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UMK3 and MKII Summer Jam in Philadelphia, PA August 14th and 15th


keep the hype guys...I am done with all of your mind fuck....and Bass i don't even get what you're talking about...see ya this Saturday....

One thing you two idiots dont understand is that i do not try to be hard or whatever....I dont even care if i lose or win...I just dont like you, dont you get it????

Bass dont even dare to speak about me ....when i saw you playing at NEC...I was actually thinking that my grandmother is playing that lame Kabal....


If anybody is around Friday during the day and doesn't mind a trip to Center City, I strongly suggest you try out the $10 burger on Butcher and Singer's lunch menu.

This is a burger of legendary taste. When I tried it the full price was $18. I'm not sure what they did to make it $10 because I haven't gotten back there any time recently, but I have to believe it's still one of the best burgers you can get.


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Not trying to pull your card Matt, but remember the little conversation me and you had at NEC, where you were telling me about all these friends you made through MK, about how your dead homie put you on to this game and how its changed your life ect. (Which by the way was my first impression of you and I thought you were a pretty sincere person to tell me all of that shit), I also asked you who you thought was the best in UMK and you told me that Crazy Dominican "Hands Down" was the best player in the world. I took it for face value. We also discussed why some offline players are scared to come to a tourney.You might not of though I was paying attention to what you were saying but I was. I listen to everything.

I am not saying this to talk shit, I give people the benifit of the doubt in life, however after the first slip up like this I have to start to wonder dude. You defnietly do not come off as a bullshitter, maybe it just slipped your mind, but you definetly said it.
WHAT. I told you straight up he's one of the best I've played, and that thee best I've ever played were Lex and Moe, not that Crazy is thee best, and that even though Lex is better than Moe on paper, I found Moe to be harder to beat. The most I would say about Crazy is he's the best who plays online but he didn't even play online anymore then so I wouldn't say that either. So STFU with your nonsense. It is true, there are plenty of players scared to come out to tournaments, but don't misquote me like that.

Neither of you compare to Simon, you're not in any position to criticize his game, as you aren't close to his level. If you play every good player 10, 20 times in a row with top tier characters, you might luck out and get your one Babality here and there, and that's great. If that's the kind of thing that makes you happy, but I wouldn't attempt a Babality against Simon if I's was you. A blind person can throw 10 or 20 rocks at a target, there's a good chance at least one's gonna hit.

I'd pick apart all the true flaws in your gameplay piece by piece, but I don't want you guys to get good over night and eliminate all the crap you do that gets you in trouble, where people online can't counter it. Just for you, I'll do all basic combos when they are available so I don't drop any and you lose faster.


SKYPE: igotbass
WHAT. I told you straight up he's one of the best I've played, and that thee best I've ever played were Lex and Moe, not that Crazy is thee best, and that even though Lex is better than Moe on paper, I found Moe to be harder to beat. The most I would say about Crazy is he's the best who plays online but he didn't even play online anymore then so I wouldn't say that either. So STFU with your nonsense. It is true, there are plenty of players scared to come out to tournaments, but don't misquote me like that.

Neither of you compare to Simon, you're not in any position to criticize his game, as you aren't close to his level. If you play every good player 10, 20 times in a row with top tier characters, you might luck out and get your one Babality here and there, and that's great. If that's the kind of thing that makes you happy, but I wouldn't attempt a Babality against Simon if I's was you. A blind person can throw 10 or 20 rocks at a target, there's a good chance at least one's gonna hit.

I'd pick apart all the true flaws in your gameplay piece by piece, but I don't want you guys to get good over night and eliminate all the crap you do that gets you in trouble, where people online can't counter it. Just for you, I'll do all basic combos when they are available so I don't drop any and you lose faster.
Dude u gonna play me and sans off the street on sat. Very simple yes or no?


