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Match-up Discussion MIT's reptile MU chart


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
tele 3 delayed doesn't blow up uppercuts, you can d2 him before he even gets a chance to do a tele, this is from experience my friend. Lao shouldn't have time to do a tele like that if you know how to punish it, also you can dash out the way and punish it as well.
At the risk of sounding like an ass, you don't know what you're talking about. Of course if you're sitting there ducking expecting a tele you're gonna uppercut me, but there's no way you're gonna on reaction uppercut me without ducking before I can get a tele 3 out. Fuck it though
The only Freddy players who use spikes versus Reptile are the ones who do not know the match up. Outside of reacting to forward jumping with AA pikes, Freddy has no reason to spike Reptile because Reptile's regular dash is the worst in the game. Whether glove toss hits, gets blocked, or whiffs (by neutral-crouching), Reptile cannot do anything but jump forward. You cannot advance forward, not even with elbow dash. Reptile's best option is to neutral-crouch and look for an opening. However, Freddy can start tossing fingers to force a forward jump. A blocked finger followed by a glove toss has the same effect as two glove tosses. In other words, Reptile can yet again not advance.

Freddy has a tremendous advantage 3/4ths to full screen away versus Reptile. If the Freddy player knows how to zone properly, Reptile cannot possibly have an advantage in this match up. I say 5:5 or 6:4 in Freddy's favor.
not at all man, reptile is a character built with tools to deal with zoning. Why would i jump vs freddy? haha i can duck your advancing claw, just dash in when you do a ground claw and i blow, and when you do the low fingers, just jump, it's slow recovery and doesn't give you time to do anything else after. It is in no way freddy advantage at all, just zoning and backing up to the corner won't save freddy, and reptile can punish his tele. Also freddy doesn't have fast normals, so that means he doesn't have a great way out of pressure other than tele or try and d3 counterpoke, d1 is punishable by dash every time. I'm going with 5-5, freddy's zoning doesn't slow him down like kabal or liu bcuz his low projectile isn't fast. Kabal has a 0 frame buzzsaw and liu's fb comes out at a good speed and doesn't recover slow either. Heck we'll just have to play this match whenever we get a chance.
At the risk of sounding like an ass, you don't know what you're talking about. Of course if you're sitting there ducking expecting a tele you're gonna uppercut me, but there's no way you're gonna on reaction uppercut me without ducking before I can get a tele 3 out. Fuck it though
uh not at all, you've played with me, denzell, dab, and flawedzilla before, what happened everytime you attempted to tele? exactly. Also i know what i'm talking about, undefeated vs lao in tournament, and play lao at home daily. Also got wins vs top laos in tournament. Yep my lao resume speaks for itself. Also my reactions are very good, if you watched my match vs PL or my matches vs pboard, i shut teles down. It really isn't hard, i remember ppl thought tele just raped sub until denzell came in at anaheim and showed how to really deal with teles.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
uh not at all, you've played with me, denzell, dab, and flawedzilla before, what happened everytime you attempted to tele? exactly. Also i know what i'm talking about, undefeated vs lao in tournament, and play lao at home daily. Also got wins vs top laos in tournament. Yep my lao resume speaks for itself. Also my reactions are very good, if you watched my match vs PL or my matches vs pboard, i shut teles down. It really isn't hard, i remember ppl thought tele just raped sub until denzell came in at anaheim and showed how to really deal with teles.
Lol? That was 4 moths ago. I mained cage when I played you guys. You know that. I had been playing Lao for a week, I didn't even know Neutral jump punches stopped cross-ups, nor did I know D4's were plus on block.... You don't get it, If you want to play that match i'm in Vegas for another week sir. No need to discuss it when we can play it offline.


Zoning Master
not at all man, reptile is a character built with tools to deal with zoning. Why would i jump vs freddy? haha i can duck your advancing claw, just dash in when you do a ground claw and i blow, and when you do the low fingers, just jump, it's slow recovery and doesn't give you time to do anything else after. It is in no way freddy advantage at all, just zoning and backing up to the corner won't save freddy, and reptile can punish his tele. Also freddy doesn't have fast normals, so that means he doesn't have a great way out of pressure other than tele or try and d3 counterpoke, d1 is punishable by dash every time. I'm going with 5-5, freddy's zoning doesn't slow him down like kabal or liu bcuz his low projectile isn't fast. Kabal has a 0 frame buzzsaw and liu's fb comes out at a good speed and doesn't recover slow either. Heck we'll just have to play this match whenever we get a chance.
I am not sure that you understand the subtleties of the match up. You make it sound like approaching Freddy is simple when Freddy's full screen zoning game is at its very best versus Reptile because of the slow regular dash. The elbow dash is only a factor at close and mid range. If it were not for the mid spike punish, Freddy would destroy Reptile 7:3.

