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UMK3 League Registration


Registration is now closed.

Please send all questions to: [email protected]

Your registration should follow this format:

ultimatemk.com screen name
xbox live gamertag
AIM Screen name(if you have it, and it is STRONGLY recommended)
weeks that you may need blacked out

If you want to play in the DS division, please specify so, and include your DS Screen name and DS Friend Code.

Only one registration per player, however you MAY register for both the Xbox Live and DS.

If we do not have enough registrants for the DS, it will be omitted.

All registrants will be listed on this post and it will be updated as I recieve more registrations, however, I WILL NOT list a player on this thread as a registrant unless the registration is submitted through the email.

We will attempt to accommodate requests for blackout weeks, however we cannot promise that you will get blacked out. If you cannot play that week, league play will not be extended for an extra week, you will simply not have an opponent on the schedule for that week.

After Registration is closed, the divisions and schedule will be made, and emailed to all the players along with the rules for the league. The rules, divisions, and schedules will be posted in a new thread as well.

Any other questions can be either emailed to the provided email address, or IM'd to me via AIM. Myself and the League Director will be checking the email a number of times per day for this purpose and will make every attempt to answer any questions you have.

Lastly, for those on xbox live, please do your best to spread the word about this league. If you play people you feel are good, but know aren't a member of ultimatemk.com, please send them a message and ask if they are interested and would want to sign up on the site and for the league. If possible, please put into your bio:
"Ask me for info about the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 League"

Thanks for the interest everyone! Lets make this league great!


Confirmed Registrations

Xbox 360
Rofl Diddy
LI Maverick
kiki aka game
Tim Static
Pink Godzilla
mkvids dot net

Nintendo DS
LI Maverick


I would sign up but Im so flakey man.

Ah hell go ahead and add me. :)
Please send and email to the one provided in the first post with the format provided. I am not doing this to be an ass, but I need to keep a consolidated record of registrations in one place, rather than have reg. requests via email, IM, PM, chat, and thread posts. I appreciate it... def. send me that email so you can get registered.
Please send and email to the one provided in the first post with the format provided. I am not doing this to be an ass, but I need to keep a consolidated record of registrations in one place, rather than have reg. requests via email, IM, PM, chat, and thread posts. I appreciate it... def. send me that email so you can get registered.

OK I'll send the proper info soon.
Mail sent 9.95

You kow what would be cool? If this thing took off and dreemer decided to start updating the main page with the results from various matches and whatnot. And have match videos from those with cap cards, that would be cool.

I mean, there's not much else going on in the MK scene (MK vs DC? Yeah right) so why not?


Nintendo DS - Houzi (DS Tag) Friend Code = DS/Xbox/ Code list thread (Do you really want me to fish for it?) AIM = HouziCanFlip

I can play Nights everyday except wednesday nights. So anytime after 6pm eastern time. ;)

If you have a DS, why not just join up. We need more people.



Nintendo DS - Houzi (DS Tag) Friend Code = DS/Xbox/ Code list thread (Do you really want me to fish for it?) AIM = HouziCanFlip

I can play Nights everyday except wednesday nights. So anytime after 6pm eastern time. ;)

If you have a DS, why not just join up. We need more people.

Please send and email to the one provided in the first post with the format provided. I am not doing this to be an ass, but I need to keep a consolidated record of registrations in one place, rather than have reg. requests via email, IM, PM, chat, and thread posts. I appreciate it... def. send me that email so you can get registered.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Nintendo DS - Houzi (DS Tag) Friend Code = DS/Xbox/ Code list thread (Do you really want me to fish for it?) AIM = HouziCanFlip

I can play Nights everyday except wednesday nights. So anytime after 6pm eastern time. ;)

If you have a DS, why not just join up. We need more people.

Well it is YOUR code, silly. Besides, you can find the number on yorur DS when your playing.

Gosh Phil, your such an ass. Goossshhhh. :) jk :p

I will email you my info by tomorrow.


Updated registrations as of 5/12/08.

Tim, I need that email.

Please remember, I stated in the first post, Registrations will not be accepted over PM, IM, thread post, chat, etc. Please send the registrations via email.


So how the hell are we deciding who's in what division?
The league director and I will discuss that. Basically, we're going to try and put players of relatively equivalent skill level into divisions with each other. That way we try to avoid one completely dominant player and the rest of the division being mediocre. Again, I can't stress this enough, we're going to TRY to do this...obviously the system has flaws, but it's the best possible way to ensure good, competative league play, without making too many people feel like they are wasting a season against people they can't compete with.



I though of an idea, but how about making divisions kinda like the NFL, regional?
I considered that, but it seems that the overwhelming majority of registrants seems to be from the NE, so it'll be difficult to make a division with 13 players and then 4 divisions with like 3 each...LOL
So you and this infamous league director are going to decide? Who is this league director that will be predetermining everyone's skill?


So you and this infamous league director are going to decide? Who is this league director that will be predetermining everyone's skill?
Well, there are 2 league directors. One of the league directors is my girlfriend, who is handling scheduling with me. She's been helping me with sending out confirmation emails as well.

Nobody is going to pre-determine people's skill level. It's really simple. Most of us play fairly consistently. This is all hypothetical now, so don't assume that this is a true division:

I play somewhat consistently with:

Kiki aka Game
LI Maverick
PK Buttman

of those, I COMPETE with Summoning, LI Mav, and Buttman.

of those, I consistently beat Styroteqe and Kaldragon

of those, I consistently lose to Kiki and mistaKM

so, a division with me, summoning, li mav, and buttman is competative, because the is no clear favorite in that division. (Summoning would be my pick in that division though)

therefore, a division with styroteqe and kaldragon would make sense(and others of that caliber...not beginners, but peope I beat consistently)

and the same for the higher division, kiki, mista, phoenix...competative, but no clear cut best player

this makes for the most competative play around.

the only other way I could do it is to choose players randomly and let the chips fall.