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[NSFW Images] Most Retarded Music Ever Thread

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
I'm being serious, I can't stand that garbage. The thread was about retarded music, and you're agreeing with me that it's in fact, retarded. What are you arguing about?
Do you even know how condescending and douchey you sound?

People have different tastes just cause their tastes don't concur with your interpretation of music doesn't mean they're retarded.

From what i've seen from your posts you know nothing about music...


King of the Jobbers 2015


King of the Jobbers 2015

Every forum needs their immature ignorant little prick i guess...
I choo...
choose you!

But seriously, why would anyone think that song is something more than a product made to sell, adopted by the internet culture and played to death by a bunch of people with no musical taste at all. Like rev0lver said, it doesn't take itself seriously, then why would I take seriously people who do take it seriously, seriously.
But seriously, why would anyone think that song is something more than a product made to sell, adopted by the internet culture and played to death by a bunch of people with no musical taste at all. Like rev0lver said, it doesn't take itself seriously, then why would I take seriously people who do take it seriously, seriously.
>Why would anyone think that song is something more
I would assume it is those who share some or all musical tastes of the artist that created it, or perhaps those who have differing musical tastes.

>...with no musical taste at all
It appears "Gangbang Style" is not your cup 'o tea, maybe to a more extreme measure.

>Like Rev0lver said
Hmm.....that's a good question.


But seriously, why would anyone think that song is something more than a product made to sell, adopted by the internet culture and played to death by a bunch of people with no musical taste at all. Like rev0lver said, it doesn't take itself seriously, then why would I take seriously people who do take it seriously, seriously.
It wasn't made to sell shit, it was just a video that people latched onto because "lol so funny korean guy singing" and then it just spiraled out of control.


It was made to sell shit... in South Korea.
Well no shit.
The point I meant was that it was just a normal song that a guy made for fun and everyone decided to bandwagon onto it so they could have their own little in-joke with their friends. It wasn't specifically made with the intent to gain internet fandom. That just happened because retards will be retards.


Getting better with age
Pretty sure whatever Skrillex is playing is a subgenere of shitty.
I've mashed the "like" button about 30 times and it still isn't enough to satisfy me
-- -- -- --
and as for my contribution?


I'm sure some of you will get a kick out of this :


Come On Die Young
But seriously, why would anyone think that song is something more than a product made to sell, adopted by the internet culture and played to death by a bunch of people with no musical taste at all. Like rev0lver said, it doesn't take itself seriously, then why would I take seriously people who do take it seriously, seriously.
I don't know anyone who does take it seriously. It's meant to be a trolly song for fun.

I mean, there are more serious artists that made songs just for a profit. Like The Beatles.