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[NSFW Images] Most Retarded Music Ever Thread


King of the Jobbers 2015
I don't know anyone who does take it seriously. It's meant to be a trolly song for fun.
Do you even know how condescending and douchey you sound?
People have different tastes just cause their tastes don't concur with your interpretation of music doesn't mean they're retarded.
From what i've seen from your posts you know nothing about music...
Sounds legit.
I mean, there are more serious artists that made songs just for a profit. Like The Beatles.
Pre-Revolver* for sure, after that? Nah.


King of the Jobbers 2015
The point is that people can enjoy trolly songs. Like the one Zoidberg posted. It's a trolly song, but I still like it even though I know it's not meant to be taken seriously.
The point is, you're right, it's a troll song, yet people take it so seriously they say I "know nothing about music", because I say Gangbang Style is retarded.

And it is.