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What the F**k happened...?


Head Cage
So I haven't played MK in a long while nor have I participated in it since ECT4. I made a lot of excuses but the real reason I left was to maintain my GPA and to deal with some IRL problems (not that many of you care)

1st I want to start off this post by apologizing to the MK community. Being in the MK scene and being a part of VSM got to my head a little. Playing with a group of people who are "considered" top of the top and being able to hold you own would make anyone go "I'm the shit" There was a point after APEX 2012 that I stopped playing all together due to what I stated about. I stopped playing outside of majors and still expected the same results. I stopped improving and just played flow chartish, but yet instead of coming to terms with it I got angry and became a dick when ever someone criticized me or made excuses when I lost. I also talked shit about someone who was really nice to me when I first came to the FGC, despite what people say about him, Chris G is a great guy. I refused to improve and let it all get to my head. So I'm sorry for everything I did and how I looked like a tool.

Now to the main reason I'm making this topic. So seeing how I was told by a few people VSM is coming back and I miss playing my brother in the shadows I wanted to refresh my skills and get used to MK again b4 going to VSM (whenever we start) Now I haven't RLLY been on this site in a good while and all I see is this hate on NY. Calling us out, insulting us, etc.


I remember there was a time when we all got along. There wasn't really any hate unless people called us out and tbh it was just a form of hype to get people to log on and watch the streams. We were one of the few games in the FGC were we all got along with each other...or close to all of us. No like everyone is just hating.


Like were did we go wrong. How did such a great community go sour and just roll over and decide to rot? I understand some on the hatred towards NY about out "cockiness" etc but you know what...It happens. Mainly we do it to start hype and other times its just use being cocky. I understand that its rude or w/e but does 2 wrongs make a right? I think not.

I'm glad to see other players from different areas of the US getting top 8 in majors and such but I learned something from the events that happened to me in my life till this point.

Fuck it...

Simply put. Its a video game. Yes were gonna talk shit. Yes were gonna hype ourselves to no end b4 majors, but guess who else does all these things? Family. The Mk community was like a family, but now...i don't even know.

People can change. I change enough to be different from how I was when first playing MK. We can change to and go back to the way thing were.

Now time to play more Jet Set Radio


I honestly don't understand what's with all the hate on NY lately. We have players who barely ever go around bragging on tournament streams or forum posts saying we're the best at this and that. Let people think that NY players are washed up and irrelevant lately. Most of the people who say shit like this don't even have the guts to money match NY's best player. We brag the least while a lot of other teams and players around us shoves their egos into public and gets praised for it.


I feel so out of the loop on this drama lol.

On a serious note, I'm glad you're semi-back Hitoshura, you're one of the most entertaining Noob Saibot players out there both as a player and person, hope things go well for you in real life and in the game too.


People get butthurt extremely easy. It probably doesn't help that a lot of people jump the gun real easily as well.
"Whats that? You've done something I don't like? You're Cancer."


Although being told "You're the worst player at VSM" and "You literally only win because of rune trap" or "because someone doesn't know the matchup" brings a smile to my face, the attacks against NY turn that smile into a frown. I liked this community better when we were all friends :( YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, LISA! We should become a community again, rather than several cliques.


Head Cage
Although being told "You're the worst player at VSM" and "You literally only win because of rune trap" or "because someone doesn't know the matchup" brings a smile to my face, the attacks against NY turn that smile into a frown. I liked this community better when we were all friends :( YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, LISA! We should become a community again, rather than several cliques.
We can still resolve this problem just as long as people are willing to comply.


Master of Quanculations
Yeah, it's uncomfortable isn't it? The 2 week downtown of TYM was a huge blow to us. Followed by some quick high profile fights. And really, I think we miss a unifying program. Losing KTP was a big effect for me. I know they can't go forever, but things aren't the same. Losing those 3 guys to rally around every week made us lose some of our greatest sources of personality, hype, and humor.


Online Punching Bag
Too many match up charts, too many "pros" and "newbs" disagreeing with themselves and everyone else. too many opinions, too many people taking it personally, tournament shinanigans, invincible kabal glitches, calling out people, and so on and so on. It's a game, so how about we just fucking have fun and play it.
Too many match up charts, too many "pros" and "newbs" disagreeing with themselves and everyone else. too many opinions, too many people taking it personally, tournament shinanigans, invincible kabal glitches, calling out people, and so on and so on. It's a game, so how about we just fucking have fun and play it.
Needs a love button


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The hate on NY or coasts is nothing exclusive to MK or something that is new. It's been in the FGC since the FGC started. It's called rivalry. It's called competition. You guys need to stop being baby back bitches about it. Seriously, I'm all for stopping trolling and personal attacks, but crying about some shit talk reminds me of Elementary school when I got suspended for calling a kid a "tree hugging wannabe hipster", lol (true story).

I miss the UMK3 drama... <--- never thought I'd ever say that, LOL!

