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Shooting In CONN At least 20 dead, Ten children

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nwo lol I saw that on ATS it's pretty funny. You can probably find some sort of reference to anything in movies if you look hard enough. The Sandy Hook in the map is probably of Sandy Hook NJ since Gotham is really NYC.

I think I posted this earlier in the thread but yeah. Let's be serious here. People are right when they say guns make things much, much easier. The day before this shooting, some crazy guy with a knife injured 22 primary school kids in China. Zero people died. We have a mental health problem in this country, and we should try to stop these things at the source, but we need to stop being so selfish and paranoid with our gun views so we can actually prevent these shootings. Imagine if your son, daughter, best friend, etc was killed in this shooting. Would you really say that this couldn't have been prevented with tighter gun laws?

I get the argument that if a criminal wants to commit a crime, he's not going to follow the laws to get a gun. But let's be serious here. This was a scrawny 20 year old white kid in the suburbs. Do you really think there's some black market walmart he can walk in to get his guns? The same can be said for almost every mass shooting i can think of in the United States over the past 20 years. These aren't guys who could've realistically found a way to purchase a gun otherwise.

That being said, I'm not in favor of banning guns. I know people with a legitimate need for protection. I also know how difficult banning would be when you have so many guns already out there. I just wish groups like the NRA would actually let us have a serious discussion about gun violence in this country rather than pointing to the 2nd amendment and telling us to stfu.
I've never even watched the movie kid. I'm just pointing out what other people have spotted, and I (personally) think its strange.

I also think this video is strange...one of the victims family members smiling and looking almost like an actor. It sounds like he says "do I read off the card?" as he's still smiling, weird thats all.



Come On Die Young
Considering Gotham is based off NYC, and the map would probably be an NYC map, I don't think it's that strange that Sandy Hook appears on it since it's very close by. If there was some reference to the school in CT it would've been weird, but this is like seeing an Aurora Borealis in a movie and comparing it to that shooting.

What's that new video supposed to imply? A fake dad's fake kid was murdered? What? It bothers me a lot when I see these strange-coincidence-slash-weird-stuff-OMG things without any logic behind it. Like the Batman thing. What's that supposed to imply? Was the shooter actually Batman? Did Christopher Nolan know something about a planned shooting and decided to make an obscure reference in the movie in hopes we would see it afterwards and travel back in time to stop it?


Rest in peace:
Mary Sherlach, 56; Anne Marie Murphy, 52; Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47 (principal); Lauren Rousseau, 30; Rachel Davino, 29; Victoria Soto, 27; Daniel Barden, 7; Josephine Gay, 7; Chase Kowalski, 7; Grace McDonnell, 7; Charlotte Bacon, 6; Emilie Parker, 6; Olivia Engel, 6; Ana Marquez-Greene, 6; Dylan Hockley, 6; Madeleine Hsu, 6; Catherine Hubbard, 6; Jesse Lewis, 6; James Mattioli, 6; Jack
This is the first time I've come in to this thread and see discussion and video links to stuff I nor anyone else, I'm sure, cares to see. Fact of the matter is... this was a horrible tragedy that has been on my mind ever since Friday. I cannot even imagine the pain the families of the victims are going through as well as those who have survived.

These were children... they just started their lives and the rest has been stolen from them. The children who survived will never be the same. We can only pray and keep them in our thoughts. Sasarix said it the best above.

On another note: My wife, son who is 6 and I will be going to our elementary school on Christmas day in the morning to have a moment of silence in memory of those are are no longer with us. May they R.I.P.
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