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Most hated video game enemy/boss


A prop on the stage of life.
Demon's Souls- Flamejerker
FFX-2- Trema (Still haven't defeated him to this day)
Dark Souls- Fat and Skinny. I mean come the fuck on, you basically need at least one other person to help you. Also the 4 kings are annoying.


Demon's Souls- Flamejerker
FFX-2- Trema (Still haven't defeated him to this day)
Dark Souls- Fat and Skinny. I mean come the fuck on, you basically need at least one other person to help you. Also the 4 kings are annoying.
Flamedickhead was actually really really hard, you're right. People found that stupid spear exploit though where you could poke him to death which was lame but if you actually fought him the way he was meant to be fought he was ungodly hard. Agreed.

Edit: I really had no problem with Ornstein and Smough though, I melted them by myself first playthrough and forever after. I never understood why everyone has such a hard time on them.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
The mini bosses on the ocean level in Megaman X5
The Master (i think) in Paper Mario
The final boss in Paper Mario TTYD
Tabuu in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The ouroboros mini bosses from X6 (Heatnix stage) were MUCH worse...
The Master never bothered me. Zap Tap FTW. Same with Shadow Queen. It's just a long fight.
Tabuu is freakin' insane! All he has to do is touch you and you're character is gone! It was frustrating!

Culex from Super Mario RPG. Much harder than Smithy. You have to fight him against 4 crystals. If you don't have the Lazy Shell(s) and/or the Safety Ring, you're gonna die. Culex has so much power, can sucker punch you without warning (you literally have to guess when he's going to attack), not only that he can reset your stats w/Shredder. Dark Star does so much damage on top of that.


Edit: I really had no problem with Ornstein and Smough though, I melted them by myself first playthrough and forever after. I never understood why everyone has such a hard time on them.
I was going ManMode on my first playthrough so I didn't summon any help and I was using fist weapons. I decided it would be smart to kill Smough first since he was fat and all. Terrible terrible decision.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Sephiroth
Sephiroth is free compared to this guy:

No patterns. Doesn't give a fuck what level you are. All his attacks put you down to 1HP. When you think you have an edge, he makes like 5 fucking clones of himself, which slows down the frame rate, and may even freeze your PSP. Has a random shield that regenerates his health (a lot of it) when you touch him too. Broken as hell...

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
My #1 most hated boss is probably Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream. Argh.

I'll probably hate the bosses in bullet hell games more if I try them though.

DJ L Toro

Help me procrastinate my french project by discussing who is your most hated enemy or boss in a video game.

Classic-wise I HATED Megaman X6's High Max boss fight(not the first encounter.That one's scripted).I also hated Crash Bandicoot: Warped's 'N Gin's space boss fight because I don't play inverted and it was hard for my 8 year old brain to understand that moving the cursor meant moving your ship as well.

As for modern bosses, I hate Dead Island's Rhyder final boss fight.Probably died like 40 times.In the same game, I have a phobia of fighting the "Infected" class since they rape you so easily.

The MK9 Raiden vs Shao Kahn final boss fight seemed hard at first but after figuring out the pattern that you just cross-up JIP for every muscle movement he does, you can baby him easily.
whaaat? high max was such a pansy. he's even easier with zero! there's other megamanX bosses that are more difficult (eg MMX3 kaiser sigma. WUT DA FUK. To this day i've only beaten that ass twice and once i died because of that fucking run away from the fire part. note, this is with both zero's sword and golden super armor. still the most enfuriating thing of all time)

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
The final boss of Star Ocean 3
Misty in my low-level Pokemon Fire Red playthrough
The spear lady boss in Tales of Graces F
Pharomon (i think?) in Digimon World 3
The mini bosses on the ocean level in Megaman X5
Seto 3rd in Yugioh Forbidden Memories
Silverhorn in my low-level Megaman X Command Mission playthrough
The Master (i think) in Paper Mario
The final boss in Paper Mario TTYD
Tabuu in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stay free to a Giant Whale that follows you and you follow :p.

Use Zero on that level, he fux shitz up.Unless you have Ultimate Armor X cheat which I used the first time I played the game lol.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
whaaat? high max was such a pansy. he's even easier with zero! there's other megamanX bosses that are more difficult (eg MMX3 kaiser sigma. WUT DA FUK. To this day i've only beaten that ass twice and once i died because of that fucking run away from the fire part. note, this is with both zero's sword and golden super armor. still the most enfuriating thing of all time)
Don't care what anybody sez High Max made me rage a FUCK TON.I could probably play X6 on an emulator now and still be pissed off at High Max.And in X6 I don't use Zero as much as I did in X5, even though he's more useful in X6 than X5.

