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Gun Reform?

But you said it yourself. Odds are that you wouldn't have the assault rifle on you anyways (it's impractical).

Delinquents may carry guns, but with stricter gun control there would be less delinquents carrying them around. This would be most notable in the years to come.
Unfortunately that's not true, I hope it were, It would be so much easier. Mexico has steel clawed gun control laws, If they find a bullet SHELL on you, you go to prision. Still 1000s of people are killed in result of assault rifles and firearms, even it you are not involved in drugs, you may just be walking around. To think that forbidding something is the solution for me is delusional. Like I said, I hope it were that easy.

And the fact that I don't want to carry my gun around mean that I shouldn't have one? I don't think so.


cr. HP Master
I have been hunting several times throughout my life. For me to even get my hands on a shotgun to hunt I had to have a thorough background check and take a hunter/gun safety course that lasted nearly a week. After all that I had to purchase a license to hunt to even get a gun. I haven't been hunting in years because it disgusted me to cut the head and feet off a animal. I'm no vegetarian and I ate everything, but I'm not one for the process.

ANYWAY, my question is simple. What do you need an assault rifle for? To defend yourself against the government after they decide to kill us all? Is it because you plan to travel overseas and single-handedly end a war like John Rambo? Ohhh yea I forgot, you're preparing for the zombie apocalypse. The only people I see defending the right to bare assault weapons are the ones that have a sense of impending doom or having thoughts of grandeur.

EDIT; It's like some people believe their taking away the second amendment. That's simply not the case.


TYM White Knight
Unfortunately that's not true, I hope it were, It would be so much easier. Mexico has steel clawed gun control laws, If they find a bullet SHELL on you, you go to prision. Still 1000s of people are killed in result of assault rifles and firearms, even it you are not involved in drugs, you may just be walking around. To think that forbidding something is the solution for me is delusional. Like I said, I hope it were that easy.

And the fact that I don't want to carry my gun around mean that I shouldn't have one? I don't think so.
As I said in an earlier post: I don't think an outright ban of guns would ever happen due to it being written in the constitution. What there should be is stricter gun control and regulations. Assault rifles are not needed for protection. A handgun would suffice for almost all situation unless you are stuck in the middle of a battlefield.

If you were just walking around, you wouldn't have your assult rifle on you. That is my point. They are not needed. People tend to use their gun as their security blanket. It's just plain silly.

The thing is, stricter gun control and an all out ban on assault rifles would be the solution for the future. No kid can randomly walk in to a walmart and buy a gun. Gangs in the future would have a harder time getting guns, sure they may still be able to get them, but the ease of access would be a hell of a lot harder than it is now, and that is the point.


My blades will find your heart
Do they tho? The majority of the world is not as developed as the United States.

When you take into account that African countries are being calculated and other areas of developement, yes the U.S. has a very low homocide rate in comparison.

Lets look at the stats for the top 10 Highly Developed Countries.

Source: http://listverse.com/2012/02/13/top-10-highly-developed-countries/ (via Human development index)

In Descending order (#10 - #1)
The number beside the Country represents their homocide rate per 100,000 people and count.

Sweden - 1.0 and 91
Germany - .8 and 690
Liechtenstein - 2.8 and 1
Ireland - 1.2 and 54
Canada - 1.6 and 554
New Zealand - .9 and 39
United States of America - 4.8 and 14, 748
Netherlands - 1.1 and 179
Australia - 1.0 and 229
Norway - .06 and 29

As you can see, out of the top 10 most developed countries, The U.S. actually is the worst for homocide.
This is a more accurate statistic. Of course the U.S. doesnt compare to African or South American countries, doesnt mean our murder rate isnt awful.


Death is my business
22 yo and i've never touched a gun even tho i've been into situations that someone could pull out a gun if they had one.

You can do it if you really want.


Do they tho? The majority of the world is not as developed as the United States.

When you take into account that African countries are being calculated and other areas of developement, yes the U.S. has a very low homocide rate in comparison.

