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Mortal Kombat (2011) Matchup Chart


OK, so I fought more Nightwolfs last night using the strategy I previously posted here. NWs continue to have trouble with it. Are there any NWs in the west that would be willing to play me sometime so we can continue to establish this matchup? I still believe this is 6-4 in Sektor's favor, but I'm definately open to a 5-5 matchup here.
You guys are putting a lot of time and effort into this matchup chart. For noobs like me, I appreciate the input. I still get my ass kicked when fighting online or else I would help with the matchups.


Zoning Master
Robotic said:
OK, so I fought more Nightwolfs last night using the strategy I previously posted here. NWs continue to have trouble with it. Are there any NWs in the west that would be willing to play me sometime so we can continue to establish this matchup? I still believe this is 6-4 in Sektor's favor, but I'm definately open to a 5-5 matchup here.
If you want, we can give it a try, but I am on the east coast.

I just want people to understand that Nightwolf is not about spamming shoulder rams and lightnings at mid range. Nightwolf is most effective when he is in your face spamming f+3 strings. f+3 is about 13-14 frames fast. f+3 has two additional hits that have "natural" delay. f+3 leads into combos that are hit-confirmable. f+3 is not parriable and forces opponents to stand on wake up. f+3 stops d+3 abuse because it has more range than most people think. Aside from Sub Zero's 2,2 or perhaps Kitana's f+2,1, I do not know of any other normal attacks that are as good as Nightwolf's f+3.


If you want, we can give it a try, but I am on the east coast.

I just want people to understand that Nightwolf is not about spamming shoulder rams and lightnings at mid range. Nightwolf is most effective when he is in your face spamming f+3 strings. f+3 is about 13-14 frames fast. f+3 has two additional hits that have "natural" delay. f+3 leads into combos that are hit-confirmable. f+3 is not parriable and forces opponents to stand on wake up. f+3 stops d+3 abuse because it has more range than most people think. Aside from Sub Zero's 2,2 or perhaps Kitana's f+2,1, I do not know of any other normal attacks that are as good as Nightwolf's f+3.
Sounds good. You have my PSN ID, add me when you wish and we'll see how it goes.


Wow. Activity on this thread sure dried up suddenly. Are things on hold at the moment? I'd love to contribute, but generally feel others are far more equipped to do so than myself.
Wow. Activity on this thread sure dried up suddenly. Are things on hold at the moment? I'd love to contribute, but generally feel others are far more equipped to do so than myself.
Id like to see some Johnny cage discussion. Or basically rushdown tricks to getting in on d1/d3 pokers.


Id like to see some Johnny cage discussion. Or basically rushdown tricks to getting in on d1/d3 pokers.
Haha, pokes pretty much stop cages rush down in its tracks. You pretty much have to be frame perfect with "just" f3 and d1 and continue the same stuff but this doesn't really net much block damage does it? Once you throw in the 2 or 3 b3 to his knee pressure people are free to stop it with d1.
Haha, pokes pretty much stop cages rush down in its tracks. You pretty much have to be frame perfect with "just" f3 and d1 and continue the same stuff but this doesn't really net much block damage does it? Once you throw in the 2 or 3 b3 to his knee pressure people are free to stop it with d1.
I know man some guys just poke me out constantly. So what you're saying is against this I should trying to go f3,3,b3 or 3,2 or 2,1 to get in and just go f3,1,f3,1 until I get a hit then continue with 3,b3 so he knows what comes after my knee if he keeps poking and doesn't block?


Mileena in the end will probably not have any bad match-ups, whereas Kitana will have match-ups where she straight up destroys some characters but gets owned by some others. Mileena is more complete, but Kitana is cheaper...if that makes any sense at all. :)
Mileena no bad matchups? I wish... In fact she probably has more bad ones than good ones. With everything else being 5-5s. Raiden beats her, So does Cyrax and Jade, I'm kinda worried about Kenshi now. Kitana probably beats her too actually.

