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Match-up Discussion Skarlet Match-Up Chart


Since I main both characters, gonna post my thoughts on that MU.

I haven't fought the Skarlet vs Liu Kang MU yet, but I think that Liu outzones Skarlet. Skarlet can use her teleport to counter but it's gotta be more of a read than a reaction. Same with EX red dash, but def more of a possibility than teleport.

Up close Liu's high hitbox, slow parry and 10 frame D1 don't help him out at all(hit Liu Kang once with an EX dagger and he has to block F2121+2).
Liu does have faster normals and might even be used to interrupt when Skarlet's red dash is used wrong. Liu doesn't have any holes that Skarlet can take advantage of, except between blocked strings, but that just takes reads like in any other MU.

Liu's B1(14 frame) vs Skarlet's F4(13 frame), Liu can only do around 15% damage while with Skarlet it leads to a +-33% reset combo into pressure. Skarlet wins that one.
Skarlet has the superior pokes, every single one of them is better.
Liu Kang pretty much has to play a bait and punish game against Skarlet, he can punish D1 with a 37% combo.
If Skarlet uses too many down daggers, Liu can adjust and start using IAFB's to catch her in the air.

I'd say 6-4 Skarlet, there is a chance it's 5-5 but I'd need to play against Liu Kang.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
To fight skarlet you need to be too close, the more you extend your distance against her, the more her game will work better.

The only reason for high level skarlet to risk a teleport to punish projectiles with average recovery (which is a 80% of a risk on reaction) its only when skarlet doesn't has meter, but there is really no point on doing it, if she places any character inside the crimson dash distance


Positive Poster!
Skarlet goes even with Jade.
Jade's armor beats Skarlet's armor. This fight is much like Johnny Cage, a struggle for meter for Jade and Skarlet needs it too. Skarlet needs to get in, Jade needs to prepare for when Skarlet gets in. Whoever armors through with the other one not having breaker, wins in the end.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Skarlet goes even with Jade.
Jade's armor beats Skarlet's armor. This fight is much like Johnny Cage, a struggle for meter for Jade and Skarlet needs it too. Skarlet needs to get in, Jade needs to prepare for when Skarlet gets in. Whoever armors through with the other one not having breaker, wins in the end.
I think you're leaving out the massive damage differential between these two characters. Jade goes ~28% max whereas Skarlet goes 51% max with an average in the 37-42% range + guaranteed chip that cannot be armored through if Skarlet chooses.

I do not believe jade goes even w Skarlet. I can write more later on my thoughts on the mu.

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Jade does not go 28% max...her damage off of her main bnb's is 37-38% off of a standard bread and butter, which is the standard damage across the board.

This is part of the lack of knowledge of Jade as a character, people think her damage is actually bad, when in reality it's very normal.

I'm not chiming in to argue it's 5-5 either...my opinion on the match up was posted already and hasn't changed. I just wanted to clarify that said info isn't accurate about Jade's damage.


Positive Poster!
Jade's highest corner damage is ~54% off of a jip on a reboomerang snare.
Jade has the tools to go even. We just do not have any dedicated top level players on her because she's hard as fuck to play and people will obviously prefer low risk high reward with Lao than to bother with something as difficult to get right as Jade.
After the nonsense and bugs, she'd be the first thing I'd patch in MK9 alongside Sheeva. Not too much just to be reasonable.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Jade does not go 28% max...her damage off of her main bnb's is 37-38% off of a standard bread and butter, which is the standard damage across the board.

This is part of the lack of knowledge of Jade as a character, people think her damage is actually bad, when in reality it's very normal.

I'm not chiming in to argue it's 5-5 either...my opinion on the match up was posted already and hasn't changed. I just wanted to clarify that said info isn't accurate about Jade's damage.
Thanks for chiming in. I cant recall seeing a Jade player do in the 30% range. I just watched the set recorded at Evo and I thought 28% was the highest bnb I saw.

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Thanks for chiming in. I cant recall seeing a Jade player do in the 30% range. I just watched the set recorded at Evo and I thought 28% was the highest bnb I saw.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
No problem, it's all about being informative :).

Examples of her 37-38% bnb combos.

JIP, 3, staff overhead, back 2, 1,2, 2,3,forward 2 staff grab/double shadow kick for 37%

JIP, Back 1, staff overhead, back 2, 1,2, 2,3,forward 2 staff grab.double shadow kick for 38%(or 39% with double shadow kick ender).

I have some combos with Jade in my Jade video guide if you're interested in a visual. I might post one from youtube.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
So 36% without jip, 41-42% with meter and jip. good to know.

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AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
even with those combos...it isnt in her favor. or even close to 5-5. 7-3 or 6-4...i'll play it with red fox on wednesday.


Positive Poster!
even with those combos...it isnt in her favor. or even close to 5-5. 7-3 or 6-4...i'll play it with red fox on wednesday.
It's perfectly 5-5. I don't think anybody in the community can play Jade at her individual level as high as say, Lao or Kabal are exposed.


liu is mad underrated, i been dabbling with him in training sessions lately ( raiden as well) to get a better understanding of them, for when i fight them.

All i got to say is that from playing liu and playing against skarlet, I would see liu winning this MU.

I believe his rushdown is superior to skarlets.

He has some really good normals, and a lot of normals that set up for counter poke whiff punishing. Such as his b1. Has the perfect spacing after that, so that if the opponent whiffs something after he does it, he can punish. I see this beating skarlet more so then what she can do to him. They both kind of want to be close to the opponent, so I can see this up close fighting heavily favoring that of full screen/projectile play in matches.
lius rushdown is top 5 in my opinion, 213 is his best string for mixes, it has fantastic pushback (out of d1 or d3 range usually) if u hit all 3 parts, standing 2 and 21 are fantastic for staggering and annoying people while mixing in his fifty fifty game also it contains one of the best 50 50 games with 21 ex low, which yields i think 12+ish percent plus free pressure(ive been punished 0 times for it too, and 213 can either yield a full combo or fantastic positioning plus neutral, his f4 has just enough recovery to throw people off and get them to poke late, plus it has random advantage on jumps out and it anti airs after an overhead on hit. ive even gotten away with doing 21 21 and then f3 or b3 or 2 213 2 b3 b312

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
It's perfectly 5-5. I don't think anybody in the community can play Jade at her individual level as high as say, Lao or Kabal are exposed.
And you think we can play scarlet at her highest level?

Skaet is by far the hardest character to use in the game. Jade is cake in comparison. I don't think she is bad but th fact is that skarlet has ten times the tools jade has. And even if jade does guess right, she only gets 36 or 41 with meter compared to starlets 42 resets (+10% chip) for over 50% and that is conservative.

I'll play it out with red fox on wed if he comes to level up. But LBSH...jade is bottom 7 and skarlet is top 7. It's not 5-5

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
And you think we can play scarlet at her highest level?

Skaet is by far the hardest character to use in the game. Jade is cake in comparison. I don't think she is bad but th fact is that skarlet has ten times the tools jade has. And even if jade does guess right, she only gets 36 or 41 with meter compared to starlets 42 resets (+10% chip) for over 50% and that is conservative.

I'll play it out with red fox on wed if he comes to level up. But LBSH...jade is bottom 7 and skarlet is top 7. It's not 5-5
I Can land a 41% meterless reset with skarlet :cool:
I think this MU is 6-4 skarlet btw