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Obama Vs. Romney

Who would you choose between the two?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 55 84.6%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 10 15.4%

  • Total voters

Mr. Mileena

We gave George Bush 8 years to make this mess, let's give Obama 8 years to try and clean it up. Recovery always takes longer than destruction, and to give him only 4 years is crazy.

Plus, Obama doesn't discriminate against people (gays in particular). Anyone who limits people's freedoms, whether gay or straight, religious or not, black or white, is NOT okay in my books.

Obama has my vote.
Michelle is a great first lady too, I wouldn't stand Mitt's wife lol

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
I am a republican and refuse to like either of these canidates. This country needs another Ronald Reagan or someone has really good economic and financial policy. I honestly woulda voted for Herman Cain or Donald trump if they made it far enough.


Master of Quanculations
It's literally not even a choice anymore. In another time, there may have been a debate about this. But the republican party has been absolutely taken over by their conservative fringe. Introduction of anti-abortion legislation is at it's highest since the passage of Roe v Wade. Romney and Ryan support overturning abortion rights. Ryan sponsored personhood bills (fertilized eggs are humans) which outlaws many forms of birth control, (as did the anti-women's rights evolution denier Ron Paul). Their party is obsessed with religion. They claim a phony "War on Christmas", while denying their own War on Women that they wage by defunding family planning centers and trying to vote out insurance coverage for cancer screenings and contraception.

We have Romney telling gay war veterans (that live in states with marriage rights) TO THEIR FACE that he would repeal the marriage benefits for their partners. State after state run by this new breed of republicans has been removing Evolution and other sciences from their public school text books because of their warped ideologies. Their party spits in the face of the entire global scientific community by denying climate change and other very real pressing environmental issues. They wanna talk about the "good old days" of the 50's when life was just jolly fine for all those white people they're trying to appeal too. A time when it was Hell for anyone other than a white male to have a life of their own.

Their convention was filled entirely with white people, while the DNC showed the face of the real America I grew up in. Blacks, latinos, asians, arabs, jews, muslims, non-believers, hippy feminists, gays. We are moving forward with expanded healthcare coverage for those less fortunate than most of us. The US auto industry was saved. Insurance companies can't refuse treatment to children based on pre-existing conditions. We've ended the war in Iraq. All while the other side has stalled anything they can while they rant on and on about birther conspiracies, crazy fears of communism, the fact that democrats don't mention God enough.

Give me a break. I have huge issues with Obama. Particularly in his hesitation to come flat out in support for federal gay marriage rights, and his neglect of the atheist/agnostic community and their concerns for their civil rights and the separation of church and state. I take issue with the support of Israel. There's things I don't support. But I'll never get the candidate I 100% agree with until I run myself. So I suck it up, accept those things, and fight the good fight by giving him my support. Until...

Mayo/Soup 2016

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
We gave George Bush 8 years to make this mess, let's give Obama 8 years to try and clean it up. Recovery always takes longer than destruction, and to give him only 4 years is crazy.

Plus, Obama doesn't discriminate against people (gays in particular). Anyone who limits people's freedoms, whether gay or straight, religious or not, black or white, is NOT okay in my books.

Obama has my vote.
Michelle is a great first lady too, I wouldn't stand Mitt's wife lol
I agree that we need a president who doesnt discriminate. That shouldnt even be a question in a presidents policy as his job is to serve every United States Citizen, equally, without discrimination, but I do not and will never like Obama's other policies. He looks to gain total control and create a socialist country. The Forefathers of this country would roll in their graves seeing how this country is slowing fading from its roots of true freedom into Government control. Being a republican, I prefer conservative policies over liberal, but Republican canidates are also known for having some-what discriminating policies. I guess its just what comes with each individual party. You already know how I stand on that issue and while I dont agree with it, I wont bring forth any dislike to those who choose those aforementioned lifestyles.


I agree that we need a president who doesnt discriminate. That shouldnt even be a question in a presidents policy as his job is to serve every United States Citizen, equally, without discrimination, but I do not and will never like Obama's other policies. He looks to gain total control and create a socialist country. The Forefathers of this country would roll in their graves seeing how this country is slowing fading from its roots of true freedom into Government control. Being a republican, I prefer conservative policies over liberal, but Republican canidates are also known for having some-what discriminating policies. I guess its just what comes with each individual party. You already know how I stand on that issue and while I dont agree with it, I wont bring forth any dislike to those who choose those aforementioned lifestyles.
How Obama could create a socialist country in 8 years without doing it by brute force is beyond me.


My blades will find your heart
Obama isn't the greatest, but when he's standing next to Mitt... he might as well be the best President in the history of ever. If Mitt Romney gets elected, I am swimming to Europe. I'd rather Sarah Palin be in the office than Mitt..... yeah. :(
I just think Romney is clueless. The dude has no idea what he is talking about half the time. Paul Ryan on the other hand just spews bullshit knowingly. The dude has not told one truth in any of his speeches. I dont like Romney but I hate Ryan.

Obama 2012 bitches.


