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Castle Golf Fight Night -- Lucky #7 03/08/08

So nice that its nasty, so banging its bustin, so sweet that its sick, so dope is disgustin. I'm speechless ed, those layouts look amazing.


does my stick hav competition now?? :) i will be there again. nit make sure wayne gets his ass down there, its only a 30 mins drive for him.
Oh man, this is soooo sick. I wanna eat ppl alive with my mileena, and I wonder if lance is gonna be there again so I can friendship him and watch him just walk away. That still kids me today.


Oh man, this is soooo sick. I wanna eat ppl alive with my mileena, and I wonder if lance is gonna be there again so I can friendship him and watch him just walk away. That still kids me today.
He owns Castle Golf, so I assume he'll be there.


Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
does my stick hav competition now?? :) i will be there again. nit make sure wayne gets his ass down there, its only a 30 mins drive for him.
ill be there bro for sure, im driving shock

ill try for wayne he is mia for the last few weeks


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
bahhh can't make it again, I got a wrestling show March 8th. Oh well, maybe I'll make Fight Night 8!


OK people... starting final countdown. 2 weeks to the event. Here's what we have so far:

1. 9.95
2. Styroteqe
3. Shock
4. Summoning
5. Frankie
6. LI Maverick
7. MKvids dot net

feel free to chime in and let me know who's coming to this. I have a few people on the hook who might play as well. I know Joe will be there so I'm counting him in and I know summoning is planning on having some people come.

I've heard that Kiki aka Game wants to come as well. NYers, where are you guys?
Man o man, I so excited euhfaeuhuhfae. I'll bring my video cam too and i'll get installments of each player, where there from and just some bios i guess. That way ppl will know more about us and stuff..?

Will there be a casual 360 setup as well? I think I would like to send a 360 stick and Ps2 stick for the capcom stuff.

Let me know.
Here is a picture of the Demo PS2 stick going.


Ed, PS2 stick looks great. I'll talk to a few guys. I know either Shock or Summoning might bring thier 360's so we'll see. Once I have a handle within the next few days I'll let you know.

Shock or Summoning, can either or both of you guys bring 360's? We're gonna need at least 2 TV's maybe 3 if we have 3 360's.

If not, I'll bring my other xbox 360 with SF Anniversary collection so people can use the 360 Capcom stick on that.
I havent played UMK3 since the last castle golf. Should be fun though, dunno how late I'll be staying this time around. I'm not really into the UMK3 thing lately.