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Shooting In CONN At least 20 dead, Ten children

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|| Seven ||
But see, that is why you are heartless. You merely see these deaths as a statistic. Oh, only two people were killed in the mall shooting? That is nothing. But to me that is definitely something. Those people had families, people who loved them. They may have made a difference in someone else's life. And now they are dead thanks to a gunman.

Don't get me wrong, I get what you are saying. Children are killed almost everyday in the middle east, syria, and in Africa. That does not mean that we cannot mourn just because only 20 people were killed. They were still people, they should still be mourned. And yes, because it was in our country it got more attention. Sorry, that is sort of how the media works, and our brains for that matter.

Im just saying, it is super disrespectful to come in here and say "This isnt even that sad, more people die in Syria". No, they are BOTH sad and both cases the victims should be mourned.
Dude I'm sorry but you're retarded, in BOTH my posts I say, I MOURNED the people that died, and it was SAD that it happened. I'm just annoyed that 15 people got way more attention than 40,000 people.

Seriously though, how many people do you think, in the Middle East, are mourning for the 15 victims in the U.S. It's not that it isn't sad, it's just that it's doesn't even compare.


Did the handgun load itself? Did it walk into the school and pull its own trigger? Nope a lunatic did.

Also does Japan,Britain,Switzerland,Canada,Israel,Germany have ruthless gangs and thugs which account for over 90% of these murders?

Also why do the people who create this sort of propaganda not include other countries, like mexico. They have as strict a gun control policy as you can possibly wish for, so the only ones with guns are cartel. That makes sense to me too.

What about Switzerland? They issue citizens military weapons, weapons capable of far more than handguns or semi auto rifles like many own in usa. in 2010 they had 53 murders, and not even half were firearm related.

The lack of logic people have about banning firearms is wishful to say the least. Fact is its not the guns, its our Country as a whole.

over 17k people are killed per year from drunk drivers.. Compared to the 10 from gun murders, we have problems as a country that will not go away from banning weapons. Keep looking for the easy out though.


1 2 3 drink
Did the handgun load itself? Did it walk into the school and pull its own trigger? Nope a lunatic did.
Nope, but he took it from his mom, a legal registrated semi automatic gun...u have to admit, its too easy to legally get acces to firearms in the US.


Nope, but he took it from his mom, a legal registrated semi automatic gun...u have to admit, its too easy to legally get acces to firearms in the US.
Dig a little deeper. If i thought it was a legitimate solution i would not oppose it. But its not. The fact that NOBODY wants to provide any sort of an argument for the statistics that PROVE its a viable solution speaks volumes.

Our government cant even control 1% of the countries illegal drugs. How the hell are they going to do any better controlling firearms?


I would have to agree on huge tragedies happens everyday.We only hear about the one's that happen here in our country because we are not use to seeing real life violence on a daily basis.We mostly see deadly acts in movies so when something do happen,it's really tough for us to wrap our heads around it.Im not taking anything away from the victims and whenever I first see the headlines,my whole day leading to a week is fucked up.It makes me feel down knowing that no matter where you are at wether out hanging with friends or somewhere you have to be such a work or school,and someone can just walk in and end my life and others around me.There is no fix to this and there are countless maniacs out there waiting to strike more helpless crowds.Im pretty sure when the guy heard about the Colorado shooting he was like ''I think I can top that by shooting up an elementary school.''So the next maniac is probably sitting in his room now thinking about what soft crowd he can hit that will overshadow this story.It's like an arms race now.And we shouldn't really question their motives.They are just fucked up in the head.That it.There is no answer they can give you for you to say ''Oh Okay,I now understand why he'd slain all those children and staff members''And as far as the guns I think that taking them away wouldn't really help either but I do feel that that there is no need for anyone to own semi-automatic and automatic assault weapons.I've always felt that way.Everyone wants to cry about self-defense but a pistol is all you really need.we don't need all these high powered rifles to defend ourselves.But like I said, it's nothing that will stop this world wide issue from happening.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Nope, but he took it from his mom, a legal registrated semi automatic gun...u have to admit, its too easy to legally get acces to firearms in the US.
Dafuq? That sounds sketchy as fuck...what kind of old lady owns a registered semi automatic?

Either your info is wrong or someone is covering up something.

Edit: And in regards to your previous post, that picture just validates you have more stupid people than the rest of the world. Gun control? Hows about retard control?




This is what I find worse than shootings themselves. To think that a tragedy such as this is an inconvenience to a Justin Bieber fans. That is the future of America right there?

Unsurprisingly all those kids have closed their Twitter accounts due to the massive negative backlash they got from other Twitter accounts.


My blades will find your heart
Dude I'm sorry but you're retarded, in BOTH my posts I say, I MOURNED the people that died, and it was SAD that it happened. I'm just annoyed that 15 people got way more attention than 40,000 people.

Seriously though, how many people do you think, in the Middle East, are mourning for the 15 victims in the U.S. It's not that it isn't sad, it's just that it's doesn't even compare.

