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Top 5 downplaying lines from your MK scene

At GGA there are some downplaying gems that get thrown around. I'm curious to hear what lines you guys hear from your respective scenes (VSM, Houston, Atlanta, West Coast etc. etc.) and post them here.

OK TOP 5 Downplaying lines and their character from GGA.

5. Dude that reset is hard to do. (Wafflez' Smoke)
4. So what if I get half health on a jump in, I have to do that at least twice in 1 round to have a chance. (16bit's Kitana)
3. Just poke out bro. (Dizzy's Cage)
2. Kabal is just overpowered, he is not broken like your character. (soonk's Kabal)
1. Let's be serious here. This matchup is a 2-8. (16bit's Kitana)


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator

B Pryme

Most of the time it's "dude if I hadn't drank like 4 beers i'd be raping you right now (as he cracks another one)"

and another friend of mine "I need to be high to play my best" or "cyrax doesn't even have a low starter"...


i think the only person at EGP that downplays their character is me lol

Kenshi: i have to make 10 reads a round to keep you out, you only need 2 to win
Shang: i have no footsies tools up close just stay in my face. Armor the gap in F4-GS.
Jax: I have no midscreen damage so take more risks, i only do damage in the corner. Low hitbox BS!

But i do up-play Sektor and Baraka a ton

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
5. Sometimes I forget that csz is even in mk9 he's so useless HGTV Soapboxfan (I just found this funny)
4. Pl's kl would beat GGA Jeremiah 's 100-0 in a 100 game set HGTV Ermacio (I would like to state that I was arguing that he would win atleast 1 and that I would put money on it, which I would've easily won)
3. Prepatch skarlet beats sz 6-4 me being really stupid
2. Johnny Cage looses to Sub-Zero 1-9 me lol I was really stupid once again this was within the first month that mk9 was out
1. Scorpion looses to Kabal and Kenshi 3-7 OZZYGUITAR (a months later tries to convince us at that they are both 5-5 and still is now)

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
Reactions: 7L


Dead Kings Rise
I'll just go ahead and throw in some of my personal gems-
"FUCK Mileena gets away with so much online" (plays Reptile)
"Sonya's MS f1 is UNBLOCKABLE!" (Me not crouch blocking)
"Strykers b32 is unblockable." (This is an early gem, uttered by me when I first started playing."


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
CSZ gimmicks put me in danger more than you! -me
Cyrax resets are technically two combos- Krayzie
Sonya isn't even that good Kitana beats her - Wonder_Chef
How do I even....what is....wait....why is this even.... - SatsuiYesHadou in response to an ultra turtle Kitana
WHY ARE YOU TECHING ALL MY COMMAND GRABS?! STOP MASHING - Krayzie in reference to getting his command grab teched twice.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
CSZ gimmicks put me in danger more than you! -me
Cyrax resets are technically two combos- Krayzie
Sonya isn't even that good Kitana beats her - Wonder_Chef
How do I even....what is....wait....why is this even.... - SatsuiYesHadou in response to an ultra turtle Kitana
WHY ARE YOU TECHING ALL MY COMMAND GRABS?! STOP MASHING - Krayzie in reference to getting his command grab teched twice.
dude kitana totally beats her


I remember a while back I said something along the lines of "F3 is overrated". Note I still thought JC was top 5, so maybe this is an overrating line and not an underrating line.