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Match-up Discussion My Final Judgment on Sonya vs. Kitana


Blue Blurs for Life!
yes the right number is 6-4. top sonyas not realizing the real number. The REAL number is 6-4 sonya. saying its 5-5 is funny to me. not professional at all too personal. the reality of the mu is 6-4 sonya :cool:
No, it's just your opinion you're entitled to, like how everyone else is. If you think it is 6-4 Sonya, then please try explaining it detail by detail.


Cage ban wagon?
yes the right number is 6-4. top sonyas not realizing the real number. The REAL number is 6-4 sonya. saying its 5-5 is funny to me. not professional at all too personal. the reality of the mu is 6-4 sonya :cool:
Too many sonyas downplay the character thats their problem. Btw what do you think sonya sub is?


Blue Blurs for Life!
By the way guys, I've decided to move this thread to the MK9 General Discussion section since it concerns two characters rather than just one. Apologies to the Kitana moderator rev0lver.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
Not to add more air to the fire....

But another thing I notice that no Sonya ever does against Kitana is punish d1-cutter with a standing 4 into cartwheel for full combo. Dizzy is doing this with JC's f3, a move that works much in the same way by hitting faster than the small gap between the d1 and cutter. Things like this must be taken into account when figuring out MU #'s. Just because hardly anyone does it, it does not make it any less viable or useful. This matchup is clearly in Sonya's favor, IMHO. My scrubby 5 week sonya is able to get games off Bit last time we played, and that's without using the above mentioned punish.

TLDR: Kitana, when figured out at the highest level, has weaknesses that .01% of the community is exploiting.


Do not touch me again.
Sounds like a lot of Sonya players are just unwilling to admit that there are more highly-skilled Kitana players than Sonya players. If you had to bet on 16 Bit, Mr. Mileena, and CD vs Blake, Riu, and Showtime, who would you put your money on?


Blue Blurs for Life!
Sounds like a lot of Sonya players are just unwilling to admit that there are more highly-skilled Kitana players than Sonya players. If you had to bet on 16 Bit, Mr. Mileena, and CD vs Blake, Riu, and Showtime, who would you put your money on?
Don't bring me into such an idea, please. LOL


The Ignore Button Is Free
Khaotik, this is the kind of nonsense that plagues the Jade forums. Your statements indicate a very clear misunderstanding of what matchup discussion *is* at a fundamental level. Saying that you're adamant that you personally think the matchup is even, but that Sonya probably wins isn't what MU discussion is about.

16 Bit has said this numerous times, but it's worth repeating: just because a particular matchup is bad doesnt mean you can't overcome it or that your character is terrible. The idea is to recognize the imbalance and then learn how to compensate for it.
wtf are you talking about? lol. I definitely have a VERY CLEAR understanding about a MU chart. I discuss what BOTH characters can do and cannot do to one another, yet some people just discuss "o, kitana cant do this, kitana cant do that".

I never once said it was 5-5 because of my personal beliefs, where'd you get that from?

Bit is not the only one who says that, EVERYONE says that.

I do recognize imbalance, but i don't see any imbalance in this match. That's just my opinion, along with almost everyone else.


Cage ban wagon?
I have it at 5-5 its kind of like johnny vs sub except she has armor I hate explaining things i'll talk about it more later
I think its 6-4 sonya, its whatever ill talk to you about it a different time but DAMN you finally have JC vs Sub 5-5. Took long enough dude. What made you change your mind about that?

Mr. Mileena

People admit that this match on paper is 6-4 Sonya, but it never happens.

We have to go by what's on paper.
It never happens because that's just the player outplaying the other player.

You have to look at it from technical points, not on match outcomes.
If Kitana wins, it's because the player overcame a bad matchup.

16 bit literally made the Kenshi vs Kitana fight at FF look 6-4 Kenshi, not 8-2 Kenshi.

On paper it is 8-2 Kenshi, but in match he made it look 6-4 Kenshi

so do we just disregard the "on paper" info and just go by how well 16 bit is making that MU look now?

No, it's because 16bit is progressing and adapting in a horrible 8-2 MU.

Sonya players, as well as MANY other character mains, need to progress in the Kitana MU.


I think its 6-4 sonya, its whatever ill talk to you about it a different time but DAMN you finally have JC vs Sub 5-5. Took long enough dude. What made you change your mind about that?
6-4 Sonya. Ive played all the subs out there with the exception of Denzel and never had a problem with this MU. She out damages him by a lot and sub cant really corner her at all


Come On Die Young
Mr Mileena said it best. It's not about how things are going by what you see in matches or how you do against your local/online buddies. If I were basing this just off how I do against Riu it would be 6-4 Kitana or 7-3 Sonya depending on who's having the better day lol. But we're looking towards how the game will evolve and how people will learn to fight against our character. Paper eventually becomes practice, and the way Dizzy fights Kit is a great example of this that people need to look at.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I have it as 6-4 also lol
Dude what is up with you? You think kitana goes even with sonya now you think sub-sonya isn't 6-4? Maybe I do need to pick sonya back up again.
I'm only going to tell this to you guys: play Tom Brady or Denzell using your Sonyas against their Subs, then get back to me.

It's 5-5 also. The part where Death said that Sub-Zero can't corner Sonya is utter bullshit. With that Ice Clone, you have to be careful about rushing Sub-Zero down using her d4, and you can't zone too much or you get cornered and Sonya's only possible way out is EX Cartwheel. Oh, you can armor through his 2 1 2 string? Well then, just fake it out with 2 1 or use 2 1 4.

I actually had this as 6-4 Sub-Zero at one point, then changed my mind. That was over a year ago, LOL.