way to beat KL is to zone - no, what i mean is it is important to carefully select when you deliver the beatdown. of course when you jump in you get AA'd, like every fighting game you play. playing against the top 7 or 10 characters in the game demands understanding, patience and respect. yiu gotta respect the other characters abilities. and play to your characters strengths. precise and patient play will beat KL. remember, patience doesnt translate to waiting around all day doing nothing, it means picking the right moment and acting accordingly

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
i guess the strategy isnt about keeping KL away, but making KL come to you.
I guess that's why I have such a hard time against him. Most other characters... I know how to advance on. I'm a pure rushdown player. I don't like letting them breathe.

Say it's Ermac and I'm Sub ... I have no problem getting past his projectiles and TK moves with dash blocking and choosing the right time to jump in or dash and start pressuring him. With KL, no matter who I'm using... I just can't get in and it's all b/c of one move. ugh


I guess that's why I have such a hard time against him. Most other characters... I know how to advance on. I'm a pure rushdown player. I don't like letting them breathe.

Say it's Ermac and I'm Sub ... I have no problem getting past his projectiles and TK moves with dash blocking and choosing the right time to jump in or dash and start pressuring him. With KL, no matter who I'm using... I just can't get in and it's all b/c of one move. ugh

the only time its safe to jump in on KL is when he throws lo hat, or he whiffs a spin and you recognize and act on reaction. otherwise, and you might not realise this, but youre being baited into the jump. kl knows he can anti air easily. he wants you to jump because you eat 30%+ punishment for it. just remember, in fighting games the jump in is a privilege, not a right! raiden has a very quick teleport so in most situations with him you dont need to jump in. keep in mind its hard to cross up Kl because of spin. just dont jump in unless yiu KNOW it will work. not maybe, not fingers crossed, not guessing - only knowing.

smoke also has fast teleport to close ground when kl whiffs or misses a mobe. act accordingly and punish dat shit mang!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Choose Johnny Cage... counter punch his stupid hat.

Honestly, you can't be afraid. You have to take the safe risk. Remember he doesn't get as much damage from an AA spin as he would from a teleport bnb. Don't break early, safe meter and create situations that make KL rather unsafe.


For Smoke just stay barely out of sweep range, nothing more annoying than a Smoke who is close enough to get in on, but always maintains his distance. I know that Smokes who try to get in on me are always eating that spin.


Tele 3 can only be uppercutted on reaction.. If you wait for lao to get to his peak you will get destroyed. unless your character has a fast uppercut like Quan chi, sonya, jax. other then that. Dont try to uppercut it if you dont anticipate it. you will get bodied.