DJ L Toro

Stay free to a Giant Whale that follows you and you follow :p.

Use Zero on that level, he fux shitz up.Unless you have Ultimate Armor X cheat which I used the first time I played the game lol.
the thing about picking characters in x5 (if i remember correctly) is that only your current gets health boost/energy boost items, so there's an incentive to use the same guy for the whole game.

DJ L Toro

Don't care what anybody sez High Max made me rage a FUCK TON.I could probably play X6 on an emulator now and still be pissed off at High Max.And in X6 I don't use Zero as much as I did in X5, even though he's more useful in X6 than X5.
yeah zero was SUUUUPER broken in X6. But high max the trick is switching waepons quickly and saving giga attack/charged metal anchor for the end. like if you were X just blast him with a charge blast to freeze and use special of choice to damage, rince repeat till he turns super gay, then giga or super metal anchor. shouldnt take more than 1/4 health bar

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
the thing about picking characters in x5 (if i remember correctly) is that only your current gets health boost/energy boost items, so there's an incentive to use the same guy for the whole game.
Yea but there are some things that is better to use one character than the other even if it means sacrificing life.(Using Zero to rape Grizz , using X to rape at Izzy's stage , etc)


Fighters :

Goenitz in KOF96
Original Zero and Igniz in KOF2001
Shion and Magaki in KOFXI
Johann in Rage of The Dragons
Keith Evans in Psychic Force 2012

Put the games on the hardest difficulty and try not to use any tricks that will exploit the CPU......on second though, exploit them just so you can never have to face them ever again.

RPGs :

Unlimited Indelecio and Isielah Queen in Star Ocean 2
FF 9 - Ozma
FF X - Penance
Omega and Ruby WEAPONs in FF7

Jus tlike fighters, this is assuming you don't over level or use any exploits.

As for action games, I can go on and on. I love those games too much to decide which bosses are annoying. Although I will say, if you've played Master Ninja mode in Ninja Gaiden 2, then any enemy in that is super annoying.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Sephiroth is free compared to this guy:

No patterns. Doesn't give a fuck what level you are. All his attacks put you down to 1HP. When you think you have an edge, he makes like 5 fucking clones of himself, which slows down the frame rate, and may even freeze your PSP. Has a random shield that regenerates his health (a lot of it) when you touch him too. Broken as hell...
That...was just, rude as fuck....


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
the hardest thing for me was Ninja gaiden sigma 2 ultimate ninja missions 1&2. 1 could only be won with luck and knowing how to properly Aggro, u fight 3 of the Greater fiends at once. and once 2 of em die you fight the 4th. Fuck Elizabitch and her Invinciblity and her random BS and fuck this mission.

. Mission 2 was fine until u gotta fight the 3 Fiend Genshin's all at once at the end. Theres only 2 ways to do it and their both hard. 1st way is to be ryu and make him walk after you. You do this by being a certain distance from them and running circles around them. They'll slowly walk after you. However if u get to far away or too close, they'll break their walk cycle and both attack you simultaneously. You have to keep doing this until the other player kills the third genshin and then can pull a second one, then rinse and repeat. The other option is to use rachel and keep spin dodging in circles until the other player finishes the other genshin off and pulls the other ones one by one. While the other one is dependent on luck, this one is dependant on endurance. neither of these fuggin missions are pleasant. Fuck em!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Fighters :

Goenitz in KOF96
Original Zero and Igniz in KOF2001
Shion and Magaki in KOFXI
Johann in Rage of The Dragons
Keith Evans in Psychic Force 2012

Put the games on the hardest difficulty and try not to use any tricks that will exploit the CPU......on second though, exploit them just so you can never have to face them ever again.

RPGs :

Unlimited Indelecio and Isielah Queen in Star Ocean 2
FF 9 - Ozma
FF X - Penance
Omega and Ruby WEAPONs in FF7

Jus tlike fighters, this is assuming you don't over level or use any exploits.

As for action games, I can go on and on. I love those games too much to decide which bosses are annoying. Although I will say, if you've played Master Ninja mode in Ninja Gaiden 2, then any enemy in that is super annoying.
Still haven't even finished Ninja gaiden 2 lol.I'm on Chapter 9, I considered it a win and didn't even try and I just quitted.