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What do you hate the most?

Which of these do you hate the most?

  • Projectile spam

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Constant Evasion

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Picking the same character over and over

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Counterpicking

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Letting the continue timer run out then restarting

    Votes: 6 20.7%

  • Total voters
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Forum General Emeritus
When you are playing an opponent on MK2, you hate to see them doing any of this shit. But which one of these things do you hate the MOST in an opposing player?


Mr. Sexy Pants
What I hate most is when I have to take a major dump while I'm in the middle of a very heated series :) But since that's not on the poll I'd have to go with counterpicking. I'm only aware of one person (on my list at least) who lets the countdown clock run down before restarting but I won't name names.

Her name starts with a D.... and she will *** you!! :)


I'm somewhat surprised that "turtling" isn't on the list, oh well..

The only thing I find annoying is a guy that keeps spamming, I mean how boring is that?

I personally don't mind if someone counterpicks all day, playing random for instance (wich I always do) makes you land on the "less" character all the time, just make the best of it I guess hehe..


I must agree with Jose.... Turtle is shitty sure.... but spamming with fireballs is soo booring that it cant get any more booring and fuked lol
i gotta admit. it actually kinda bugs me when people do fatalities after every match. sometimes i just wanna get on to the next match. once on occation is alright but every single match? that kinda rubs me the wrong way


I dont mind all the turtles and spam players out there. Heck i dont even mind lius low toe or peeps who move back all day trapping themselves in the corners. I can deal with all that. What really bugs me if you keep losing to me with the same character over and over endlessly. Especially with jax and scorpion. I get bored and its not much fun.


Forum General Emeritus
I dont mind all the turtles and spam players out there. Heck i dont even mind lius low toe or peeps who move back all day trapping themselves in the corners. I can deal with all that. What really bugs me if you keep losing to me with the same character over and over endlessly. Especially with jax and scorpion. I get bored and its not much fun.
So then you must not like playing BD_Predator or Scorpangel?
I'll leave if the guy keeps picking the same character.. They usually go straight for Liu, Jax, or scorp..
It gets pretty boring after a few matches.

Tim Static




High level play is doing whatever you can to win. Some things are definitely annoying, but hey, it comes with netplay especially.


Dojo Trainee
High level? Maybe
High honor? Hell no
High level? Yes
High honor? Who fuckin cares, you won right? Fuck em.

If your playin with a friend that is a different story, but if you just join a public match you should expect to go up against someone who is playing to win.

It is in the game. It looks nothing but ignorant to bitch about something that is part of the game play.

That's like me bitching at people who use sniper rifles in shooter games. Because (random reason) I can't get close enough to them with my handgun to kill them. Be serious.

There is always a way around the strategy your whining about. If your good you'll figure it out.

There's a reason you don't see people like sushi or crazy dominican bitching about shit....
projectile spam cause in mk2 theres not really anything u can do about it especially when they do it with mileena and liu kang

I know for a fact lag piss you off. And if Im not mistaken lag is a part of online. What about the people who lag and talk shit after they beat you? That doesn't piss you off? Isnt that part of the game?

Some things get no respect and is very annoying. Its just that simple. Im not saying its unstoppable but it will piss you off.

For example

I played a guy named IIN2LII-FUCT earlier. I picked reptile he then counter picked with mileena, spammed then duck ducked and knocked me in the acid and quit. It didn't bother me but he get no respect for that. I said why you quit? he said "because you suck I beat you with ease". I started laughing. I said lets random. he said ok. IMO...IMO he was playing very cheap. He was spamming, sweeping and running like a bitch. I recorded it because I thought it was a 2nd account. The camera angle is horrible and the battery died but you'll get the point. I won majority and he quit. But he still played like a bitch!!! Some things just get no respect.
Also after he quit he said "I know I was pissing you off lol". Ill post the video either sunday or monday. It was only the first 2 matches and the last 2 matches I didn't record.


High level? Yes
High honor? Who fuckin cares, you won right? Fuck em.

If your playin with a friend that is a different story, but if you just join a public match you should expect to go up against someone who is playing to win.

It is in the game. It looks nothing but ignorant to bitch about something that is part of the game play.

That's like me bitching at people who use sniper rifles in shooter games. Because (random reason) I can't get close enough to them with my handgun to kill them. Be serious.

There is always a way around the strategy your whining about. If your good you'll figure it out.

There's a reason you don't see people like sushi or crazy dominican bitching about shit....
I agree. Fighting games are competitive. You do what you can to win. Unless you're the type that plays for fun. Not me. I play to win above all else. Fun is secondary. Hehe, I mean of course I have fun playing the game, but it takes a backseat most of the time. Having said that, I know there are definitely things about people's playing styles that annoy the hell out of me: excessive turtling, projectile spamming, etc...but at the end of the match, I can't be mad at them. You gotta do what you gotta do. That's what it comes down to.

As for the "cheap" stuff, it can be countered. Sai spamming can be dealt with. MGP can be beaten. Just figure it out.

Lag is a different story. The developers didn't create the game with lag in mind. Lag is a result of online play, not part of the game itself. Still though, if you don't like it...stay away from laggy games.


Dojo Trainee
@ Wario

Lag is not a strategy, and is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Lag universally pisses off everyone....

Theses "annoying" options on the poll should be assumed under perfect playing conditions or indicate otherwise.

It often comes down to beating the person at their own game. And if you don't like that "game" you should be playing something else dude. You can't control how people play against you, it just sounds ridiculous.

You have the right to not play someone because you don't "respect" how they play, but if you were to join a tournament and bitch about how people play you would get laughed outta the joint.


High level? Maybe
High honor? Hell no
Defining honor is very tricky, especially in mk2. It's purely subjective. What I might think is normal and honorable as hell might be looked down upon as some bitch ass playing...and if that's the case, how am I SUPPOSED to play? It's complicated. I know I try to play honorably when I play my friends, but...sometimes I wonder if it's all in vain. *shrugs*


@ Wario

Lag is not a strategy, and is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Lag universally pisses off everyone....

Theses "annoying" options on the poll should be assumed under perfect playing conditions or indicate otherwise.

It often comes down to beating the person at their own game. And if you don't like that "game" you should be playing something else dude. You can't control how people play against you, it just sounds ridiculous.

You have the right to not play someone because you don't "respect" how they play, but if you were to join a tournament and bitch about how people play you would get laughed outta the joint.

So right.. Tournament rules state: May the best man win, simple as that.

However, when playing "friends" I play as normal as possible, simply because you want both to have a good time, it's somehow a matter of respect in some way..
A turtling sub Zero all the way doesn't make anyone happy hehe..

But, ALL turtles can be broken that's where the real challenge is for me at least.
If you can't beat them, it's your loss as a player most of the time.

Except when dealing with stupid shit like MGP.
I mean, when someone used that shit using autofire, that was lame as hell, when word got out a lot of people wouldn't even play you anymore, but when a programmers flaw rises it's ugly head it's okay all of a sudden.

To me that's the only disrespect you can have while playing this game, someone who wants to win at any cost, even if it means ruinening the gaming experiance all together.
To me this has nothing to do with competition or skill, just beeing a lamer.
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