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Although being told "You're the worst player at VSM" and "You literally only win because of rune trap" or "because someone doesn't know the matchup" brings a smile to my face, the attacks against NY turn that smile into a frown. I liked this community better when we were all friends :( YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, LISA! We should become a community again, rather than several cliques.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
My main issue is trolling

First off, dumb word and its become a cheap way of insulting others.

People make threads, post comments and posts and later say ...."Dude I was just trolling you bro, its just trolling"

GTFO, are you 12? How about people keep it real and cut the trolling bullshit

Joking was the first meaning of Trolling but it became something else within the past year and its obnoxious

Also I feel a lot of the top players and voices of the community need to speak out more when they feel some are in the wrong rather than just txting me privately. Most do but some of the really top voices dont.

Also when you do some dumb shit apologize, if people cant publicly apologize then it isnt worth anything

good to see you back Hito

There isnt Any hate specifically on NY, there just happens to be 1 or 2 community members that have recently been a part of some fire lately as well as an arizona player, me in Atl, possibly midwest, etc etc etc etc

This isnt about NY or VSM or that shit, never is never was. Its all individual based unless theres something going down i dont know about.

I went on and talked w Jamesmk on pherleece's channel a long time about all of this including reo, trolling, marvaz, pokchop, my bads, MLG, grass roots, 16 bit, drama pushing players to travel, etc etc etc

Ill post it and id like any comments from you on it.

I'll time stamp it too to keep it minimal

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So I haven't played MK in a long while nor have I participated in it since ECT4. I made a lot of excuses but the real reason I left was to maintain my GPA and to deal with some IRL problems (not that many of you care)

1st I want to start off this post by apologizing to the MK community. Being in the MK scene and being a part of VSM got to my head a little. Playing with a group of people who are "considered" top of the top and being able to hold you own would make anyone go "I'm the shit" There was a point after APEX 2012 that I stopped playing all together due to what I stated about. I stopped playing outside of majors and still expected the same results. I stopped improving and just played flow chartish, but yet instead of coming to terms with it I got angry and became a dick when ever someone criticized me or made excuses when I lost. I also talked shit about someone who was really nice to me when I first came to the FGC, despite what people say about him, Chris G is a great guy. I refused to improve and let it all get to my head. So I'm sorry for everything I did and how I looked like a tool.

Now to the main reason I'm making this topic. So seeing how I was told by a few people VSM is coming back and I miss playing my brother in the shadows I wanted to refresh my skills and get used to MK again b4 going to VSM (whenever we start) Now I haven't RLLY been on this site in a good while and all I see is this hate on NY. Calling us out, insulting us, etc.


I remember there was a time when we all got along. There wasn't really any hate unless people called us out and tbh it was just a form of hype to get people to log on and watch the streams. We were one of the few games in the FGC were we all got along with each other...or close to all of us. No like everyone is just hating.


Like were did we go wrong. How did such a great community go sour and just roll over and decide to rot? I understand some on the hatred towards NY about out "cockiness" etc but you know what...It happens. Mainly we do it to start hype and other times its just use being cocky. I understand that its rude or w/e but does 2 wrongs make a right? I think not.

I'm glad to see other players from different areas of the US getting top 8 in majors and such but I learned something from the events that happened to me in my life till this point.

Fuck it...

Simply put. Its a video game. Yes were gonna talk shit. Yes were gonna hype ourselves to no end b4 majors, but guess who else does all these things? Family. The Mk community was like a family, but now...i don't even know.

People can change. I change enough to be different from how I was when first playing MK. We can change to and go back to the way thing were.

Now time to play more Jet Set Radio

This thread may or may not help answer your original thread topic question


The hate on NY or coasts is nothing exclusive to MK or something that is new. It's been in the FGC since the FGC started. It's called rivalry. It's called competition. You guys need to stop being baby back bitches about it. Seriously, I'm all for stopping trolling and personal attacks, but crying about some shit talk reminds me of Elementary school when I got suspended for calling a kid a "tree hugging wannabe hipster", lol (true story).

I miss the UMK3 drama... <--- never thought I'd ever say that, LOL!
No one is crying. We're tired of certain fucking bitches talking shit and not playing in the end. I'm not here to constantly bicker back and fourth for endless amusement. I want to play the damn fucking video game against these players already. People talking shit saying NY is irrelevant and washed up when we just placed top three at Raleigh. Fuck you, you dumb bitches. I don't give a shit about what character you're the best with or what you've done in your tournament career. Come play us and get it over with already or shut the fuck up. The main reason people keep saying so and so is the best team and don't acknowledge us is because we only play for money when people talk shit, and players don't want to risk losing money against us so they ignore the elephant in the room.

Don't confuse this shit with crying. This is pure anger and many of the players on the NY team cannot stand certain other top players of this community. We have anger issues and don't like some of you, get the fuck over it. At least we keep it real and it's what keeps us determined and motivated to put you self-jerking bitches in your place. It boggles my mind how players can talk shit or boast about their skills and then not be forced to go through money matches.