It's literally not even a choice anymore. In another time, there may have been a debate about this. But the republican party has been absolutely taken over by their conservative fringe. Introduction of anti-abortion legislation is at it's highest since the passage of Roe v Wade. Romney and Ryan support overturning abortion rights. Ryan sponsored personhood bills (fertilized eggs are humans) which outlaws many forms of birth control, (as did the anti-women's rights evolution denier Ron Paul). Their party is obsessed with religion. They claim a phony "War on Christmas", while denier their own War on Women that they wage by defunding family planning centers and trying to vote out insurance coverage for cancer screenings and contraception.

We have Romney telling gay war veterans (that live in states with marriage rights) TO THE FACE that they would repeal the marriage benefits for their partners. State after state run by this new breed of republicans has been removing Evolution and other sciences from their public school text books because of their warped ideologies. Their party spits in the face of the entire global scientific community by denying climate change and other very real pressing environmental issues. They wanna talk about the "good old days" of the 50's when life was just jolly fine for all those white people they're trying to appeal too. A time when it was Hell for anyone other than a white male to have a life of their own.

Their convention was filled entirely with white people, while the DNC showed the face of the real America I grew up in. Blacks, latinos, asians, arabs, jews, muslims, non-believers, hippy feminists, gays. We are moving forward with expanded healthcare coverage for those less fortunate than most of us. The US auto industry was saved. Insurance companies can't refuse treatment to children based on pre-existing conditions. We've ended the war in Iraq. All while the other side has stalled anything they can while they rant on and on about birther conspiracies, crazy fears of communism, the fact that democrats don't mention God enough.

Give me a break. I have huge issues with Obama. Particularly in his hesitation to come flat out in support for federal gay marriage rights, and his neglect of the atheist/agnostic community and their concerns for their civil rights and the separation of church and state. I take issue with the support of Israel. There's things I don't support. But I'll never get the candidate I 100% agree with until I run myself. So I suck it up, accept those things, and fight the good fight by giving him my support. Until...

Mayo/Soup 2016
So from what im getting, despite you not liking Obama, you dislike Romney more, so you're voting for the lesser of two evils. With all due respect, that is a huge cop out.

While people still struggle to decide what's better, Pepsi or Coca Cola, they wont DARE try anything else because no one else will dare try anything else.

Vote for who you want in, regardless of how slim their chances are. It's all very well the peasants complaining about politicians like we all do, but not even attempting to make a change gives no one the right to complain in my opinion.

I just dont think people should complain about a politician they are just about to vote back into power. That's like saying "this brick wall is hard" and then head butting it again. I keep hearing Republicans saying how they are "begrudgingly voting Romney". If they know he's a nut job, what the Hell are they voting him in for?

If you dont like him, or his policies, vote for someone you do like.


Come On Die Young
I am 100% behind Obama. Romney's ideas are absolutely counterproductive to our society's progress with this mythical idea that the way things were during the Bush era was completely fine. The way Republican politicians, not just Mitt Romney, have become is disgusting. Their goal for the past 4 years wasn't to do anything to help America, but simply and explicitly to get Obama out of office. That's not how democracy in this country should work. And now, they need voter ID laws because they want to rig elections in their favor.

One of my biggest gripes though is that both Romney and Ryan are missing one of the most important jobs of the president, which is foreign policy. They want to make this election completely about economics, which is clearly a very large issue, but America is more than a business. I trust Obama more than almost any other American politician with representing America to the rest of the world. Romney, on the other hand, had a disaster of a foreign tour this summer where he blamed Palestine's economic policies for their situation. The idea that such a boneheaded guy could be our next leader is extremely scary.

also lol@socialism. maybe Romney doesn't want to support education because he doesn't want people to find out what "socialism" actually means.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
How Obama could create a socialist country in 8 years without doing it by brute force is beyond me.
Didnt say he could do it in 8 years but if he continues to have his way, over time this country will be forced into socialism through other presidents like him, because this is obviously what people like.


Come On Die Young
So from what im getting, despite you not liking Obama, you dislike Romney more, so you're voting for the lesser of two evils. With all due respect, that is a huge cop out.

While people still struggle to decide what's better, Pepsi or Coca Cola, they wont DARE try anything else because no one else will dare try anything else.

Vote for who you want in, regardless of how slim their chances are. It's all very well the peasants complaining about politicians like we all do, but not even attempting to make a change gives no one the right to complain in my opinion.

I just dont think people should complain about a politician they are just about to vote back into power. That's like saying "this brick wall is hard" and then head butting it again. I keep hearing Republicans saying how they are "begrudgingly voting Romney". If they know he's a nut job, what the Hell are they voting him in for?

If you dont like him, or his policies, vote for someone you do like.
I strongly disagree with this kind of talk, which is something I hear often. If you have Obama and Romney, and you like Obama better, but your #1 choice is Gary Johnson, you should still vote for Obama in my opinion. I don't have issues with third parties, but in American elections we are 100% certain Obama or Romney will be president for the next 4 years. If you take votes away from the better of the two, you could end up with the worse of the two.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Socialist just seems to be a buzzword people throw around these days.
Socialist is word I've done much research over my years and highschool and the 4 years I've spent in college so far. Government control on the scale that Obama is pushing for =socialist. Socialism is just shy of what communism is. Would you prefer me to say communism? That would be lying though, because we haven't been driven into the ground that hard yet, thank the Lord.