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UMK3 and MKII Summer Jam in Philadelphia, PA August 14th and 15th


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I stopped being anxious when I heard about Phil's family issues. I'll watch them when they come, however long that takes.
There are definitely some good sets so stay tuned.


It's all good, i can wait for the video's. i just use the video's for a personal strategy guide and put it to my vs strategy.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
Oh I didn't know Phil was having some personal issues, hope everything goes alright for him.


Hey everyone. Yeah, I'm sorry about all the delays, my mom is in the hospital and I'm spending most of my time after work there. We are trying to plan a get-together at Summoning's house for this Sunday so if that works out, Shock will get all the vids then.


Full results for UMK3 from Summer Jam:

1. Mr Bass I Got Bass
2. REO
3. AC1984
4. Sans Power
5. Shock
5. 9.95
7. iloveu
7. Tim Static
9. Al Dagod
9. Hubbs
9. Sweet Johnny Cage
9. BlueIX
13. Comeback Kyle
13. Dark Rob
13. Summoning

R3O sent Shock to the losers bracket and Simon finished him off.

Videos will be uploading tonight probably won't be labeled until later or tomorrow.


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After jumping through hoops to get those damn videos tonight, everything should be a go. My first attempt was to simply upload them to Youtube using Summoning's 100 mbit connection, which with all the net traffic going on in his house reduced the upload rate to approximately 0.5 mbit. So 14.1 gigs was not going to get up there, and on top of that, everytime I uploaded a video it canceled at the end due to an "unknown error." After that I decided to just hop on AIM and send to my comp from there, but again, still couldn't get any speed. Then I said "Might as well burn them to DVDs." Well, it took about 2 hours to burn one DVD for some reason using the Win7 default software, and then it said that the BLANK DVD didn't have enough space to burn 3.67 gigs of data, which again was only the first set. Don't you love this? I finally had to share them on Summoning's network server which transferred all 14.1 gigs from the laptop to the server in 25 minutes. Astounding.

Tomorrow I should be able to download them all but I'm still going to have to upload them myself. It's going to take a while to get through all of them and ID all the players but it'll get done. There are a handful of casuals before the tournament with REO vs Al Dagod, and AC1984 Vs Summoning which I tried to upload tonight, but to no avail. The quality is extremely good and I was pleased with how they came out. I still haven't gotten any of my video editing software working on Win7 yet, so I will once again upload the videos as is, including any extra stuff before an after matches.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
After jumping through hoops to get those damn videos tonight, everything should be a go. My first attempt was to simply upload them to Youtube using Summoning's 100 mbit connection, which with all the net traffic going on in his house reduced the upload rate to approximately 0.5 mbit. So 14.1 gigs was not going to get up there, and on top of that, everytime I uploaded a video it canceled at the end due to an "unknown error." After that I decided to just hop on AIM and send to my comp from there, but again, still couldn't get any speed. Then I said "Might as well burn them to DVDs." Well, it took about 2 hours to burn one DVD for some reason using the Win7 default software, and then it said that the BLANK DVD didn't have enough space to burn 3.67 gigs of data, which again was only the first set. Don't you love this? I finally had to share them on Summoning's network server which transferred all 14.1 gigs from the laptop to the server in 25 minutes. Astounding.

Tomorrow I should be able to download them all but I'm still going to have to upload them myself. It's going to take a while to get through all of them and ID all the players but it'll get done. There are a handful of casuals before the tournament with REO vs Al Dagod, and AC1984 Vs Summoning which I tried to upload tonight, but to no avail. The quality is extremely good and I was pleased with how they came out. I still haven't gotten any of my video editing software working on Win7 yet, so I will once again upload the videos as is, including any extra stuff before an after matches.
VirtualDub works on Windows 7 right? That's all you should need for youtube with the Xvid codec. Fuck WMV, that shit is so last century.

Can't wait man.


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Konqrr, I'll give it a shot once I get some of the vids since I do have VDub set up on here but last time I tried it there were issues with the quality for some reason. Might have been a bad codec.

Big E I put up one for now, I'll add more when I get home later.


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Heh, the videos are .mts format, so the next hurdle is converting them.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I think you can upload them directly to Youtube as is for the best quality, but that is not practical unless you have insane upload speeds.

I'm looking into a converter for you.


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Youtube gets an error when I upload them, I didn't realize that was why the other night when trying to upload from Nit's.
You shouldn't need a converter, you probably need to split them.

Youtube will get the error you mentioned aboved (the "Unknown Error" one) on any file that is longer than 15 minutes or too large (I believe it's 1 or 2 gigs max).

Virtualdub is a really great tool to split, as well as crop to right to the screen and then cut down the size to an xvid .avi.


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All the vids fall within requirements, I had to use the advanced uploader to get them up. Only about 1/4 done as they average about 350 MB a piece. If anyone notices the wrong players listed, or can fill in the blanks where I have ?s please post in the comments so I can fix them because most of the matches I have to listen for voices, name drops, or just judge by playing style and character selection. Normally we say both players' names before every match but didn't get to on a lot of these.



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OK, all the videos are finally queued up and it'll most likely take all night to upload them. I figured out names for most of them and I might be able to sort the rest of them out on my home but help is appreciated. If everything goes through like they have been using the advanced uploader, they'll all be up in 12 hours from now - 1:30 AM EST.

Tomorrow night I will upload the matches from Summoning's house we did on Sunday. 6 man two pool tournament which was a lot of fun.


The ?'s on the match with Ermac(p1) vs. H.Smoke(p2) is LI Joe Vs. Dark Rob. Rob won that match and then Joe moved on to H.Smoke after that. There should be another match of H.Smoke vs. H.Smove that is Joe vs. Rob as well with Joe winning but the match is much closer than the one posted currently.

I also think the ?'s on the P1 Kabal vs. P2 Ermac is Hubbs vs. Storms.


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I'll fix them later. Of course last night after I went to sleep within 2 videos I got an out of memory error on the page itself, so there are still like 20 more videos to upload that I will have to requeue tonight.