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Prometheus: I really liked it and wanna know why everyone didnt

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I went in expecting to be dissapointed after hearing all the bitching about it, I understand some bad writing especially in terms of well that wouldnt have happened really like that and stuff like that but man I Loved a lot of things about the movie.

I loved how it showed the birth of the alien race and who THEIR maker was when in fact this movie is about the Human race looking for who their maker is and their journey still continues in a very well setup sequel. I liked how it explained the purpose of the planet and really gave a neat history into the events of alien but ALSO was strong enough to stand on its eventual own trilogy.

Im pumped for the upcoming movies just want them to keep it the same or better quality. Plus Man the blueray copy looks retarded good.

If you havent seen it then by all means rent it, its extremely entertaining and i liked it a lot.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Comes down to one word: Aliens.

IMO the problem was the promotion of the movie schlepping that "Prequel to the Alien series" tag around way too much, fuckin with what people wanted to see vs. seeing just a pretty darn good sci-fi movie with a knockout performance from Michael Fassbender.


I'm a sci-fi fanatic and I was thinking about seeing this but a lot of people said it sucked. I'm generally a person that likes movies that "suck" (loved Ghost Rider and Daredevil). I should probably get out of this thread before I spoil myself. :oops:


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Dude this movie was awesome...

Their were a few things i did not like but big deal, give me more aliens all of the time!
I will probably buy colonal marines when it comes out... But then end up never playing it due to Injustice...


Man of Tomorrow
Comes down to one word: Aliens.

IMO the problem was the promotion of the movie schlepping that "Prequel to the Alien series" tag around way too much, fuckin with what people wanted to see vs. seeing just a pretty darn good sci-fi movie with a knockout performance from Michael Fassbender.

Sounds about right. If people go into something with the mindset that it's one thing and it turns out it's something different they get pissed. Same thing happened with The Grey.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I thought Prometheus was very good.

The only thing I agree about when people bash it is that many of the crew members are downright stupid. You would think they would hire a smarter crew...

There are some cool theories about the Engineers. A lot of people don't like how shit wasn't explained.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I think the problem with people saying it sucks is because it's NOT what everyone wants. People refuse to look at movies as their own thing. From an Alien fan, the movie is probably ass, but to someone who doesn't look at the movie from an Alien fan's eyes, it's a really good movie.
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I went in expecting to be dissapointed after hearing all the bitching about it, I understand some bad writing especially in terms of well that wouldnt have happened really like that and stuff like that but man I Loved a lot of things about the movie.

I loved how it showed the birth of the alien race and who THEIR maker was when in fact this movie is about the Human race looking for who their maker is and their journey still continues in a very well setup sequel. I liked how it explained the purpose of the planet and really gave a neat history into the events of alien but ALSO was strong enough to stand on its eventual own trilogy.

Im pumped for the upcoming movies just want them to keep it the same or better quality. Plus Man the blueray copy looks retarded good.

If you havent seen it then by all means rent it, its extremely entertaining and i liked it a lot.
I liked it to, I don't get it.

Usually I end up liking movies that most people don't though.


The reason the movie is seen as a huge failure is because it was advertised as having connections to the Alien franchise. And while this is true, a lot of things were just not done right. From my understanding though, Ridley Scott really wants this movie to have it's own identity and if there are any sequels, he said he wants to shy away from the Alien lore and make this something of a new universe.

But anyways, I just thought the storytelling could have been better. A lot of somewhat good dialogue was present in the movie, but I just felt like this movie falls in the same line as bad action movies.

Don't get me wrong, the visuals in the movie were amazing. Hell, I wish I saw this thing in theaters cause I'd imagine the 3D effects would have been amazing to see.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Why I was extremely disappointed with this movie. THE GUY FROM LOST REWROTE THE SCRIPT.

The scientists on in this movie are completely retarded. oooooh a werid looking snake type thing lets touch it. REALY? The only good character was David and the captain. They never even explain why the engineers are trying to destroy earth and why they are pissed off. And really not even alot happened in this movie until the very end. Ugh idk this movie makes me angry i could think of more things but its just a massive disappointment. The trailer to this movie is much better than the actual movie. Best part of the movie was the operation scene and then the very end other than that mediocre at best. The visuals were amazing though.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
I thought it was an awesome movie as I love almost any movie that shows unique alien life. Sure there was some dumb shit in it, like there is in any movie and pretty much everything. I just think it is easier for people to complain than say they enjoyed something.

