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Crazy Stories Thread

Miss Kanzuki

I once had a job at Subway and the manager from hell would only give me 2 HOURS a week, and I was only making $6.00/hr. So after taxes I was only bring in $40 a month. My cell phone bill was $75. You do the math. Of course I got another job to supplement the income and this bitch actually came up to my new job in hysterics and said "I didn't know you quit Subway!!!!" ... (time the fuck out) I said, "I didn't quit..",..she goes "Yes you did because you will not do this to me and work at another place!! You have to pick between here or Subway, HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME! PICK NOW!!" .. I said "Then I'll work here because you shoulda gave me more hours then". She stormed out of the store cussing under her breath...Awkward much?

Ok, I normally will not accuse someone of racism right off the bat, the the way she acted while I worked for her, and then the fact she felt like she owned me, I think she for real thought I was her "sandwich n*gga" idk LMAO..


Button Masher
Ok i have a story for about 2 months ago? idk it was back in july. It was the night before my buddies 18th birthday ( hes birthday was sunday and we had credit completion so we went had a little jam saturday night) It was a little party i dont remember how many people were there cause people were coming and going all night.

it started out with my group of friends and this other group we always hang out with. we were chillin playing Kings and a few games of beer pong. i ended up Losing every game of beer pong and i fucked up in kings like 15 times ( FUCKING LITTLE MAN RULE ILL KILL YOU) so i was feeling pretty drunk at the time. drunk enough to start taking shots ( bad idea i know beer before liquor never sicker -_- )

So the night goes on people are coming and going someone came through with weed at one point and we smoked 2 blunts so now im high as shit and drunk ANDD i was walking around with a handle of smirnoff all night. and at one point were in my buddies work out room chillin and my friend bets me i wont drink stright from the handle.

here's where it gets good me being dumb stright CHUG like 1/4 of the handle and i put it down and go dude im going to regret that. Later on shit starts to spin im not feeling good AT ALL and i go upstairs get a glass of water waddle back into the basement and as im about to sit down on a couch my friend tyler RUNS into the room im in TACKLES ME I FUCKING BITE MY TONGUE, HIT MY BACK ON THE COUCH, SPILL ALL MY WATER ALLL OVER THE COUCH I WAS GOING TO SLEEP ON!

i freak out on tyler then go " oh shit i gotta puke" run to the bathroom. throw up and pass out on the bathroom floor. 10 minutes later i get woken up to a door hitting me in the head its tyler telling me to get up. i get up some how manage to walk to the other couch and pass out.

Haven't drank since then fuck that -_-


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I think we should just change the thread title to "Crazy stories thread". Some crazy stories people have that may not be awkward or strange. Thoughts FrothyOmen?


Button Masher
oh im going to post one other thing that i wish i was there for but sadly i was with this girl

My friend kyle had people over like 2 weekends ago. and they were all drinking and he was talking to this chick all night and at one point he said she was sitting on his lap and he said to her "your hair smells like Shampoo" she said AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and he ended up hooking up with her that night.

Your hair smells like shampoo.

pick up line of of the year

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
When I was in second grade, I had a crush on this girl. Saw her playing tag in recess, and instantly thought to myself, "hey, I fucking love that game!!!" So naturally, I jumped in uninvited and "tagged" her as she was running. Of course, I have Super Saiyan strength, so a slight tap resulted in her falling face first on the ground. She started crying loudly, and this big crowd formed around her, with this one little black kid approaching me and saying something like, "Yo, what's your problem pushing a little girl like that?!" I just walked away. I was so confused...I swear, I barely touched her.

A few days later, the girl isn't talking to me again. I figured it's cause I pushed her, but she started saying things like, "I don't like you cause people told me you don't like me." You know, little kid shit. I think the push gave the bitch a concussion or something. But I was heartbroken...for a whole hour.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Not necessarily crazy or anything, but I remember when I fell for that EGM magazine April fools' joke on how to unlock Sonic and Tails in Smash Bros. Melee. "Defeat at least 20 opponents on cruel melee mode" it took me like years and when I finally did it, I fucking raged and broke my game disc. I was like 9..


Yung Kneecaps
You don't need to go all YOLO to get in an awkward situation.In fact, the nerdier you are, the more awkward things happen to you.

Like this one time, at band camp...
I agree with this. If you're always yolo then things don't really ever feel awkward than they should. If you're a nerd then I bet everything feels awkward.


Dojo Trainee
when i was a sophmore, i was at a party with some friends, the house was out of city limits, the high arid plateaus of New Mexico.

the police showed up, i was already smashed, everyone starts to scatter. After running out the back door thru the patio into what New Mexico calls a backyard, what You might call sand and rock, i run about 200 feet before stepping into a crater, Hyperextending my knee to the tenth degree.

It was pitch black and i never saw it coming. The crazy story part is that 9-10 people at that party got busted, while i layed in the dark by myself unable to crawl out of this hole and unable to stand on my own two feet. After freezing my ass off all night, the sun came up, and i slowly crawled back to the house i was partying at, which was now empty, retrieved my cell phone from the couch cushion and called my dad, after a hospital trip i was promptly grounded. Not for partying, but for saying i was somewhere i was not..

The following monday was pretty funny, most of my friends thought i was in jail or ran off a cliff, they shit themselves when they heard what happened, i could hear the po po's chasing them as i lay in a dark hole.. The irony of it is i still cant figure out if i was lucky or unlucky lol


bad player
This thread owns.
So today I went in for my first day to train for a new job. The poor manager's sister was in the hospital dying and shes like giving me all this paperwork and waiting for me to get through watching an extremely poorly acted training video. She goes to run the phones behind a wall an inch thin and gets the call the sister passed while I'm taking a unnecessarily long quiz on the video. I'm all flustered, messing up basic true/false wondering what I should say. Hear her tell her mom theres no way she can come right now, hangs up and then she says to the other receptionist my sister and I weren't that close, she was a Bitch.


King of the Jobbers 2015
This thread owns.
So today I went in for my first day to train for a new job. The poor manager's sister was in the hospital dying and shes like giving me all this paperwork and waiting for me to get through watching an extremely poorly acted training video. She goes to run the phones behind a wall an inch thin and gets the call the sister passed while I'm taking a unnecessarily long quiz on the video. I'm all flustered, messing up basic true/false wondering what I should say. Hear her tell her mom theres no way she can come right now, hangs up and then she says to the other receptionist my sister and I weren't that close, she was a Bitch.