Lets look at the stats for the top 10 Highly Developed Countries.

Source: http://listverse.com/2012/02/13/top-10-highly-developed-countries/ (via Human development index)

In Descending order (#10 - #1)
The number beside the Country represents their homocide rate per 100,000 people and count.

Sweden - 1.0 and 91
Germany - .8 and 690
Liechtenstein - 2.8 and 1
Ireland - 1.2 and 54
Canada - 1.6 and 554
New Zealand - .9 and 39
United States of America - 4.8 and 14, 748
Netherlands - 1.1 and 179
Australia - 1.0 and 229
Norway - .06 and 29

As you can see, out of the top 10 most developed countries, The U.S. actually is the worst for homocide.
Well, take this into account also. The United States shares a border with a violent 3rd world Country.


My blades will find your heart
Unfortunately that's not true, I hope it were, It would be so much easier. Mexico has steel clawed gun control laws, If they find a bullet SHELL on you, you go to prision. Still 1000s of people are killed in result of assault rifles and firearms, even it you are not involved in drugs, you may just be walking around. To think that forbidding something is the solution for me is delusional. Like I said, I hope it were that easy.

And the fact that I don't want to carry my gun around mean that I shouldn't have one? I don't think so.
Mexico is run by drug cartels who murder innocent people everyday. That is a whole different world my friend.

But I will say this. Even without Mexico's gun laws people would still be getting killed, maybe even moreso due to citizens murdering each other.


cr. HP Master
As I said in an earlier post: I don't think an outright ban of guns would ever happen due to it being written in the constitution. What there should be is stricter gun control and regulations. Assault rifles are not needed for protection. A handgun would suffice for almost all situation unless you are stuck in the middle of a battlefield.

If you were just walking around, you wouldn't have your assult rifle on you. That is my point. They are not needed. People tend to use their gun as their security blanket. It's just plain silly.

The thing is, stricter gun control and an all out ban on assault rifles would be the solution for the future. No kid can randomly walk in to a walmart and buy a gun. Gangs in the future would have a harder time getting guns, sure they may still be able to get them, but the ease of access would be a hell of a lot harder than it is now, and that is the point.

Actually, I can walk into a Wal-Mart and have a gun in my hands by the end of the day. Simply because I've been through all the proper procedures already and own everything I need to make another purchase. I believe a thorough background check should be included with every purchase of a firearm. Who knows what crimes I've commited since my last purchase.


My blades will find your heart
Well, take this into account also. The United States shares a border with a violent 3rd world Country.
The most dangerous cities in the U.S are mostly in the north. Although some deaths due happen due to cartels crossing the border, it is just a blip on the total statistic.


TYM White Knight
Well, take this into account also. The United States shares a border with a violent 3rd world Country.
I fail to see how that's relevant. Mexico does not have the military capabilities to ever sustain a push into the southern states let alone take over the Country. There is no risk there.


I fail to see how that's relevant. Mexico does not have the military capabilities to ever sustain a push into the southern states let alone take over the Country. There is no risk there.
The violence in Mexico is off the charts, and we share a border with them. They pour into our Country illegally, and you don't see how this is relevant?

Stockton is the most violent city in California (I live in California), most of the homicides are gang bangers shooting each other, many of them illegal immigrants.

I don't feel like debating our domestic policies with a Canadian right now (no offense to Canadians) I got better things to do.


TYM White Knight
The violence in Mexico is off the charts, and we share a border with them. They pour into our Country illegally, and you don't see how this is relevant?

Stockton is the most violent city in California (I live in California), most of the homicides are gang bangers shooting each other, many of them illegal immigrants.
But are you a gang banger? If not, then I see no reason why a gang would ever show up and start shooting your house.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Prohibition has never, and will never "work". I'm not saying something doesn't need to be done, but banishment won't solve the problem, it will just create more. See, the prohibition era.
Prohibition was never on anything that was purposely designed to kill something. Like I said before, the need/want for drugs is incomparable to the 'need' and want for guns.