I hope they make a lot more of these, I actually went through and watched all of the Alien movies after seeing this. If you want to see what a truly bad Alien movie looks like then watch "Alien Resurrection" then come back and watch Prometheus again.
Man, I actually prefer Resurrection just because it has Ripley and Ron Perlman in it. Alien 3 however i go rage mode on.
I honestly wasn't very entertained by it.

I had a girl over and we decided to rent a movie... so we roll up to family video and we're looking around. I've picked out that movie with Robert Downey Jr. in blackface, and on our way out she sees Prometheus. "I love all the AvP movies and I haven't seen this yet! Can we get this one too?" So, thinking that it'd probably be good given what it's a prequel to, I agreed. I liked that alarm thing from the commercials, and they made it seem like it had a big survival horror aspect to it which I was pumped for. So, we get back to my apartment, put the movie in, turn off the lights, and get comfortable.

The first 30 minutes are interesting. A bit slow, but that's to be expected given the nature of the movie. We keep watching and watching, and to make a long story short it was just boring as hell. Nothing really happened the whole movie, everyone just kinda slowly died except for that one tough bitch at the end who was 100% immune to death. Needless to say any mood that we had was pretty much killed by our discontentment with the movie, and we both decided that we didn't really even want to watch the other one. So we awkwardly sat around my apartment for another 10 min, then I faked a phone call on my smartphone so I could be like "yo i have to go take care of some shit", and I took her home and took my shitty movies back.

I still haven't even seen that Robert Downey Jr. movie. I don't really talk to that girl anymore, either.

Fuck you, Prometheus.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I honestly wasn't very entertained by it.

I had a girl over and we decided to rent a movie... so we roll up to family video and we're looking around. I've picked out that movie with Robert Downey Jr. in blackface, and on our way out she sees Prometheus. "I love all the AvP movies and I haven't seen this yet! Can we get this one too?" So, thinking that it'd probably be good given what it's a prequel to, I agreed. I liked that alarm thing from the commercials, and they made it seem like it had a big survival horror aspect to it which I was pumped for. So, we get back to my apartment, put the movie in, turn off the lights, and get comfortable.

The first 30 minutes are interesting. A bit slow, but that's to be expected given the nature of the movie. We keep watching and watching, and to make a long story short it was just boring as hell. Nothing really happened the whole movie, everyone just kinda slowly died except for that one tough bitch at the end who was 100% immune to death. Needless to say any mood that we had was pretty much killed by our discontentment with the movie, and we both decided that we didn't really even want to watch the other one. So we awkwardly sat around my apartment for another 10 min, then I faked a phone call on my smartphone so I could be like "yo i have to go take care of some shit", and I took her home and took my shitty movies back.

I still haven't even seen that Robert Downey Jr. movie. I don't really talk to that girl anymore, either.

Fuck you, Prometheus.
^^ Girlfriend sees post on TYM... lulz ensue.



I loved the movie, but yeah the script is garbage, the characters are poorly written and nobody has common sense.

I'm sure a lot of people thought that exact same thing but then again, if those same people paid attention, the ship wasn't exactly as thin as a piece of paper. So her making that turn would've not saved her.


Grapple > Footsies
I thought it was good, BUT not nearly as good as it should have been. My biggest gripe was when they finally make contact with the engineer and instead of being an intelligent interesting next level being, he turns into a horror movie monster. That was a major let down.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I'm sure a lot of people thought that exact same thing but then again, if those same people paid attention, the ship wasn't exactly as thin as a piece of paper. So her making that turn would've not saved her.
But it did... That's how Noomi Rapace saved herself...


King of the Jobbers 2015
Ummm, IIRC, she was on the complete opposite side of where the ship crashed. I'm not saying she was 100 miles away, but she was at a hell of a better safety distance from it.
They both started running pretty close to each other. It was dumb, admit it lol

Also, they were going to destroy humanity because Jesus. I'm not joking.


Scott announced the project to be a prequel to the Alien but he changed his mind later on....The movie wasn't bad...It had tons of unexplained stuff in it and when you add that to the disappointment of not having another kick ass Alien movie, its hard to dig it...ya know...The opening scene of the movie was a waste of time imo...I don't regret much in life but i do regret watching that particular scene....I still don't understand the meaning of it...