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All of this Toasty hoopla

Eh SnOwY

They sould give a special prize to the first who hits the toasty boost in the tournament at dallas.

Every1 would just be smashing uppercuts :D

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I don't think the second player can activate until they hit the ground. Not sure if that gives the person who uppercutted a short frame advantage to input over his/her opponent, but my guess is yes, the person who uppercutted can input the Toasty sooner than the person being uppercutted.

I also don't think either player can activate their Toasty Boost at the end of a round.
Thanks man. The real goal here is to see if both players can concurrently activate it, or if it's one boost up for grabs.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
All of this toasty hoopla is some of the most impractical dramatization I've seen in my life. You would have a better shot at winning a major with Cyber Sub-Zero than pulling off a toasty boost in a tournament match. No, I am not going to cut my Kabal combos short for something that happens every once in a blue moon. It's time someone said it.
You just stay relevant being a dominant player and let everyone else get the credit for finding irrelevant shit in the game. :coffee:


All I'm saying is throughout my entire MK9 career of landing b+1,2,1 and uppercuts, I'ne never gotten a single toasty boost. I'm helping many of you out by saying instead of spending your entire day on thinking how this will impact the tier list change, you could be using it to win a tournament with Jade.

REO it does exist, as u can see i was clearly in the process of b1 2 combo when the legendary dan popped up