What's wrong is forbidding people something that delinquents carry around freely.
Real weak argument.
Thats like saying 'criminals can do it, so we should be allowed to do it'.
Thats not the way to make shit safer, thats the way to create a perpetual, repetitive shit storm.

And anyway, all the gang bangers dont give a shit about the law abiding citiziens, why would they?
If you get caught in the Korean corner shop after a hypothetical gunban, and gang bangers run in with an AK47, tough titties. Somebody still has to be a statistic, you cant stop them all, but you can lower them.
Gangs in the future would have a harder time getting guns
You seriously think this is true? seriously? really?

Look, now guns are legal, it is somewhat difficult to get illegal wapons. If they are banned or restricted, a black market will arise, and then it will be really really really easy to get ilegal weapons.
Mexico is run by drug cartels who murder innocent people everyday. That is a whole different world my friend.

But I will say this. Even without Mexico's gun laws people would still be getting killed, maybe even moreso due to citizens murdering each other.
Is is not other worls my friend, its one river away


cr. HP Master
Why do you need a pickup truck if you only drive in the city? Does that mean you shouldn't be able to get one?
A pickup truck has a lot of uses besides killing people lol. I live in a city and drive a truck, why? Because I lug a lot of stuff around town and the cab space is nice. Now if I owned an assault rifle my response would be, "because I like to shoot shit."


cr. HP Master
There is someone in this thread which represents a prime example of why I want, no America needs stricter firearm laws. I don't want someone with such ignorance and disregard to own a assault rifle.


TYM White Knight
Canadian History... wait what history?
Yep, we are a foundation of beaver worshipers. To honour the beaver and the forest we must present moose (our patron spirit) with succulent foods. We also send our firstborns to live in the wilderness where they live off of maple syrup and deer milk.

In the late 1860's the mystic Beaver "Beavs" came out of the mystical forest known as Saskatchewan and decreed that Moose is no longer hungry, and Deer has given all she has. Beavs bestowed upon us the gift of beer and tolerance level that can outlast all other mortals...except maybe the Germans. Their god "Gurrrpjs" and Beavs are good friends and drink daily upon the sacred bews of the gods.

Throughtout the 1900's our ancestory was revealed to us and we all united under the prospect of confederation. Beavs gave birth to a son named "cheh" who we nicknamed "Eh". In honor of Cheh we end most of our sentences with "eh" in honour of the miracle of his birth and wonderous curiosity.

Around this time our heads were getting mighty cold so we crafted up what is now known as a "toque". Said to be knitted from Beav's wife Knickers, we hold them to be a sacred part of the Canadian way.

As fucked up as our Canadian history is, it still makes more sense then the current gun touting philosophies of most of the southern states and the backward circle of death that occurs due to the stupidity of gun touting morons.


Worst Injustice Player
Yep, we are a foundation of beaver worshipers. To honour the beaver and the forest we must present moose (our patron spirit) with succulent foods. We also send our firstborns to live in the wilderness where they live off of maple syrup and deer milk.

In the late 1860's the mystic Beaver "Beavs" came out of the mystical forest known as Saskatchewan and decreed that Moose is no longer hungry, and Deer has given all she has. Beavs bestowed upon us the gift of beer and tolerance level that can outlast all other mortals...except maybe the Germans. Their god "Gurrrpjs" and Beavs are good friends and drink daily upon the sacred bews of the gods.

Throughtout the 1900's our ancestory was revealed to us and we all united under the prospect of confederation. Beavs gave birth to a son named "cheh" who we nicknamed "Eh". In honor of Cheh we end most of our sentences with "eh" in honour of the miracle of his birth and wonderous curiosity.

Around this time our heads were getting mighty cold so we crafted up what is now known as a "toque". Said to be knitted from Beav's wife Knickers, we hold them to be a sacred part of the Canadian way.

As fucked up as our Canadian history is, it still makes more sense then the current gun touting philosophies of most of the southern states and the backward circle of death that occurs due to the stupidity of gun touting morons.
Have you ever been to the south?