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When you guys walk in, you are sitting down and playing me in 2 vs 1 (2 on 2 mode) as soon as your pads are configured. That whole "crew" shit and "gauntlet" was a joke. Sarcasm is hard to pick up on message boards, we all should know.
You can't really criticize anyone's game unless you've played them. Furthermore you'd have to beat the person for your criticism to mean much. You can't really base much at all based on videos. So much of high level UMK3 is mind games that aren't necessarily visualized via videos. Even without this aspect it's hard to determine someone's skill based on videos. I know I for one play according to my opponent in most cases. I'm a reaction and prediction based player, so what YOU do will determine the outcome of the match.


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Let's ask Summoning to criticize Bass, he beat him at NEC.


SKYPE: igotbass
When you guys walk in, you are sitting down and playing me in 2 vs 1 (2 on 2 mode) as soon as your pads are configured. That whole "crew" shit and "gauntlet" was a joke. Sarcasm is hard to pick up on message boards, we all should know.
Oh no brother. 1v1 both of us. Ill even go first. Straight out the AMG benz rite to your pc. We will do some 2v2 as well i just want a crack at you solo. Deal?


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That's fine, it'll just take a little longer to beat both of you individually, having to go through menus and the select screen twice.


SKYPE: igotbass
Let's ask Summoning to criticize Bass, he beat him at NEC.
Ill save you the time. I was nervous. Overwhelemed at the whole scene. I watch the video and cringe. I fucked up. I could play better then. I didnt and lost. No excuses.
I would be interested in seeing the casuals. I doubt you guys can stream it, but that would be sick as well. Don't care who wins the casuals, just think they will be interesting matches.


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Ill save you the time. I was nervous. Overwhelemed at the whole scene. I watch the video and cringe. I fucked up. I could play better then. I didnt and lost. No excuses.
I seriously hope you clear up those butterflies and adjust to the offline scenario. If you give yourself enough time and make it there early you'll be able to figure a lot out. There will be two setups, one will be for training but obviously if I'm playing on the main set or not around (other tournaments I'm in) it's open for anyone, but it'll only be a laptop with two sticks, most likely no extra TV. We'll have to figure out controls later. Bring extra wired pads if you have them so we can hook up at least one to the extra setup. The main setup will be run off a laptop with a couple USB hubs to support 2 sets of sticks and 2 360 pads, using speakers and a projector for the screen. Anyone who brings a 360 pad needs to dedicate it to the setup for the entire day and not unplug it, obviously the same goes for UMK3 sticks. There are plenty of people around watching our shit, nothing will happen, just mark them so you know what is yours.

Jugg, I am told there might be a side stream for the extra games. Saturday UMK3 will be all casuals, so we can try to get some of them on the stream if there are in fact two.


SKYPE: igotbass
I seriously hope you clear up those butterflies and adjust to the offline scenario. If you give yourself enough time and make it there early you'll be able to figure a lot out. There will be two setups, one will be for training but obviously if I'm playing on the main set or not around (other tournaments I'm in) it's open for anyone, but it'll only be a laptop with two sticks, most likely no extra TV. We'll have to figure out controls later. Bring extra wired pads if you have them so we can hook up at least one to the extra setup. The main setup will be run off a laptop with a couple USB hubs to support 2 sets of sticks and 2 360 pads, using speakers and a projector for the screen. Anyone who brings a 360 pad needs to dedicate it to the setup for the entire day and not unplug it, obviously the same goes for UMK3 sticks. There are plenty of people around watching our shit, nothing will happen, just mark them so you know what is yours.

Jugg, I am told there might be a side stream for the extra games. Saturday UMK3 will be all casuals, so we can try to get some of them on the stream if there are in fact two.
I dont use xbox pads any more. I use a custom modified ps3 pad. I will supply drivers for my hardware.

Shock i have been playing offline now for 5 weekends in a row at Sans crib. I gave also been mameing it up online as well. I will be ok this time. Also no snow on the road 350 miles through mountains in a 400 hp rwd jag will be a little easier.

