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All of this Toasty hoopla


Yeah mother fuckers! Don't have dun discovering shit in this game! Play for tournament wins only! Winning that money is all that matters. That's why I play Mk, its not because I like it its because its the most popular fighting game with the biggest pay outs around!!!!!!

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2


All I'm saying is throughout my entire MK9 career of landing b+1,2,1 and uppercuts, I'ne never gotten a single toasty boost. I'm helping many of you out by saying instead of spending your entire day on thinking how this will impact the tier list change, you could be using it to win a tournament with Jade.


What was this about, I hear this all the time? Did he say this in an interview or something?
I believe it was at some sort of expo or show before the final game was released when Ed was asked a question concerning 'meter'. It seemed as if he was unaware of what 'meter' was lmao.


Positive Poster!
All of this toasty hoopla is some of the most impractical dramatization I've seen in my life. You would have a better shot at winning a major with Cyber Sub-Zero than pulling off a toasty boost in a tournament match. No, I am not going to cut my Kabal combos short for something that happens every once in a blue moon. It's time someone said it.
People are having fun with it. Let them.


Not like people wouldn't be hyped over a toasty boost in the first place but I don't think it's worth the 2 seconds. I've seen more exciting comebacks off a X-Factor in UMVC3 with Wolverine/Tron/P-Dark Phoenix than I'll ever see with a Toasty Boost.

DJ L Toro

lol, reo's mad he's not the one who gets to announce new tech.
But seriously i went into the lab and finishing my bnbs with an uppercut only costs me 2% and i can put in the input before my character can move, so it's not like it would hurt my game. i just wish i could space better after an uppercut, but meh, i guess which combo ender i'll use will depend on the matchup. REO in all seriousness there is strategic use for it if it wont cost you significant damage or spacing (like if you finish a combo in the corner with upper with a character that doesnt have a reset or vortex). granted it is EXTREMELY situational, but arent you the one who advocates using all of your character's tools? ;)


I think I heard somewhere that the one getting uppercuted can also do the Toasty Boost. This could be useful to know if your going against Kabal since his most used string triggers Toasty aswell.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
I'm going to win Dallas with Cyber Sub Zero just to spite REO.
Win Using Cyber Sub Zero's Toasty Boost twice per round, allowing to infinitely use Reo's "guaranteed" Cyber Sub Combo setup...
Ex Ice Bomb, Ex Ice Beam.
"When people see a bunch of fucking bombs on the ground, they tend to jump."

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I think I heard somewhere that the one getting uppercuted can also do the Toasty Boost. This could be useful to know if your going against Kabal since his most used string triggers Toasty aswell.
I was curious about this, if both players can possibly activate the boost forden pops up.
Check ?
I was curious about this, if both players can possibly activate the boost forden pops up.
Check ?

I don't think the second player can activate until they hit the ground. Not sure if that gives the person who uppercutted a short frame advantage to input over his/her opponent, but my guess is yes, the person who uppercutted can input the Toasty sooner than the person being uppercutted.

I also don't think either player can activate their Toasty Boost at the end of a round.


All of this toasty hoopla is some of the most impractical dramatization I've seen in my life. You would have a better shot at winning a major with Cyber Sub-Zero than pulling off a toasty boost in a tournament match. No, I am not going to cut my Kabal combos short for something that happens every once in a blue moon. It's time someone said it.
You don't have to cut your combos short because it doesn't matter who gets Dan Forden, the one that inputs the command first gets the boost. So while you'll be hey, hey, hey-ing your opponent will get a full meter.