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Crazy Stories Thread

DJ L Toro

So i was like 15...
My dad had just left for work so i was like sweet, home alone, now i can touch myself.
so i go online and pull up some porn, i think it was some weird femdom shit where a dude was tied up and a chick sat on his face... anyway as a kid i found this hot for some reason.
i was massaging the snake and suddenly my dad walks in. im like aw shit. he just says "Get a girlfriend" and leaves.

later on i found out he left his phone at home and since then every time i was going to jack off at his house i would always check that he and his phone was gone.


kung lao swag walker
So i was like 15...
My dad had just left for work so i was like sweet, home alone, now i can touch myself.
so i go online and pull up some porn, i think it was some weird femdom shit where a dude was tied up and a chick sat on his face... anyway as a kid i found this hot for some reason.
i was massaging the snake and suddenly my dad walks in. im like aw shit. he just says "Get a girlfriend" and leaves.

later on i found out he left his phone at home and since then every time i was going to jack off at his house i would always check that he and his phone was gone.


Positive Poster!
The first time the fat 12 year old kid punches back and breaks a jaw and eight teeth with it.
"Wait... I'm actually strong? Oh fuck teacher saw me."


Fuck you; fight me.
I'll take a stab at this.

-Haven't dated anyone in almost a year​
-Join dating site​
-Meet girl​
-Girl is a big nerd, looks cute, can carry a conversation​
-want to meet her​
-she invites me to her house​
-she opens the door, is 40lbs heavier than her fucking picture​
-being too nice/socially awkward, i go in anyways​
-house smells like four cats and four dogs live there​
-turns out four cats and four dogs live there​
-trash everywhere, dirty ass XL booty shorts strung about​
-wants to watch a movie in her room​
-sit on bed, start movie​
-girl want me to cuddle​
-start cuddling with the girl​
-smells like week old piss​
-movie starts​
-girl immediately falls asleep​
-start planning my escape​
-three of her cats are playing​
-one cat scares the other​
-runs across cluttered vanity stand​
-trashes everything, broken picture frames, make up tossed everywhere​
-girl sleeps so heavy, doesn't wake up​
-i get out of bed, sprint to my car, and drive the fuck home​
-threw away clothes​
-realize that this girl thinks i just broke all of her shit and left​
-become fearful of being sent to jail​
-girl never talks to me again.​
Fuck. Everything.​


Positive Poster!
It was seriously one of the worst situations I've ever been in, in regards to the ladies.
Had my share of idiots but nothing -that- horrible.
LBSH. Best thing you can do to a woman is hurt her feelings and be honest.
That way you'll both be free of shit that could just ruin both your lives.


Purple balls covering the screen
I consider myself a nudist. When i was a bit younger, I went to alot of nudist gatherings and such, Swims, camps, parties ect, and the very first one I attended I took off my clothes and a few of the girls that were standing around started giggling and saying awwwww and pointing to my tiny dick...

DJ L Toro

It was seriously one of the worst situations I've ever been in, in regards to the ladies.
It's your own fault. if i see something like that i say "NOPE" and just fucking leave. like as soon as i see she's a fatty if NONE of her pictures indicated that and especially if they say their body type is thin, athletic, or average.
When doing the online thing you have to have the "I dont give no fucks" mentality about hurting their feelings because if you dont you're going to end up with a shemale jabba the hut looking for your pants in piles of mcdonalds wrappers and shame.

Tim Static

This isn't the most awkward for me, but it's the most current as it's happening right now, so I'll start with this.

Some girl added me on facebook randomly at the beginning of the summer. We had a half dozen friends in common, figured maybe I'd met her drunk at a party and forgotten, so I added her. Haven't heard from her ever until this evening, she messages me on facebook so we start talking a bit. Every other word out of her mouth is "cutiepie", "you're so handsome", etc. Basically I have her eating out of the palm of my hand, except she just sort of started sending all that to me outta nowhere. Unsolicited. So, we talk a bit more and I figure "Well, shit. She's from back home and isn't anywhere near me at college. This is worthless."

Then, it dawns on me. Seasons Beatings is next weekend. I'm going to be home. myluckyday.jpg

I tell her that I'm going to get off FB because I'm heading out, which I'm not, so she should give me her number. I got it and texted her something funny from our conversation so she knew it was me. Here is a transcript of our conversation up to this point. It gets really awkward really fast...