Win or lose this is it for me. Umk is not life for me. :shock:


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UMK3 is Life = in the fighting game world, not my "life" literally. Don't try to marginalize the subject, you're posting on a board dedicated to offline UMK3 tournaments.

Just make sure that you can dedicate the custom pad to the setup for the whole day, both days, until you leave, so we don't have to reconfigure.


SKYPE: igotbass
UMK3 is Life = in the fighting game world, not my "life" literally. Don't try to marginalize the subject, you're posting on a board dedicated to offline UMK3 tournaments.

Just make sure that you can dedicate the custom pad to the setup for the whole day, both days, until you leave, so we don't have to reconfigure.
Website dedicated to mk, holding offline tourneys, lengthy documented history. U said it yourself to me that mk changed your life. Im not marginalizing, you my friend are minimizing.

Its ok dude let it ride. The shits your life. Its cool.

Due to the sickness u aquired at nec i will take my pad with me. No unclensed hands are allowed to touch. No touchy..


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Website dedicated to mk, holding offline tourneys, lengthy documented history. U said it yourself to me that mk changed your life. Im not marginalizing, you my friend are minimizing.

Its ok dude let it ride. The shits your life. Its cool.

Due to the sickness u aquired at nec i will take my pad with me. No unclensed hands are allowed to touch. No touchy..
When did MK change my life? I only play UMK3. That's the only MK game I play. This site is the work of many people, just not me. You have a severe problem with taking things literally and don't want to be disconnected from reality, or you just fuck around all the time. When you only engage someone on a certain platform, you cannot assume it's all they do. This is a reason why you constantly bring up your car dealership, or cars you have, and other irrelevant outside things into the topic all the time, because you must have a need to feel like things are real, or that other people must absolutely know that this isn't all you do, and cannot just talk about the matter at hand. When I say you are marginalizing, you are bringing the concept down to a level that is somehow beneath you or unimportant, even though you actively participate in it, as if you are ashamed. This is why I said, you're on a board about MK, yet somehow talking down about it. No one on here assumes that any other person only plays MK, or fighting games, or video games. Horrendous.


Bass and Sans, nobody is going to mess with your controllers and nobody other than you and possibly Shock or Myself(the people running the tournament) will be touching them. The way Mame works, if we unplug even one controller, then all the controllers that are set up will need to be re-configured, and tested every single time one of the two of you play. It's not efficient to run the tournament this way.

There will be 2 sticks, 2 360 pads, 2 ps1 pads all available for people to use, and most of them will be hooked up so people can play on any given setup, not to mention your personal pads, which if you don't want touched by the masses, I understand, but you have to make some concession for us(Shock and myself) so that you can leave your controllers connected so that the tournament runs as smoothly as possible. It can be difficult at times to get players who are off in other rooms or playing other games to the MK station, so when their turn comes up, we don't want to have to delay anyone because we have to re-configure controllers everytime a pad is plugged in or unplugged.

It's a domino effect, because once you unplug, that affects the players who play next, and then when you plug in, it affects the players(including you) who are about to play.

I will bring some sanitary wipes if necessary, but lets make this easy and keep the pads/sticks all plugged in so that we keep the tournament moving.


SKYPE: igotbass
When did MK change my life? I only play UMK3. That's the only MK game I play..
My man, check this out ok. You personally pulled me aside at the NEC Tourney ok. The conversation was very vivid and even moreso My boy, Quic Loc that I brought with me, was making fun of me on the way back saying how you were talking to me and I seemed like I did'nt want to hear it. Which was'nt the case, I listened to every single word you said. You told me that "UMK3 has been a life changing experience for you." You said the shit, admit it or not. You explained to me that you have met some "Wonderful" people in the course of your carrear. You also were like "You know I dont know if you plan on attending in the future but we also welcome people to come back blha blah blah." You also told me about how your boy passed, and how dude put you down with UMK.3 We discussed why offline players talk shit and don't show up. It was about Juggs, if you remember because Jugg's ran his mouth and in the end of the day the phrase "Juggernaut Does not have THE MONEY" was coined. Sorry Juggs, the shit happened Im not trying to clown you.

