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Resident Evil Series going back to Classic Survival Horror


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
No, the thing with re5, they said they were implementing more action. haha
Dont forget the whole back to roots shit though, they said they were trying to mix it. I remember that shit like it was yesterday.....adn then re5 was abysmal. Same shit with RE6 with leons campaign and that was still ass.

Mr. Mileena

Dont forget the whole back to roots shit though, they said they were trying to mix it. I remember that shit like it was yesterday.....adn then re5 was abysmal. Same shit with RE6 with leons campaign and that was still ass.
Well, there's only hope now ;___;


Man of Tomorrow
Yes it was!

Without the fixed camera it would've lost a lot of it's horror elements: Just imagine a camera angle where you can see everything in front of you, now you don't get that instant nervousness of the camera going to another angle and there being two zombies.

1 was the closest and at times you were loaded: The first time I ever played 1 was last year (started with 2 and played nearly every game since) and there was a time where I had a ton of weapons, ammo and health items. Colt with 20-ish, shotgun with 40+, handgun with 40+, three first aids, 1 mixed herb (RGB) and 2 green herbs.

about time. There hasn't been one good survival horror this gen.
Siren: Blood Curse. It's a remake but still counts.


about time. There hasn't been one good survival horror this gen.
Dead Space 1 wasn't too bad, and also, Zombi U has really great atmosphere. Classic survival horror fans should really check out Zombi U--it is a gem if that's your thing.

That genre has been drying up over the years though--sad :(


Dead Space 1 wasn't too bad, and also, Zombi U has really great atmosphere. Classic survival horror fans should really check out Zombi U--it is a gem if that's your thing.

That genre has been drying up over the years though--sad :(
that was a good game but still didnt feel like a true survival horror to me


Man of Tomorrow
Resident Evil created the survial horror genre as it was the first ever survival horror game made.
I hear this but over time you see that it really isn't. A company naming it as such doesn't necessarily mean it is that. Let me throw a hypothetical at you.

Say Capcom came out and said "Resident Evil 2 is not Survival-Horror, it is Dramatic-Horror" despite it simply being a more ramped up RE1. Now, would you say "Capcom says it's not Survival-Horror so it's not" or would you say "This game is just like RE1, how is it not Survival-Horror?".

Dead Space 1 wasn't too bad, and also, Zombi U has really great atmosphere. Classic survival horror fans should really check out Zombi U--it is a gem if that's your thing.

That genre has been drying up over the years though--sad :(

Dead Space is also not survival-horror.


Without the fixed camera it would've lost a lot of it's horror elements: Just imagine a camera angle where you can see everything in front of you, now you don't get that instant nervousness of the camera going to another angle and there being two zombies.

1 was the closest and at times you were loaded: The first time I ever played 1 was last year (started with 2 and played nearly every game since) and there was a time where I had a ton of weapons, ammo and health items. Colt with 20-ish, shotgun with 40+, handgun with 40+, three first aids, 1 mixed herb (RGB) and 2 green herbs.

Siren: Blood Curse. It's a remake but still counts.
yea loved the first two forbbiden sirens wish they would make a new one. there is also alone in the dark for ps3 which was preety good but no where near as good as the resi series.


Well it seems RE has finally sunk and they now realize it's not COD. I'm excited at the idea of a reboot--I would like to see what they come up with when their focus is on developing a game that captures the essence of old RE titles, but in a new fresh way. Keeping my fingers crossed, but Capcom has disappointed me in recent years, so I'm not going to get excited just yet.


I'd give my left ovary for a decent new Fatal Frame...

PS2 era was the glory days of survival horror. Haunting ground, Rule of Rose, Kuon, Siren, couple Silent Hills and FFs... Life was good.

Now we just have Alice MR and Alan Wake. :( Someone scare me already!


Resident Evil 4 struck the best balance of old and new in my opinion.

The original was the only Resident Evil that was consistently scary and haunting(although all of them have had their good scare moments). I liked Resident Evil 5 a lot too...I'm enjoying 6, but I'm not too far into this one to say.

I'm interested in seeing a return to form, but I did like blending the two styles together.


Man of Tomorrow
I'd give my left ovary for a decent new Fatal Frame...

PS2 era was the glory days of survival horror. Haunting ground, Rule of Rose, Kuon, Siren, couple Silent Hills and FFs... Life was good.

Now we just have Alice MR and Alan Wake. :( Someone scare me already!

Oh man, Fatal Frame was magnificent.


I hear this but over time you see that it really isn't. A company naming it as such doesn't necessarily mean it is that. Let me throw a hypothetical at you.

Say Capcom came out and said "Resident Evil 2 is not Survival-Horror, it is Dramatic-Horror" despite it simply being a more ramped up RE1. Now, would you say "Capcom says it's not Survival-Horror so it's not" or would you say "This game is just like RE1, how is it not Survival-Horror?".

Dead Space is also not survival-horror.
Is it the survival aspect of the classification that you feel is inaccurate? I think it's possible that you just have sub genre specifics that you are thinking of and I am just grouping them under survival horror.


Man of Tomorrow
Is it the survival aspect of the classification that you feel is inaccurate? I think it's possible that you just have sub genre specifics that you are thinking of and I am just grouping them under survival horror.

Yes it is, survival is just that. I don't think you should be armed to the teeth with flame throwers, magnums, shotguns, handguns, etc.... I Am Alive is a good example of Survival, Survival Action-Adventure but Survival nonetheless. Amy, while being a very bad game, is probably the truest example of Survival-Horror in recent years.


Administrator and Community Engineer
RE was never true survival horror, as it was always kind of an action game. There wasn't much scary in it, and it was just a matter of patiently getting to the big guns so you could walk back through the level and blow everything away.

Silent Hill def. was, though. The original was one of the scariest games I'd ever played, at that time.