ded, I can do the walk in infinite in a match when i play my best on my stick...
Vs stryker i can do it on XBL (sometimes i'll fuck it up)
I've been practicin it on MAME for a while and since I use a big screen to play on XBL, the positioning looks a lot different on my computer
So, in a match? Not so often, but i'll take it somewhat far.
Ask Ninja Ryo, vs his reptile I hit over 80% with the aalp, aahp, walk in aahp
and...I hit game over pretty hard with that too on XBL.
So to answer your question?
Not consistently. If I get the timing going I can do it.
Rockzilla, you know it's hard, I played you a couple days ago, we were going for the infinite back and forth (I can't do the walk in infinite with my d-pad, but I tried)
I mean, I agree, it's not that hard when you know what your doing, but you know its hard to get them into the infinite positioning
In XBL i've been just going for 4-5 dashes and uppercutting when I still have the chance.