I beat every Reptile player when I traveled to play the game. How? I take away 65%+ of Reptile's life by zoning. The Reptile player usually manages to get close thereafter. I lose half my life, break, and begin zoning again. The match is over at this point.
I am not sure that you understand the subtleties of the match up. You make it sound like approaching Freddy is simple when Freddy's full screen zoning game is at its very best versus Reptile because of the slow regular dash. The elbow dash is only a factor at close and mid range. If it were not for the mid spike punish, Freddy would destroy Reptile 7:3.

I beat every Reptile player when I traveled to play the game. How? I take away 65%+ of Reptile's life by zoning. The Reptile player usually manages to get close thereafter. I lose half my life, break, and begin zoning again. The match is over at this point.
uh if freddy had no tele, reptile would almost 8 2 him, he'd have no way out of pressure and i'd just merk him with d4s and etc. Also i understand reptile very well/ you haven't played my reptile my friend, mus are supposed to be based off the highest lvl of play, so why not you vs me since i'm a high lvl reptile and you a high lvl freddy and settle this? also you not getting 65 pct off zoning lmao, i'll be in by that time. There's a reason reptile is one of the few chars who gives kenshi issues, and kenshis zoning is very good. Actually you make it sound like zoning reptile is easy, which i'll definitely prove you wrong. Also freddy doesn't have a good way of dealing with good d4s. Like i said, let's just play it out, talking all day won't lead to nothing right now, we just need to play. And i've beaten all freddies i have encountered.
Lol? That was 4 moths ago. I mained cage when I played you guys. You know that. I had been playing Lao for a week, I didn't even know Neutral jump punches stopped cross-ups, nor did I know D4's were plus on block.... You don't get it, If you want to play that match i'm in Vegas for another week sir. No need to discuss it when we can play it offline.
uh what's your point that was 4 months ago? we lvl up just as well LMAO, also i didn't even cross up on you much, dnt need to when my footsies game is very solid. And d4s neutral on block..... plus on hit though. Also you def dnt get that the vegas crew plays kung lao at the highest lvl possible, hence why we beat laos all the time. You really dnt want to run a guantlet on us with your lao, you'll be switching up chars quickly. Please dnt doubt my knowledge of things, that's a mistake ppl have made before and i made them pay for that. I really hope you dnt think those tele shenaningans will work on my reptile, you're sadly mistaken. Deal with it on the regular, and blow up teles for free bcuz it's not hard.
Low fireball goes under both spit and will hit Reptile if he's elbow dashing... if you are iafb the entire match against Reptile then you are doing it wrong. Reptile does not have advantage in the matchup. It's either 5-5 or Liu Kang 6-4.
u can trade with lowfb if u time it right... u can jump over it on reaction from fullscreen and u can dash under regular high fbs ... what did i say about iafb??
The only Freddy players who use spikes versus Reptile are the ones who do not know the match up. Outside of reacting to forward jumping with AA spikes, Freddy has no reason to spike Reptile because Reptile's regular dash is the worst in the game. Whether glove toss hits, gets blocked, or whiffs (by neutral-crouching), Reptile cannot do anything but jump forward. You cannot advance forward, not even with elbow dash. Reptile's best option is to neutral-crouch and look for an opening. However, Freddy can start tossing fingers to force a forward jump. A blocked finger followed by a glove toss has the same effect as two glove tosses. In other words, Reptile can yet again not advance.

Freddy has a tremendous advantage 3/4ths to full screen away versus Reptile. If the Freddy player knows how to zone properly, Reptile cannot possibly have an advantage in this match up. I say 5:5 or 6:4 in Freddy's favor.
if u force him to jump that plays into your hand because u can aa on reaction with a midspike or ex spike for a full combo if u realize he hasnt timed his jump perfectly.... or u can just backdash and spam more to keep him pushed back.... jumping vs freddy is MURDER and too risky.... and freddy can backdash and whiff punish d4s with spikes and he has 2 10 frame moves


Zoning Master
if u force him to jump that plays into your hand because u can aa on reaction with a midspike or ex spike for a full combo if u realize he hasnt timed his jump perfectly.... or u can just backdash and spam more to keep him pushed back.... jumping vs freddy is MURDER and too risky.... and freddy can backdash and whiff punish d4s with spikes and he has 2 10 frame moves

Reptile has to take risks in this match up or he is unable to win.

