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Prometheus: I really liked it and wanna know why everyone didnt

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Comes down to one word: Aliens.

IMO the problem was the promotion of the movie schlepping that "Prequel to the Alien series" tag around way too much, fuckin with what people wanted to see vs. seeing just a pretty darn good sci-fi movie with a knockout performance from Michael Fassbender.
but through this movie's writing me know the splicing of Engineer DNA with the Weapons of mass destruction housed on this planet merged created the Alien

And through the birth of Noomi's (main actress) aline creature was able to make this happen

Just like he said Huge endings have small beginnings


My blades will find your heart
Sounds about right. If people go into something with the mindset that it's one thing and it turns out it's something different they get pissed. Same thing happened with The Grey.
The grey was just stupid based on the subject matter alone. Wolves do not gang up and kill people.

Also Pig Of The Hut people just compared it to aliens which is why they thought it was bad. As a stand alone movie I loved it.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I thought Prometheus was very good.

The only thing I agree about when people bash it is that many of the crew members are downright stupid. You would think they would hire a smarter crew...

There are some cool theories about the Engineers. A lot of people don't like how shit wasn't explained.
Good complaint but yea man for most part it was awesome

People were expecting Aliens the birth or something, It was just an interesting sci fi movie that was somewhat related to Aliens. I like it.
But it did explain their origin and birth

I honestly wasn't very entertained by it.

I had a girl over and we decided to rent a movie... so we roll up to family video and we're looking around. I've picked out that movie with Robert Downey Jr. in blackface, and on our way out she sees Prometheus. "I love all the AvP movies and I haven't seen this yet! Can we get this one too?" So, thinking that it'd probably be good given what it's a prequel to, I agreed. I liked that alarm thing from the commercials, and they made it seem like it had a big survival horror aspect to it which I was pumped for. So, we get back to my apartment, put the movie in, turn off the lights, and get comfortable.

The first 30 minutes are interesting. A bit slow, but that's to be expected given the nature of the movie. We keep watching and watching, and to make a long story short it was just boring as hell. Nothing really happened the whole movie, everyone just kinda slowly died except for that one tough bitch at the end who was 100% immune to death. Needless to say any mood that we had was pretty much killed by our discontentment with the movie, and we both decided that we didn't really even want to watch the other one. So we awkwardly sat around my apartment for another 10 min, then I faked a phone call on my smartphone so I could be like "yo i have to go take care of some shit", and I took her home and took my shitty movies back.

I still haven't even seen that Robert Downey Jr. movie. I don't really talk to that girl anymore, either.

Fuck you, Prometheus.
Nothing happened, only the whole history of where the alien came from was explained and their makers ....No big deal in the trilogy lol

Man, I actually prefer Resurrection just because it has Ripley and Ron Perlman in it. Alien 3 however i go rage mode on.
Alien 3 and 4 were bloooooooooody terrible

The reason the movie is seen as a huge failure is because it was advertised as having connections to the Alien franchise. And while this is true, a lot of things were just not done right. From my understanding though, Ridley Scott really wants this movie to have it's own identity and if there are any sequels, he said he wants to shy away from the Alien lore and make this something of a new universe.

But anyways, I just thought the storytelling could have been better. A lot of somewhat good dialogue was present in the movie, but I just felt like this movie falls in the same line as bad action movies.

Don't get me wrong, the visuals in the movie were amazing. Hell, I wish I saw this thing in theaters cause I'd imagine the 3D effects would have been amazing to see.

Like i said above , it did explain the alien origin and a lot more

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
That's a theory for their original conception, but it has been pretty much debunked by the games which are the closest thing to canonical we have in this circumstance. The most accepted theory is that Aliens are, in fact, a natural species with their own home world. The Engineers have tried to study them, and it has all gone wrong like the derelict space craft on LV-426. The Engineers have so far been unable to harness them, and the Aliens have actually lead to the Engineer's extinction (there is a lot of fog around the exact nature of this.) Only a handful remain in the far flung reaches of the lore, and they are isolated and either in hypersleep or insane.

The closest any species has come to harnessing them is the Predators, who use them as a blooding ritual when the opportunity presents itself.

Pig Of The Hut I liked Prometheus, and so did everyone I saw it with. The disappointment comes from people going into the movie believing what is was hyped up to be, a prequel to Alien. All the movie was is a story in the same universe as Alien that happened to occur before the Nostromo found LV 426.

The movie could have been better, sure, but it was still a lot of fun and seeing the proto-xeno was pretty cool.
But it is a prequel LMAO
Pig Of The Hut

dude i write you a whole funny story and i can't even get a single e-prop for it? Maaaaan

Honestly though the movie really just didn't entertain me that much, I never felt engaged by it and never felt a connection to any of the characters enough to make me actually care about their well-being or the story in general. I don't feel it was presented very well


My blades will find your heart
The grey isnt about wolves, its just a set piece

Its much more than that
I actually liked the grey, but the whole movie was completely far fetched. Nothing in that movie made any sense based on real wolves(Wolves are actually really shy).

If it had been like bears or something, it would have made more sense, but wolves are not aggressive and therefore would never gang up on humans. Other than that The Grey was a pretty good atmosphere.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player


How is it not living up to its hype of being a prequel to Alien?

The Hobbit has NOTHING to do with the lord of the rings, not even remotely HOWEVER a small snipet Bilbo gets the ring which serves as the catalyst for something greater later and people call this great writing.