Her: Hey baybay :) how are you handsome?
FO: finally inebriated lol
Her: Send me a pic of you :)
FO: go on my fb
Her: Nooooo
FO: you first
Her: *sends picture*
FO: Damn that was fast lol
Her: your turn!
FO: the camera on my phone is broken (obvious lie)
FO: sends old picture of self with other girl
Her: Thanks babe :) You're very handsome :) I can't wait to see your face in person
FO: Hehe thanks, too bad we never did anything over the summer
Her: I'm surprised you even want to talk to me, but I'm a happy camper now. :) we're gonna have good times
FO: Lol why surprised?
Her: I don't know, cause we never really talked before. I didn't think you were interested. But you are ;)
FO: Hehe, you're the one that added me outta the blue then never said anything to me. We'll decide that next weekend when i'm home
Her: Maybe I was shy :p I'm so pumped to meet your ass
FO: I do have a nice ass.....
Her: You'll like my booty, I bet you'll look
FO: Oh yeah?
Her: I am sure of it
Her: *sends picture of ass in yoga pants. Not too great*
FO: Lol daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn
Her: Like it? yes, no, maybe so?
FO: That's a butt alright! Lol I'm so surprised you sent me that. Want a picture of mine?
Her: you really are something special
FO: I prefer handicapable.
Her: hahahahaha

Oh god all I can hear is K7 saying "You'll like my booty, I bet you'll look" on repeat over and over and over with Slips laughing up a storm. I feel so bad for laughing so hard. This is so weird.

The rest of the conversation is her essentially reminding me and repeating "you are so cute you are so handsome" blah blah over and over and I'm basically saying nothing other than "thanks lol, *insert me trying to change topic*" a few times until i decided to go to bed. She has 7 small tattoos as well, sent me a pic of every. fucking. one. -_- This is so out there

Please, share your strange/awkward stories. I want to read them and make fun of you for them ^^;

Let's make this even more awkward. So tell me Young Thomas Wafflez about her tattoos, bro. :coffee:

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Real talk, when I woke up in the morning and didnt have glasses on, all I saw were wafflez legs and shorts and I thought that it was Stunning Amy cuddling me. Then I looked up and saw the look of shame on Wafflez face, and at that moment I knew things would never be the same.


『T R I G G E R E D』
when i was looking for a date for prom, i found this one girl i liked that i was going to ask. A couple days before i was going to ask her, I asked my friend Sean who he was taking an he replied
"Well, sience the girl i wanted already has a date, i'm gunna go with kelsey (girl i wanted to ask). So who are you going with?"
me:"........um i havnt decided yet:oops:"
the funny thing is he did the same thing for junior prom and i just didnt go to that. It all worked out in the end though, because Kelsey's best friend (who I find extremely attractive) Leslie had a HUGE tool for a date and left her right before prom began so i got to take her instead. #swag heres a pic of my date if any of you were wondering how cool i am:cool: :


『T R I G G E R E D』
Back when I was 17 years old, i started working out every few days at the gym by my house. Became first name basis with the young staff that worked the ocunter in the lobby. I developed a crush on one of the girls. One shitty, rainy day, I'm leaving the gym and im about to walk home. The girl I haev a crush on asks me if I could drive her home. "YEAH SURE!" fuckyeah.jpg

I don't even have a license or a car

oh god what do I do what do I do!? Keep getting deeper and deeper into the lie, of course. at this point she's telling me which part of town she lives in.
FO: You ready to leave?
Her: yeah okay
We start walking out into the parking lot, I still have no idea what the fuck im going to do. Her phone starts ringing, and she looks into her purse to try and find t.

During this time I start to sprint away

I have never gone back to that gym ever again.
copypasta :REO


Head Cage
Came home from the city the other night and got hit on by 3 mid 40 yr old women intoxicated. One said she wanted me to tie her up and punish her. They tell me they did 3 mile run and went to Octoberfest afterwards. Comes into train with budlights in a brown bag. I lold


A prop on the stage of life.
Came home from the city the other night and got hit on by 3 mid 40 yr old women intoxicated. One said she wanted me to tie her up and punish her. They tell me they did 3 mile run and went to Octoberfest afterwards. Comes into train with budlights in a brown bag. I lold
So did you punish with b1,2,1,4 into portal set up?
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