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Tech Tom Brady "officially retired from MK9"


Salt Proprietor of TYM
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Thank you sir...thank you. Also, JacopeX if Tom wants to stop playing that's on him it doesn't bother me. If you don't like him I don't care, but just because he tends to go on salty rants doesn't mean he should be disrespected as a player. So when I say people like you, I meant the one's who bash him all the time for being passionate about the game. I've gotten mad and said I wasn't going to play this terrible game anymore, then came back the next day and acted like nothing happened. Have I gotten any negative comments or feedback about it? No. The only reason Tom is catching all this shit from you guys is because he actually is a top player.


cr. HP Master
Brady is a top MK player rather if some of you like him or not. He has done a ton for this community! I remember the first year MK9 was out and seeing all the videos of him on youtube teaching scrubs how to play in person and giving great tips. Or being at VSM and discussing MU's in great detail with someone from the chat if they asked. A lot of us see that Tom Brady, not the one who is salty he didn't compete at MLG.


So, maybe I just don't know because I didn't start coming here until MK9 came out. But honestly.. I always here people say things like, "omg he's done so much for the community!" or, "he has such awesome accomplishments!"

I must have completely missed it. I mean, I've certainly seen where he loses and rages and stuff, but did he ever actually win anything or actually contribute anything? I haven't seen it. But again, maybe I missed it. Not trolling at all, but I honestly don't attribute anything about this game or the community to him. Someone fill me in. What did I miss?


cr. HP Master
So, maybe I just don't know because I didn't start coming here until MK9 came out. But honestly.. I always here people say things like, "omg he's done so much for the community!" or, "he has such awesome accomplishments!"

I must have completely missed it. I mean, I've certainly seen where he loses and rages and stuff, but did he ever actually win anything or actually contribute anything? I haven't seen it. But again, maybe I missed it. Not trolling at all, but I honestly don't attribute anything about this game or the community to him. Someone fill me in. What did I miss?

The living guide, countless videos on Sub MU's, PowerUp2011, He had his own "show" on twitch where every week he broke down MU's for Sub, he tested MK9, He was a boss in MKvDC and has been around for ages..I can keep going. Not to mention creating the way Sub is played and only missing like 2 top 8's at tournaments he's been to, which is a lot of tournaments.

Before the trolling became bad he use to come on this site all the time and have actual discussions about the game and Mu's, but assholes have ruined that.


Err, What living guide? Is that like some kind of MK bible or something? I always assumed people learned what they did about the game through the gigantic amount of information in the character forums.

Never seen one sub MU video, nor do I care, nor is that different than anyone else posting an MK video.

I assume powerup2011 is a major that he won? In that case, awesome. Didn't know he had his own show either. How many people watched it though? Just having it doesn't necessarily mean anything if the community as a whole isn't watching or gaining anything from it.

Also didn't know he tested MK9. However with all the busted shit the game had, I wouldn't necessarily include that.

MKvDC is a completely different game.

I'm not trying to flame here. Really, I just am trying to understand why this dude has the reputation he does. I honestly still don't get it other than he won a tournament once. Do tons of peopel watch the show and do tons of people rave over this guide? If so, then I guess that would explain some things.


cr. HP Master
Err, What living guide? Is that like some kind of MK bible or something? I always assumed people learned what they did about the game through the gigantic amount of information in the character forums.

Never seen one sub MU video, nor do I care, nor is that different than anyone else posting an MK video.

I assume powerup2011 is a major that he won? In that case, awesome. Didn't know he had his own show either. How many people watched it though? Just having it doesn't necessarily mean anything if the community as a whole isn't watching or gaining anything from it.

Also didn't know he tested MK9. However with all the busted shit the game had, I wouldn't necessarily include that.

MKvDC is a completely different game.

I'm not trying to flame here. Really, I just am trying to understand why this dude has the reputation he does. I honestly still don't get it other than he won a tournament once. Do tons of peopel watch the show and do tons of people rave over this guide? If so, then I guess that would explain some things.

1. Not long ago he posted all kinds of corner tech for Sub and debunked "Shoryukens Prison." LOL
2. Yes, Powerup is a Major. A lot of people watched that show, it's Tom Brady. The view count goes up anytime he's on stream. It's the way it's always been. Sub Zero players gained from the show though.
3. He tested the game, but was only given 2 weeks and found a lot of broken shit before the game was released.
4. Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat. This is a community as a whole that embraces almost every MK title. So excluding MKvDC no matter how shitty is wrong.

He had the reputation because he contributed a lot to this community at one point in time. He acts this way now because no one gives him a break and constantly busts his balls.


Well good. I'm glad I've got some examples of some things that he's actually contributed now, plus a major win. Like I said, I didn't start coming here until MK9 was released, and I gather that he'd contributed a ton before that time.

So, I suppose some of the reputation is warranted after all. It could be that the people who bust his balls were also just ignorant to prior contributions and saw only the undeserving whiney egotistical dong burger that I did. Thanks for the clarification and examples though.


cr. HP Master
Well good. I'm glad I've got some examples of some things that he's actually contributed now, plus a major win. Like I said, I didn't start coming here until MK9 was released, and I gather that he'd contributed a ton before that time.

So, I suppose some of the reputation is warranted after all. It could be that the people who bust his balls were also just ignorant to prior contributions and saw only the undeserving whiney egotistical dong burger that I did. Thanks for the clarification and examples though.

It's no problem and I can totally understand your view point. I just remember the day when he wasn't so whiny lol.