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Question How do/did you learn your mus? or how do you get better/lvl up like some players say


LIn Kuei Champion
I use to play online like a crackhead when the game first came out(PSN) and I learned the majority of the mus like that. Watching streams with my bro like VSM. I learned kabal mu playing dab. learned the noob mu playing vs flawedzilla and my bro. Me and my bro stopped playing online so we learned all the cast to at least a decent lvl. A lot of the cast at a high lvl. I know everything my bro does and He knows everything I do. We try to go over to dab's house and get a long session on weekends. We only got 4 in our scene so we all got to learn a good amount of chars to at least a decent lvl. I mostly play my bro tho and he know so many chars. I have no excuse of not knowing a mu. Almost forgot I learned how to fight cyrax playing krayzie and playing tyrant I got a good idea of how to fight jax. I know how to fight cage because my bro curbo and dizzy. Playing pig in those close sets gives me a great idea of what to do and not to do vs kenshi.Even tho tom brady 5-0d me in sub mirror, it taught me what I can and can't do in that mu and that basically don't do shit get the lead and clone lmao. I learned a lot from playing bro, watching streams, playing the rest the vegas crew, and playing top tourny players.
I dont have anyone in my area closest people are about 2 hrs away for an offline scene. So ive learned majority of what i know from online. Joining the crazy 88s there are enough people in the clan that play all the chars at a pretty high level.


Joker waiting room
playing online does help a lot but ONLY if you know the game inside out, know that pokes linked to specials isnt safe, what is and isnt, interruptible strings, hitboxes, basically know exactly what would happen with choices offline but just play it for live matchup experience.


LIn Kuei Champion
yeah most have to learn online due to lack of offline scene. but online isn't that bad to learn matches. lot of players are getting better


The Ignore Button Is Free
online. kabal and shang were the only MUs i learned offline. but the majority of my exp is online.


LIn Kuei Champion
I dont have anyone in my area closest people are about 2 hrs away for an offline scene. So ive learned majority of what i know from online. Joining the crazy 88s there are enough people in the clan that play all the chars at a pretty high level.
lol I just played not too long ago on xbl. you play cyrax right?

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
My sparring partner plays most of the cast so that's where I get my matchup experience. I also do a lot of theory fighting and then since I play HGTV Ermacio almost every day I can test my theories. It's been pretty effective so far. I can learn a matchup pretty much inside out in two weeks


LIn Kuei Champion
online. kabal and shang were the only MUs i learned offline. but the majority of my exp is online.
interesting I think mostly everybody played online to get experience. If everybody had an offline scene there wouldn't be a need for online except playing people not in your region etc. but yeah that's how me and my bro got most of our experience back when mk first came out


LIn Kuei Champion
My sparring partner plays most of the cast so that's where I get my matchup experience. I also do a lot of theory fighting and then since I play HGTV Ermacio almost every day I can test my theories. It's been pretty effective so far. I can learn a matchup pretty much inside out in two weeks
ermacio plays kabal right?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Playing my local scene online only got me so far as they know only a few characters. To help my local scene and myself, I took it upon myself to learn and play multiple characters like MIT does. This helps me as well.

I have always hated online, but it is the single greatest resource for learning matchups that we have if we do not have a large local scene. This is where I get experience fighting the Skarlets, the Rains, the Sektors, etc.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I play PLENTY of competant members from TYM that incorporate excellent spacing and footsies with no lag. Jumping IS NOT difficult to punish online. That's why I always scoff at the people crying "Ewwww online...I can't do shit". Umm no...get off the wireless and onto a wired and stop making excuses for your neandrathal reflexes and reactions. That is all. ;)


cr. HP Master
I leveled up by playing mostly online. I only know of two people in my area who are decent; One is a Kang player and the other a Sub-Zero player. We use to play a lot, but they've gotten bored of the game.