Reptile has to take risks in this match up or he is unable to win.
uh negative sir, you obviously haven't played a reptile at my lvl, like i said, we'll just play. why would i take risk against him when i can get in without them? That's senseless and no where near what reptile should be doing vs him. Peckapowa, 6 4 kang over reptile.


You will BOW to me!
MITDJT, could you plz give me a break-down about the Freddy - Reptile MU ? I m gonna start playing Freddy again tomorrow so i could really use some tips :p. This also applies to m2dave as well.


Mileena will always have the slight edge in the MU. The MU has evolved. At one point it was considered 8-2 or 7-3 but its 6-4 and will never be an even match.
Mileena will always have the slight edge in the MU. The MU has evolved. At one point it was considered 8-2 or 7-3 but its 6-4 and will never be an even match.
nah i explained why, and i played pig in tournament, let's just say it came down to final round final match and it was neck and neck. Mil dnt win, you could explain why you think she wins though, just saying it's 6 4 doesn't work. Also i dnt just theory fight, i have offline experience in mus to back up my mu listings as well. For a reptile who doesn't know the mil mu, it'll seem like mil wins, but it is very diff when the reptile knows the mu.


You will BOW to me!
i actually put into this thread what reptile has to deal with freddy, and m2dave put what freddy can do. It seems like a 5-5 mu for sure, freddy def does better than ermac in this mu for sure.
Hmm from what i ve read it seems Reptile has the upper hand here, although Freddy could mix it up with regular/low FF's. I also agree that jumping against Freddy is not an option. But when Reptile gets in it can get hard for Freddy. Plus if you put him in the corner, you can just anticipate the tp and dash him.

EDIT: Although Freddy has much better mix ups and combo opportunities than Ermac in this MU imo. You should take into account that he has unbreakable combos and combos in general with one bar which lead up to 50%. Looks tough though. Reptile could murder him when up close and in mid screen.


Zoning Master
MITDJT, could you plz give me a break-down about the Freddy - Reptile MU ? I m gonna start playing Freddy again tomorrow so i could really use some tips :p. This also applies to m2dave as well.
Reptile is the most helpless character versus Freddy's full screen zoning because of the slow dash. Unlike Ermac and Kenshi, Freddy can control the entire horizontal space of the screen with a very fast projectile, the glove toss. Whether the Reptile player decides to block or neutral-crouch the glove toss, Freddy can toss another one and Reptile is unable to advance without taking damage. You can continue tossing gloves and force your opponent to make a decision - jump forward, in which case you anti-air with mid spike, or simply keep tossing gloves to build meter. You can also occasionally do a finger. A blocked full screen finger followed by a glove toss is another trap which disables Reptile's movement.

I never like to overrate or underrate my character. But Freddy's zoning game, as good as it already is, becomes overpowered versus Reptile because, again, of the slow regular dash. I am not sure if you remember how pre-patch Skarlet was able to lock down Reptile with the horizontal daggers. More or less, Freddy is able to do the same, but he lacks Skarlet's defensive options, of course.

Freddy vs. Reptile cannot possibly be in Reptile's favor. Ever. If anything, Freddy wins. The zoning advantage is too big to ignore.
Reptile is the most helpless character versus Freddy's full screen zoning because of the slow dash. Unlike Ermac and Kenshi, Freddy can control the entire horizontal space of the screen with a very fast projectile, the glove toss. Whether the Reptile player decides to block or neutral-crouch the glove toss, Freddy can toss another one and Reptile is unable to advance without taking damage. You can continue tossing gloves and force your opponent to make a decision - jump forward, in which case you anti-air with mid spike, or simply keep tossing gloves to build meter. You can also occasionally do a finger. A blocked full screen finger followed by a glove toss is another trap which disables Reptile's movement.

I never like to overrate or underrate my character. But Freddy's zoning game, as good as it already is, becomes overpowered versus Reptile because, again, of the slow regular dash. I am not sure if you remember how pre-patch Skarlet was able to lock down Reptile with the horizontal daggers. More or less, Freddy is able to do the same, but he lacks Skarlet's defensive options, of course.