This is also something that has always bothered me, and since numbers mean so much to you, this has more deaths than Syria. But my point is, it doesnt really matter, they both suck.

Also, Syria has gotten PLENTY of attention these past few months. Yes, not everyone talks about it everyday because we know already what is happening, and are powerless to stop it. That doesn't mean that some of us don't grieve for Taliban school killings, Cartel town massacres, Syria killings, or any other horrible tragedy in the world today.

The reason people are talking about this is:


B. It was mainly 6 and 7 year olds, which always makes it even more horrible

C. It was in America, American media tends to cover American tragedies, like since the beginning of news.

You should've just came in and said you were sad and left, and then go make a thread about syria. You just keep making yourself look like a real asshole.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
Thought i would post this here for you guys it's a quoted comment made about the shooting by Morgan Freeman......

: Morgan Freeman commented:
“You want to know why {these shootings keep happening}. This may sound cynical, but here’s why.It’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN’s article says that if the body count “holds up”, this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer’s face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer’s identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don’t sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."


I was extremely sad until I saw the Facebook posts, now I'm pissed. Saying Videogames caused this because 1 person went crazy out of 1000000 is just plain stupid.


|| Seven ||

This is also something that has always bothered me, and since numbers mean so much to you, this has more deaths than Syria. But my point is, it doesnt really matter, they both suck.

Also, Syria has gotten PLENTY of attention these past few months. Yes, not everyone talks about it everyday because we know already what is happening, and are powerless to stop it. That doesn't mean that some of us don't grieve for Taliban school killings, Cartel town massacres, Syria killings, or any other horrible tragedy in the world today.

The reason people are talking about this is:


B. It was mainly 6 and 7 year olds, which always makes it even more horrible

C. It was in America, American media tends to cover American tragedies, like since the beginning of news.

You should've just came in and said you were sad and left, and then go make a thread about syria. You just keep making yourself look like a real asshole.
How am I being an asshole? Please answer me. I said I felt bad for what happened to the kids. But I also feel that it got waaaaay more media attention then the Syrian killings, and that bugged me.

Stop trying to stur up trouble that isn't there.


My blades will find your heart
How am I being an asshole? Please answer me. I said I felt bad for what happened to the kids. But I also feel that it got waaaaay more media attention then the Syrian killings, and that bugged me.

Stop trying to stur up trouble that isn't there.

Compassion and empathy are not something people produce in limited quantities that must be rationed out accordingly.

That's all I'm going to say.


|| Seven ||


My blades will find your heart
....Ive said it twice already, but ill go ahead and say it again:

If it doesnt happen in America, The SPECIFIC INSTANCE will not be reported in the U.S.(Syria as a whole has been on the news a lot, however it is mostly political). Like I said twice already, this is how it is in every country, since the beginning of news. There are plenty of places you can get information other than NBC or Fox news.


Do not touch me again.
Chain letter or not it still makes sense.
You're missing the point. People view Morgan Freeman as a role model. Falsely attributing a quote with clear pro-NRA bias to him is a shitty way to get your opinions heard.

People need to get off of this "it's about mental health, not gun control" kick. It IS about gun control. People lambasting the state of our mental health system are clearly uninformed about the history of mental health care in the US. We USED TO have asylums to put the chronically-mentally unstable, but the asylums were essentially inhumane cesspools filled with rape, starvation, and neglect. In other words, the state of mental health care now is a solution to a problem that used to be much worse. Universal health care has little-to-nothing to do with it.

Mr. Mileena

You're missing the point. People view Morgan Freeman as a role model. Falsely attributing a quote with clear pro-NRA bias to him is a shitty way to get your opinions heard.

People need to get off of this "it's about mental health, not gun control" kick. It IS about gun control. People lambasting the state of our mental health system are clearly uninformed about the history of mental health care in the US. We USED TO have asylums to put the chronically-mentally unstable, but the asylums were essentially inhumane cesspools filled with rape, starvation, and neglect. In other words, the state of mental health care now is a solution to a problem that used to be much worse. Universal health care has little-to-nothing to do with it.
I'd rather have mentally unstable people in poor living conditions than have 20 children dead for example.
I still can't believe this happened Bill, I'm really shaken up by this tragedy


My blades will find your heart
You're missing the point. People view Morgan Freeman as a role model. Falsely attributing a quote with clear pro-NRA bias to him is a shitty way to get your opinions heard.

People need to get off of this "it's about mental health, not gun control" kick. It IS about gun control. People lambasting the state of our mental health system are clearly uninformed about the history of mental health care in the US. We USED TO have asylums to put the chronically-mentally unstable, but the asylums were essentially inhumane cesspools filled with rape, starvation, and neglect. In other words, the state of mental health care now is a solution to a problem that used to be much worse. Universal health care has little-to-nothing to do with it.
I agree with you, but I took that quote with a totallly different context. Putting these killers on the news is what causes other killers to commit their own crimes. They see it as a way to get attention, to become a martyr. That being said, gun control also needs to be reformed and more restricting.
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