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Favorite combos to pull off on somone


ermacs TKS, aaHP HP Teleport whiff, LP, JK, TKS, aaHP HP, aaLP, Fire ball, or do the same thing but insted of finishing with aaLP fire ball do a JK into the corner then RH walk in LK


Vs Noobs/People who don't know how to use block- Nightwolf's OTG repeatedly

Vs everyone else- relaunchers or Kabal's corner (after any setup) JK, AFB, JK, AFB, aaHP, FB
onewhite1gold got reptile inf up 90 something % on me when i was sindel..there was no coming back from that one lol

But my fav combo is tks, ducking lp, green fireball..it's hella L33T I know GameOver has some more incredible ermac combos, but I'll just leave you guys with this little teaser.....
onewhite1gold got reptile inf up 90 something % on me when i was sindel..there was no coming back from that one lol

But my fav combo is tks, ducking lp, green fireball..it's hella L33T I know GameOver has some more incredible ermac combos, but I'll just leave you guys with this little teaser.....
TKS, ducking lk whiff X2, RH whiff, fireball.

Right now I'm trying to do this one in game, but i can't do the dbl jk.



ded, I can do the walk in infinite in a match when i play my best on my stick...

Vs stryker i can do it on XBL (sometimes i'll fuck it up)

I've been practicin it on MAME for a while and since I use a big screen to play on XBL, the positioning looks a lot different on my computer

So, in a match? Not so often, but i'll take it somewhat far.

Ask Ninja Ryo, vs his reptile I hit over 80% with the aalp, aahp, walk in aahp

and...I hit game over pretty hard with that too on XBL.

So to answer your question?

Not consistently. If I get the timing going I can do it.

Rockzilla, you know it's hard, I played you a couple days ago, we were going for the infinite back and forth (I can't do the walk in infinite with my d-pad, but I tried)
I mean, I agree, it's not that hard when you know what your doing, but you know its hard to get them into the infinite positioning

In XBL i've been just going for 4-5 dashes and uppercutting when I still have the chance.


You've been runnin from me (and the rest of the good players on xbox) from the start...and I'm having a blast!

btw 59% jump kick is good enough for me. I just want the win buddy. Gotta go play softball now, so you have time to make a long, detailed, intelligent post. Let's pop that cherry, lex!