Freddy vs. Reptile cannot possibly be in Reptile's favor. Ever. If anything, Freddy wins. The zoning advantage is too big to ignore.
why would he be helpless? lmao dude he has a 6 frame dash that closes the distance and forces freddy to be weary of when he can do claws. You can duck all bf2's and his fingers are a slow ass projectile that i can jump over. Screw the theories with this mu, we are going to have to play bcuz i've beaten all freddies i have played and you have beat all reptiles you have played.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.

As a dedicated Jax main, I think 6-4 Reptile might be a huge stretch, but I'll chip in my two cents from Jax's perspective since I think this is a 5-5.

-Jax's energy wave can harass Reptile's zoning due to its speed. If Reptile throws a forceball out, Jax can stuff Reptile's opportunity to get any offense after it simply because of that projectile, unless Reptile makes a right read off throwing out an EX forceball, which Jax can still potentially stop Reptile in his tracks.
-Jax can bait acid spits with his ground pound or even do a ground pound in the midst of Reptile's forceballs, completely jacking the pace from Reptile at full screen.
-The fast recovery on Jax's energy wave can bait reptile into doing a dash n' jump which leads into a potential AA standing 1 from Jax.
-Jax's fast normals and strong footsies can compete with Reptile's normals very well.
-Jax can enhanced dash punch Reptile's forceballs/enhanced forceballs into good damage to take some of the lifelead/pace back to his advantage.
-Reptile needs to take risks when he's in the corner with Jax. (This MU is in Cage's advantage because Reptile needs to take risks up close, well this is the same scenario only it now costs Reptile his life and corner positioning for round 2.

-Reptile isn't a high hitbox character. (this is a good closing argument for a 5-5 imho)
-Jax has to commit to making right reads with his far groundpound if the zoning/life lead is in Reptile's favor during the match, which is about even at risk vs. reward.
-Reptile can punish midscreen ground pound attempts with his dash.
-Jax has a very hard time getting his ground pound bait game on.

This is just my opinion, I just feel this list ultimately adds up to a 5-5. I'm sure you're more experienced about this MU than I am but I just ask that you take into account the pros that I mentioned (considering I also run this match with Reptiles online -______-). There is probably hidden advantages in this MU that Reptile so I'm completely open to being proven otherwise.

As a dedicated Jax main, I think 6-4 Jax might be a huge stretch, but I'll chip in my two cents from Jax's perspective since I think this is a 5-5.

-Jax's energy wave can harass Reptile's zoning due to its speed. If Reptile throws a forceball out, Jax can stuff Reptile's opportunity to get any offense after it simply because of that projectile, unless Reptile makes a right read off throwing out an EX forceball, which Jax can still potentially stop Reptile in his tracks.
-Jax can bait acid spits with his ground pound or even do a ground pound in the midst of Reptile's forceballs, completely jacking the pace from Reptile at full screen.
-The fast recovery on Jax's energy wave can bait reptile into doing a dash n' jump which leads into a potential AA standing 1 from Jax.
-Jax's fast normals and strong footsies can compete with Reptile's normals very well.
-Jax can enhanced dash punch Reptile's forceballs/enhanced forceballs into good damage to take some of the lifelead/pace back to his advantage.
-Reptile needs to take risks when he's in the corner with Jax. (This MU is in Cage's advantage because Reptile needs to take risks up close, well this is the same scenario only it now costs Reptile his life and corner positioning for round 2.

-Reptile isn't a high hitbox character. (this is a good closing argument for a 5-5 imho)
-Jax has to commit to making right reads with his far groundpound if the zoning/life lead is in Reptile's favor during the match, which is about even at risk vs. reward.
-Reptile can punish midscreen ground pound attempts with his dash.
-Jax has a very hard time getting his ground pound bait game on.

This is just my opinion, I just feel this list ultimately adds up to a 5-5. I'm sure you're more experienced about this MU than I am but I just ask that you take into account the pros that I mentioned (considering I also run this match with Reptiles online -______-). There is probably hidden advantages in this MU that Reptile so I'm completely open to being proven otherwise.
good breakdown, the main thing that made me change it was jax can't do f4,1,3 pressure, and if he attempts i can punish the whiffed one for a full 30 percent combo. Also I can trade off with his energy wave and avoid ground pounds by doing a d4, since doing a d4 makes it whiff always. But I will be going to scr and tyrant will be there, i'd like to here his thoughts on the mu, in fact EGP_TYRANT, i'll tag him in now.