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Tech Tom Brady "officially retired from MK9"


Dojo Trainee
Honestly I've never cared for his personality that much myself. Tom is extremely sensitive and let trolls get to him WAY too much. In result, he would always play the victim and invite everyone to his pity party. I'm sure he has said he's leaving TYM before, but he always comes back. Back in the day, I use to hate the way he focused on the stream chat and arguing with trolls rather than commentating the match. Not only did I find that to be annoying but disrespectful to the people playing. The trolls kept trolling because they saw how much he let it get to him. But blah, he's done so much for the community BROTHA


How is this guy Sultani not accused of being tom but I am? he comes on as a very soft spoken tom hater getting others to spout tom's resume by hating in a manner that encourages that kind of response? YEAH thats not a dead give away of an alias. Tom, grow some balls and post for yourself rather then making an alias to get your fan boys to post "all that you have done". You should be ashamed. Someone check that guys IP.

Implying we even care about his spasmodic, salty filled rants that are supposedly directed towards "folks like us".

It's OK if it effects you though. I couldn't care less. This is coming from a guy who cannot accept the fact that he has been outplayed countless times, then blames it on the character/game rather than the player and that there are new players coming into this kommunity. Again, I do not doubt this guy's accomplishments. But it's about time he is stays away from this game since he obviously has had a history of bitterness towards several games and their communities. I personally can do without. I'm sorry if some of you can't.

If Tom Brady retires and becomes a TO, I wouldn't mind that either. In fact, that would be pretty cool.

If you're gonna keep shitting on your own game and let others who don't even play it defend it, then you're just making us and the game look just as bad. Also, painting every online player in one brush isn't going to help at all. Whoever decided to take their skills offline should be the only ones who matter. Everyone else can stay home and enjoy being online warriors.
Very recent videos.
While I am no tom fan boy I am also not a hater. Check the date on those vids. They are from 2011. Thats a long time ago.

tom if it is true that you are letting some ranking system get to you then you are certainly not fit to be seen as one of if not the leader or "voice" of the community as many have dubed you. this shows a big sign of mental weakness man. who cares what the people who you know do not like you say? when will you get what we have all been saying to you? that the haters get mad at your success so all they have is to troll you into feeling like they actually won. how can everyone but you understand this?


What's a UFGT9? When's a UFGT9?

There should be a midwest major in Minnesota. That would be cool rad. Does Krampus follow you around and cheer for you? If not he should. If yes he should stop.

You ever play on XBL?
Are you from MN?


Dojo Trainee
How is this guy Sultani not accused of being tom but I am? he comes on as a very soft spoken tom hater getting others to spout tom's resume by hating in a manner that encourages that kind of response? YEAH thats not a dead give away of an alias. Tom, grow some balls and post for yourself rather then making an alias to get your fan boys to post "all that you have done". You should be ashamed. Someone check that guys IP.

While I am no tom fan boy I am also not a hater. Check the date on those vids. They are from 2011. Thats a long time ago.

tom if it is true that you are letting some ranking system get to you then you are certainly not fit to be seen as one of if not the leader or "voice" of the community as many have dubed you. this shows a big sign of mental weakness man.
You're too obsessed with Tom. You're Tom.

B Pryme

Sultani IS brady, I play with the guy all the time. If I could only convince the greatest player no ones heard of (shizzzamm) to play more adam we could all go to ufgt. Unfortunately ryan is on the herp derp cod black ops shit...


How is this guy Sultani not accused of being tom but I am? he comes on as a very soft spoken tom hater getting others to spout tom's resume by hating in a manner that encourages that kind of response? YEAH thats not a dead give away of an alias. Tom, grow some balls and post for yourself rather then making an alias to get your fan boys to post "all that you have done". You should be ashamed. Someone check that guys IP.
lol.. Are you for real?


You're too obsessed with Tom. You're Tom.
why are you in this thread? are you obsessed? sheesh i cant even weigh in on the same thing that everyone else is or say the exact same things as everyone else. i'll stick to the freddy forums people are much friendlier there.


lol, I was laughing my ass off reading the post when I know for a fact that you're not brady. Apparently we have a "red scare" going on or something.
haha... Dude I almost lost to Robby in winner's final. It was 3-2. Johnny's Skarlet is really damn good now too. You shoulda came. :(


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
I used to be a big Tom Brady fan in real life... then i got too meet him, I tried to say hello and he snubbed me, i thought, oh, maybe he is in a bad mood, so I tried later and surprise surprise I get snubbed again... So now I am thinking he is an asshole... Then I listen to him"debate" Crimson on Pigs stream, where he talked down to the poor guy the whole time, no matter how hard Crimson tried to be respectfull to Tom, Tom just kept talkiing down to the guy like he was in some position of authority... I kept thinking what a privilaged asshole this guy is... He travels around the country playing fucking VIDEO GAMES and he thinks he is the shit... Fuck that, In this world you get respect for being respectfull... I am glad he quit and I hope he quits injustice also... because a guy like this is the last person who should rep superman...
Honestly if it was just getting snubbed I would keep my mouth shut, but the way he treated Crimson was F-ing uncalled for... The guy really worked hard to do this and all he can say is, well, if EVO and MLG dont adopt his system he is fucked, he never tried once to offer an option for the system to be better... he just derided him and acted like his opinion was the final word...
Plus there are plenty of people ALOT better than him who deserve the hype more than he does...So take a hike you D-bag until you learn how to be somthing more than a whiny priviledged jerk...

B Pryme

haha... Dude I almost lost to Robby in winner's final. It was 3-2. Johnny's Skarlet is really damn good now too. You shoulda came. :(
lol it happens to the best of us. I'm excited to see what you can do with sonya, I feel you mastered mileena and it was time to move on. I'm not missing another tourney, I hope we can all train more, especially johnny, he is a beast.

Spletty we have tournies like once a month WHERE ARE YOU???


Yea. Spletty, once a month. This month was Comicade 4. The announcements and game line ups are posted on FB. PM me your FB info and I'kk invite you to the group or you can porbably join up yourself to get all the announcements. I believe it's called "MN Tournament Gaming." We also have a group called "MN MK" where alot of the MN players keep in touch.

I just figured out that the 42 hit confirm into telekick air sai roll combo can have an added D4 into the roll after the air sai. I'm still learning new things with Mileena. ;)

My sonya isn't totally ready yet. There's still too many situations where I get confused and I'm like "ok, wait, what do I do here again? oh shit."

I do like the whole option selectingD4 into MS thing though, and having some armor to body up ryan's use of cross overs and command grab loops.


lol it happens to the best of us. I'm excited to see what you can do with sonya, I feel you mastered mileena and it was time to move on. I'm not missing another tourney, I hope we can all train more, especially johnny, he is a beast.

Spletty we have tournies like once a month WHERE ARE YOU???
I'm in Moorhead it's like a 3 hour drive I would DEFINTELY make!