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Arcade Stick Promotion from Arcade in a Box for UMK members!

I would be happy to do them. Just need a week or so at most. How long did I take on yours Gold?. I still have all of my templates and characters saved. Better to send me an email though at [email protected] since I always forget to check my messages here.
Yeah, it took about a week. It took about a day to make the basic layout, but adding the little things I wanted on there just took about a week to think about....

Thanks again man, really spruced my stick up...


Yeah, it took about a week. It took about a day to make the basic layout, but adding the little things I wanted on there just took about a week to think about....

Thanks again man, really spruced my stick up...
I'm glad it worked out. I had fun creating it.
Yeah, i'm really surprised more people havn't come to you from here asking for artwork, as there is NO MK artwork out there that would work for this sort of thing

and geez go a couple pages back, look at the sick graphics he put up here!


To be clear: If you want an overlay that uses copyrighted material, you will have to print and install it yourself. Ed will only accept overlays that follow copyright law. If you are unsure about a certain design/idea, he can clarify.

If you're printing it yourself, I'll do whatever the hell you want. If it's your own idea I will not reproduce it for anyone else. The only thing I'll ever ask for in return is a picture of your finished arcade stick with the new art.
Wow, badass!!!!

That should turn out damn perfect on the stick

BTW, I had Ed print my layout for me, as polycarbonate is kind of hard to find unless your calling sign shops or something..

Also, the one he gives you is a big sticker, so it's as easy as removing the buttons/stick/screws and throwing that layout on....

Also, Md was nice enough to give me a nice little picture guide so I wasn't too scared of ruining my stick....

Anyway, good luck applying, hope you have as much fun as I did..

Ps. Ed I'm still waiting for the e-mail regarding payment for the layout!

I was wondering if you could make a sonya layout, I have started on one but It dosent look even half as professional as the ones you have been making... Thanks.



I was wondering if you could make a sonya layout, I have started on one but It dosent look even half as professional as the ones you have been making... Thanks.
Sure. I just need your arcade stick's measurements and button placement, and also what you specifically want it to look like (specific sonya poses/moves, any text you want, colors, etc.).

Some people just give me a few basics like overall color and say "do what you want" and that's fine too.
stick has mk button layout, and its the full size from A.I.A.B, as for color wise, my stick has red siding, and red and black buttons, (sounds more like i need to do ermac when i think about it) but i suck w/ ermac so no, do sonja, colors are easily altered, just make something that looks good and we can work somethin out from it.


stick has mk button layout, and its the full size from A.I.A.B, as for color wise, my stick has red siding, and red and black buttons, (sounds more like i need to do ermac when i think about it) but i suck w/ ermac so no, do sonja, colors are easily altered, just make something that looks good and we can work somethin out from it.
Ok that makes it easier. I have the template for that stick so I don't need any measurements. Are you sticking with the red/black buttons? If so I'll make something to match.

Also, send me an email so that I can shoot you some concepts once I start. That way I don't clutter this topic.

In general, you should have your finished overlay within 3-4 days, depending on any changes you want to make. The deal is, I make you an overlay, you send me a pic of it once it has been installed, and we call it even.
Did you get just a black box, or does it have the stock overlay on it now? If it does, make sure you peel off the stock overlay. Hopefully it doesn't take any wood with it.

If you just have a black top then no worries. Just make sure you sand around the button holes, and bolt holes to make the overlay stick better.
Esssh, i've had a slight problem, due to my shotty craftmenship.

Around the screws holding the joystick in, as well as the back and block buttons...a little wave of the overlay kind of sticks up, making a kind of warped look

It's not that noticeable..but it is. I was wondering if i should take it apart and cut more areas around the holes out? Or...lol. Should I go for another try and putting artwork there?

Idk how it happpened! =/ Anyway, i still owe you money ed.
It's actually pretty common. Most of my sticks it bubbles a bit around the bolt heads. There really isn't a way around it that I have found. What happens is as the bolt is tightened it squishes the overlay into the hole.
It's actually pretty common. Most of my sticks it bubbles a bit around the bolt heads. There really isn't a way around it that I have found. What happens is as the bolt is tightened it squishes the overlay into the hole.
That's what I figured, I just thought that I did a bad job not flattening it. Makes sense though.

Nice lazy, he's been addicted to his stick since he's got it.
I just ordered one with your UMK3 pic, Konqrr. Thanks for posting it, it should look good. I'll post a pic when I get it.


Premium Supporter
As soon as you get use to it, you will definitely enjoy playing Cyrax on stick far more than on pad, that is a guaratnee.
Wow, that is nice.:D

I still cant do that hybrid SF/MK layout, but the stick is still very VERY nice.
It is a tiny bit awkward having an extra button in there, but I couldn't bear not being able to play practically ANY other fighters with it, especially Street Fighter II, 3, and eventually 4.

As soon as you get use to it, you will definitely enjoy playing Cyrax on stick far more than on pad, that is a guaratnee.
I've got no doubts about that, I'm already enjoying how much I DON'T screw up my directionals. Using buttons is still strange to me, but I'll get the hang of it.