A Call For Blood
I have a double dark hand wraith setup pve buildDark Hand lol. So damn fun in PVP though, albeit "risky".

2nd best shield in the game
I have a double dark hand wraith setup pve buildDark Hand lol. So damn fun in PVP though, albeit "risky".
Damn! I don't like when I see that wolf ring aura! Anyway, what are your thoughts on the katana (I said kitana? damn mk tendencies) buff(if its true), the greatsword nerf, and the (most important) darkwood grain ring nerf? Was anything else changed in the game that I may have missed?They certainly exist.
Zero poise tournaments are by far some of the most entertaining things to watch ever.
RoFapWolf ring and something that gives me health back when I kill enemies
I do things like this also xDThe games to easy if you min max so I just make themed builds. I've got a Muscle Wizard with 50 Int 40 Endurance/Strength. I've got the Dragon Bone thing in main hand and a Chaos Caestus +5 in the offhand. Crystal Magic Weapon allows for 700's every hit and up to 1100 with Riposte. Only thing you wear is Havels Gauntlets and those Ninja Leggings from Blighttown.
I've also got a SL26 guy with the full Iron Golem set and the upgraded Golem Axe and I just wander around Sen's knocking people off ledges with the strong attack.
Lol?only viable pvp builds are those that stop at 40 or in the case of some int/faith builds 50
lvl something to 70+ and you just wasted about 700 HP or 100 stamina
whats not true? re-read my post, same numbers.Lol?
Not true at all.
The #1 build for a large amount of time was the 50/40/40 quick setup dex build.
Second most common is the 99/40 vit gouge.
99/40 was used by basically every top tournament player.whats not true? re-read my post, same numbers.
vit gouge was common when the weps werent nerfed and it was the scrubbiest setup ever for idiots who cant pvp, 99 vit+ EZ mode weps which were rightfully nerfed and bandits+hornets, damn, got pounded on for 5 minutes? dont matter bra, lagstab.
no, it doesnt, i missed the part where dks pvp was exclusively tournaments.99/40 was used by basically every top tournament player.
Either that or 50/40/50 faith
trying to say vit gouging takes no skill rofl. If you had any clue you'd know hornet ring is banned in every serious tournament.
roll stabs? this aint demons soulsand no. strength builds are NOT heavily based on whiff punishes LOL
Not even close. Str builds revolve around abuse of dead angles, unlock misdirection swings, and roll stabs.
You don't even know what a roll stab is? LOL?!roll stabs? this aint demons souls
except its extremely easy to read someone fishing for dead angles and punish him for trying to come in which changes your hitbox then roll out.
^ oh unless you count lag![]()
no, it doesnt, i missed the part where dks pvp was exclusively tournaments.
You tell me not to be degrading after your original post was just seeping arrogance?and please keep your degrading terms to yourself considering you barely read my posts then assume shit.
didnt say they only existed in ds, i said this isnt it.You don't even know what a roll stab is? LOL?!
You think roll stabs only exist in DS? How do you think you punish spell casts? Pivot cancels? Circles? Lunges?
You tell me not to be degrading after your original post was just seeping arrogance?
The fact that you even mentioned hornet ring lag stabs leads me to believe you died to it enough times to warrant the post.
Apparantly you didn't know how to escape chain stabs or that you can actually cancel the backstab damage easily with any quick weapon.
I'm reading your posts just fine, and all I see are the typical complaints of people who sit in the forest.
Also, fun fact. When a buff build and a vit gouge build dueled the HP in terms of damage received was nearly identical.
I actually used to be really against vit gouging like you till I tested it. When someone with a buff build and someone with a vit gouge build just swing at one another. Vit gouge loses.
When someone with a buff build trades with the vit gouger, the damage is nearly idential in terms of % of hp. Vit gouging if anything takes more skill than buff builds, considering the entire strategy with buff builds is complete rushdown
Interesting thing about buff builds that I personally testeddidnt say they only existed in ds, i said this isnt it.
seeping arrogance? go read it again and tell me where it seeps arrogance, all i said was facts (imo), if you wanna argue you dont have to be a dick about it.
not really, no, chain stabs are pretty easy to figure out by simple pvp at a high lvl even before pepcock posted the types just by seeing what attacks did after a backstab
i dont cancel damage, yeah, i do go in the forest because i like to take on many people at once no matter what gimmicks they have.
how is vit gouge more skill based? yes, the damage is nearly identical while mainly mostly in the favour of the buff build however the buff build has a limited amount of time to kill them while dodging attacks in this game is ridiculously easy, the vit build can lame it out very easily then have the advantage.
rushdown is nothing, calculated rushdown is where its at
the whole point of vit gouge is to have monstrous hp, i personally take that as a sign of "i need more tries to whiff punish something"Interesting thing about buff builds that I personally tested
If you factor in the typical armor people used pre nerf (havels, giants, etc etc you know the drill)
If you hit someone with a +5 lightning claymore or a 40/40 +15 claymore. The claymore +15 did more damage WITHOUT a buff.
If you hit someone with a +5 lightning Uchigatana or a 40 dex +15 Uchigatana. The uchi with +15 does more damage WITHOUT a buff.
Reason being is because the damage is split in half of phsyical and the element. Elemental resistances are far higher than physical ones.
Buff builds in almost every way are superior in a one on one fight. Damage is higher, mobility TENDS to be higher though not always true.
Vit gouge requires more skill because it is taking the weaknesses of a build, fixing them. But at the cost of your offensive capabilities. You have to rely on being a reactionary, slow, catious player. It takes far more skill (at a high level mind you, I certainly will agree that the herp derps who just mash Right bumper with their +5 light claymores vit gouge builds are idiots) to win with a vit gouge build than it does with a non vit build.
Hahah I actually helped Peeve make that video.
if youre using this in the arena then i dont even know what to say
Double the hp?!the whole point of vit gouge is to have monstrous hp, i personally take that as a sign of "i need more tries to whiff punish something"
the buff builds depending on weapon either need multiple hits inurface (falchion) tremendous spacing and punishing ( katana given the time) or 2-3 hits frm a large weapon
its very easy to stall, no doubt about it, the split defenses may play a factor because vs decent armour they cut over 100-150 dmg but those builds have the HP to overcome and abuse that, once the buffs are out the vit gouge should be looking to make every opponents move a trade because they have almost double the hp and can take it, in dks whoever has the lead is more aggressive depending on the weapon, when theres such a huge advantage its generally pretty easy to prevail
my point of view
i must be confusing the hp between dks and ds, i dont use mothers so my calcs could be wrong, doesnt a standard build have 1,2k on minimum competitive vit? i assumed no mothers cuz i dont use it but its still abused to hell im guessinDouble the hp?!
Is there something new in this patch? lol
With 99 vitality, mothers mask and rofap your health is like....2500 or something similar to that
My buff build has between 1800 and 1900 depending on which one I use