When I say you are marginalizing, you are bringing the concept down to a level that is somehow beneath you or unimportant, even though you actively participate in it, as if you are ashamed.
No dude its not like that at all. I am not into this shit like you are dude. I mean you are a straight MK Nerd, I mean thats not bad, you get in where you fit in. I would say that about anyone into some shit on the level that you are. You know more shit about the fuckin game than the designers do. I do respect that knowledge.

I played this game at the arcade when it was out. Did I make special trips and hang at the arcade to play it, NO, it was a fuckin cool game but thats it. I was not inthralled by MK. I played the shit on consoles maybe until 98-99 I guess if it was around or we were at someones crib and they had it. I was always pretty good at the game and pretty much beat on whoever i played, however everyone though they were good then. I never played really after that until 2008. I really was not into Video games and seriously did not own or play any other games and still don't. I was at my boys crib, he showed my MK online on xbox, so I bought one. Then I started to play on XBOX. I have been playing for 2 years on XBOX. Thats IT. I never started to play this shit for the "Whos Better" factor. Now because of XBOX I actually have stalkers. Can you believe that Matt, I have fuckin stalkers. Multiple stalkers. Both on XBOX and off. I cannot even play this game in peace, so thats why I quit back in april. I am not kidding I ran my XBOX over with a Hummer so I couldnt touch the game ever again. It's not worth it

Now with that being said, its not that its benieth me. Its that you are into the shit way more than me. However myself and sans tried to bring up a point on the other forum, you chime in with your 2 cents, but are so completely off base from what we are talking about and when he tries to explain what he is referring to, you come back with this crazy attitude.

I don't like being talked to like I am inferior, and you emit that attitude with me and sans now. You did not act like that when I met you in person, and my guess is that you probably will not act like that in person again. I am very sure that you will leave with a very new found respect for both of us.


This thread is OUT of control! Trash talking is one thing but what Im reading in here is ABSURD. I have to go out right now but i will clean up this mess later tonight. Im closing it for now!
Im disgusted. The behavior in here is adolescant nonsense.

(If another mod would like to clean up this mess while im out feel free, if not Il take care of it in about 3 hours.


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I agree. Bass and Sans, the trash talking and what not is cool, we can all have fun with that, but there is something with both of you in the fact that you persistently contradict, dig out childish irrelevant comments just to get a reaction, and constantly tie in personal attacks to your posts. I suggest you practice for the next 48 to 72 hours straight because you guys are going to need it. Do not continue to post about this anywhere else on the board or you'll find yourself banned, tournament or not, you're both children on boards. Bass I edited your sig.

42 posts deleted, some from everyone including myself. Enjoy it.


Gentlemen, let me just be clear about something. A little shit talking is fine and can even help build up the hype for an upcoming tournament. I have no problem with it. Shit talking is fine, insults, flaming and character defamation are NOT fine. You guys all know what you did, and you all know its wrong.
I have read your apologies and while I take note of them,(Make no mistake, they are the reason why I havent banned you.) let me be clear. Flaming, threatening, disparaging other members ethnicity or making sexually derogatory remarks are strictly prohibited.
Attending a tournament does not give you license to blatantly break the rules of this site. We have standards for conduct here gentlemen and they apply to everyone.
This is the one and ONLY warning I will give. If I see conduct like what I saw in here earlier, bans will be forthcoming.
With that said, I want everyone to have a good time and I look foward to Summer Jam and another great tournament. You are all welcome to continue to build the hype for what looks to be a fantastic tournament. But know this, I will be watching. So keep it civil people.
*Thread reopened*

PS. Thanks Shock for cleaning up this mess. I really appreciate it.