Same thing happened in Prometheus but people call it bad writing

I took a lot from it which enriched the alien franchise seeing the engineer dna spliced with the human and WMDs dna making the alien race. Thats the alien's maker when in fact the humans were on a journey to find theirs they ended up helping make a new race

The invitation could have been for this purpose

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I actually liked the grey, but the whole movie was completely far fetched. Nothing in that movie made any sense based on real wolves(Wolves are actually really shy).

If it had been like bears or something, it would have made more sense, but wolves are not aggressive and therefore would never gang up on humans. Other than that The Grey was a pretty good atmosphere.

It isnt about wolves

It doesnt matter if the director choose 3 headed zombies or Sharks man

Wolves has the least to do with it

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig Of The Hut

dude i write you a whole funny story and i can't even get a single e-prop for it? Maaaaan

Honestly though the movie really just didn't entertain me that much, I never felt engaged by it and never felt a connection to any of the characters enough to make me actually care about their well-being or the story in general. I don't feel it was presented very well
Some of the characters were idiots

Then again So was 90% of the cast in Aliens (Anyone remember that crew? Jesus christ they were dumb)


My blades will find your heart

It isnt about wolves

It doesnt matter if the director choose 3 headed zombies or Sharks man

Wolves has the least to do with it
I get the atmosphere and man's struggle to survival, but it is hard to really get into the movie when you know the whole situation would have never actually happened.

The deeper meaning was good, but on a surface level it wasnt realistic.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I get the atmosphere and man's struggle to survival, but it is hard to really get into the movie when you know the whole situation would have never actually happened.

The deeper meaning was good, but on a surface level it wasnt realistic.
its just not a factor, its a set piece


Like i said above , it did explain the alien origin and a lot more
I think this is the one thing that people seem to get wrong. I honestly can't see why people would think Prometheus was supposed to tell the origins of the whole Xenomorph/Alien history but at the same time I can see why they would think that. Off the set, Ridley Scott said that this movie was only supposed to be tied into the already established Alien universe. He changed his mind afterwards(thank god he did) and said that he wants the Prometheus movies to explore other areas of that same universe and doesn't want it to be in direct conflict with the events that happened in Alien besides this first movie.

But honestly, I think the decision to try to shy away from all the Alien stuff and make Prometheus it's own ideas is a good idea. Prometheus, as much as I liked it, just screwed up too many things imo. It should have been better, but like I said, it really should belong in the same sentence as bad action movies. I think it's only saving grace, when it came to the box office numbers, was that it was advertised as being related to the Alien movies.



My blades will find your heart
I don't think you got what the film was about.

#capsrage lol

Edit: Btw I said I liked the atmosphere and deeper meaning of the movie. I just had a problem with how they presented it aesthetically, as there are other dangers in the wilderness that would have made more sense.


Go to hell.
Pig Of The Hut

It's not a prequel.

The Deacon isn't a xenomorph. At least not in this point in time. The Aliens were not made by splicing DNA, by the Engineers, or anything. They even have natural predators in their home world with high acid tolerances, which has shaped the Aliens' extremely agressive demeanor and their plethora of natural weapons. The Aliens' spread through space is due in part to the Predators, curiosity of intelligent life, and interspace travel. LV 426 isn't even the first time humanity has come in contact with Aliens, evidenced most obviously by Ash's reactions and directives.

Prometheus is it's own series in the same universe as Alien, our universe.


King of the Jobbers 2015

#capsrage lol
I was going to make a whole essay explaining the movie but I really can't right now. Just so you know, it's not about the wolves, they're a metaphor for something else. It's man vs itself.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

#capsrage lol

Edit: Btw I said I liked the atmosphere and deeper meaning of the movie. I just had a problem with how they presented it aesthetically, as there are other dangers in the wilderness that would have made more sense.

Later tonight ill reply to this explaining the grey

Wolves is a f ing set piece lmao

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think this is the one thing that people seem to get wrong. I honestly can't see why people would think Prometheus was supposed to tell the origins of the whole Xenomorph/Alien history but at the same time I can see why they would think that. Off the set, Ridley Scott said that this movie was only supposed to be tied into the already established Alien universe. He changed his mind afterwards(thank god he did) and said that he wants the Prometheus movies to explore other areas of that same universe and doesn't want it to be in direct conflict with the events that happened in Alien besides this first movie.

But honestly, I think the decision to try to shy away from all the Alien stuff and make Prometheus it's own ideas is a good idea. Prometheus, as much as I liked it, just screwed up too many things imo. It should have been better, but like I said, it really should belong in the same sentence as bad action movies. I think it's only saving grace, when it came to the box office numbers, was that it was advertised as being related to the Alien movies.

oH OK thanks

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig Of The Hut

It's not a prequel.

The Deacon isn't a xenomorph. At least not in this point in time. The Aliens were not made by splicing DNA, by the Engineers, or anything. They even have natural predators in their home world with high acid tolerances, which has shaped the Aliens' extremely agressive demeanor and their plethora of natural weapons. The Aliens' spread through space is due in part to the Predators, curiosity of intelligent life, and interspace travel. LV 426 isn't even the first time humanity has come in contact with Aliens, evidenced most obviously by Ash's reactions and directives.

Prometheus is it's own series in the same universe as Alien, our universe.
Awesome will do

Thanks for this

Also GUYS regardless it was really fun movie