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Who are the heroes and villains of the MK community?

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Curbo: always Babying people all the time with Cage... Clearly Villain.

Red Reaper: I think I fit in Anti-Hero more than anywhere else.

MIT: All that shit talk trollin'... Villain!

CDjr: Says quite a bit of shit sometimes (he knows it!) but isn't quite a Villain. Anti-Hero.


Ton Brady is a hero, reo is a villain, and how the hell is mr mileena a villain? He's a sweetheart lol

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Ton Brady is a hero, reo is a villain, and how the hell is mr mileena a villain? He's a sweetheart lol
Brady's a bit too self involved to be the Hero... That's why he's an Anti-Hero..

REO isn't a Villain he just likes to troll. Seems very Neutral since he doesn't kare too much either way.

Mr. Mileena nominated himself as a Villain and the rules say the first one sets the precedent.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I am going to correlate people of the community to comic books characters:


Pig Of The Hut Superman
Dizzy- Spider-Man
Tyrant- The Incredible Hulk
GamerBlake90 Batman
Gross The Flash


Cossner Green Goblin
REO Thanos
o-BEEF_SUPREME-o Captain Cold
CDJR Malefic (lol)
AestheticLove Poison Ivy

If anyone wants me to do them, or explain anyone I've put down feel free to ask.
Superman is the worst super hero, I would be so salty if I got that.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Pig Of The Hut Superman
-he hates superman. He told me why.
GamerBlake90 Batman
Lawls, but blake's blonde. PORQUE.
Cossner Green Goblin
that's cute.
AestheticLove Poison Ivy
ginger? jeeeeez. but it's okay i like her [:
RiBBz22 I put Pig as Superman because like Superman he is a lone Kenshi player who stands as a god among the others he plays with, it didn't have to do with who he liked, where is the fun in that?!

I'm actually going to have to change Blake from Batman, that fool is never prepared for anything. :p

Cossner is easily the Green Goblin, always doing this terrible shit and constantly believing he is right in what he is doing.

You are probably more like Batgirl though now that I think of it. Still ginger, but more fitting. lol. Smart and pretty, but still knows how to kick some ass. :p


Oh, my days !
Heroes : Nikolass , XBlades , PBoard Player , Jimmy VonVitti , MK Peanuts , Dizzy , xSmokex , GamerBlake , 16bit , BigD , MIT , DJT , Slips , Justin Wong.

Villains : Hidan , Stamatis , M2Dave , Forever King , KevoDaMan , Daddy DAB , Reo , ShukinkyDink.

WWE Divas
: Perfect Legend , CDjr.

Wild Cards
: Metzos , Sindelia , Tyrant , Pig of the Hut , Insuperable , Maxter.

: Qwark28 , MK Catch22.

Papa Smurfs (Grand Masters)
: Somberness (respect), Tom Brady , Tony-T.

Tom Brady

LMAO at anyone who calls me self involved, or a complainer, etc etc..

Look guys.. in all seriousness here.. I kinda say shit that in a way makes fun of myself then complain when i get blown up for it that i am being blown up. If you guys call me a complainer, then guess what? for the next week i am going to complain. You guys ask for a resume, then I'm going to post one then talk about it several times. Then, when I get blown up for that, I am going to complain that YOU asked for the resume in the first place, etc etc.. LOL.. OBVIOUSLY i know i am going to be blown up for it, but its all in fun and jokes. Its like a mutual troll feeding, you feed me and I feed you lol.. There are periods when I get bored of it and stop for 1-3 months, thats when people say I leave because I am now "emo Tom". So, when I come back, what do you think I do? Act emo lmao.. come on guys.. "I lost my drive to compete" "I may not play at NEC" etc etc.. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! OBVIOUSLY I was going to stop playing TTT2 and come back to MK after I casted MLG Dallas.

LBSH.. I love you guys and its a mutual feeling between me and the community. Im not really emo, thing the community is out to get me, etc etc.. LOL
LMAO at anyone who calls me self involved, or a complainer, etc etc..

Look guys.. in all seriousness here.. I kinda say shit that in a way makes fun of myself then complain when i get blown up for it that i am being blown up. If you guys call me a complainer, then guess what? for the next week i am going to complain. You guys ask for a resume, then I'm going to post one then talk about it several times. Then, when I get blown up for that, I am going to complain that YOU asked for the resume in the first place, etc etc.. LOL.. OBVIOUSLY i know i am going to be blown up for it, but its all in fun and jokes. Its like a mutual troll feeding, you feed me and I feed you lol.. There are periods when I get bored of it and stop for 1-3 months, thats when people say I leave because I am now "emo Tom". So, when I come back, what do you think I do? Act emo lmao.. come on guys.. "I lost my drive to compete" "I may not play at NEC" etc etc.. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! OBVIOUSLY I was going to stop playing TTT2 and come back to MK after I casted MLG Dallas.

LBSH.. I love you guys and its a mutual feeling between me and the community. Im not really emo, thing the community is out to get me, etc etc.. LOL
I love you too man.