She's not a bad character by any means, but unless there's something she has that I haven't seen before, she just seems too limited to hang like that. If she ends up with 5/5 and 6/4 matchups across the chart, I'd be very curious as to why.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
I'm curious as to why you'd think Jade gives Mileena problems. Raiden I could see a he's just cheap in general. But I don't see how Cyrax...and especially Jade of all characters can give Mileena a hard time.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I don't ever see Jade giving Mileena problems, even with glow.


To Achieve, You must Believe
Hey everyone I am a liu kang player in the West Coast, just trying to expand my knowledge of various match ups. I am not a beginner nor I am a pro ( yet lol) but if you guys want to explore match up possibilities add me. I live in Cali


Zoning Master

I think...

1. Kung Lao
2. Reptile
3. Raiden
4. Cyrax
5. Nightwolf

...is the top 5 of this game and the match up chart will eventually support that.

Does anybody else disagree? I know I'll hear it again about Nightwolf. LOL.



I think...

1. Kung Lao
2. Reptile
3. Raiden
4. Cyrax
5. Nightwolf

...is the top 5 of this game and the match up chart will eventually support that.

Does anybody else disagree? I know I'll hear it again about Nightwolf. LOL.
I'm in agreement, I feel like once they fix cyrax's 80% combo kabal will be fighting nightwolf and cyrax for 4th and 5th placement.

Vulcan Hades


I think...

1. Kung Lao
2. Reptile
3. Raiden
4. Cyrax
5. Nightwolf

...is the top 5 of this game and the match up chart will eventually support that.

Does anybody else disagree? I know I'll hear it again about Nightwolf. LOL.
Doesn't Reptile and Cyrax have more bad matchups than Kano and Kabal? I agree with your top 5 but I think Kabal needs to be there either in 4th or 5th...

Speaking of Kabal, what are his bad matchups?


I'm curious as to why you'd think Jade gives Mileena problems. Raiden I could see a he's just cheap in general. But I don't see how Cyrax...and especially Jade of all characters can give Mileena a hard time.
Cyrax I'm not 100% sold on yet, but he just has amazing tools. Net beats all of Mileena's wakeup options if she's any closer than long range. He outdamages her by far (he gets over 50% with one bar, she needs 3 bars to get at max 49%). His in-close game offense is on par with hers, even though he doesn't have a low/overhead mixup that leads into combos. Honestly, there isn't too much else. He just has better options. She has to take more risks than he does to establish momentum in the match. Both characters need to make good reads, but Cyrax doesn't need to make as many correct guesses as Mileena does. I'd put it as a 6/4 for Cyrax unless someone can explain why Mileena shouldn't really have any trouble with him.

Jade has her glow for anti-zoning which makes Mileena's long range game risky. It also hurts her ability to build meter quickly since she can't chuck sais at will. Mileena can't get too crazy about getting in on her either because her U+3 and B+2 are good to keep Mileena at a range where she's gotta wait for a mistake. Both of these moves are safe against Mileena, and force her to either 1. try to close in on block, 2. throw out a telekick in anticipation of another attack, or 3. just be patient. Then when she does get inside, Jade's EX glow prevents Mileena from rushing down too heavily if she has the meter for it. Jade's B+2 also punishes both roll/ex roll and telekick with ease, regardless of air sai followup, for combo damage.

Mileena can't really force a lot of frame traps like most rushdown heavy characters can, so her best range seems to be at the range of her infamous D+4. This would be fine, but since Jade's normals at that range are a bit more rewarding (U+3, B+2, F+2), it's still not much in her favor. Mileena does have better offense in close than Jade does, and her low pokes will pass right under her shadow kick. But at Mileena's preferred range she will be mostly relying on those low pokes to try and get in for damage or bait a mistake. While Mileena's pokes are great, she can't really win the match with those alone.

I'd say it's a 6/4 for Jade. As long as Jade doesn't try to get too aggressive at the wrong times, then Mileena has to play by her rules for most of the time. When Mileena does gain momentum, Jade's only escape is EX glow, but that's still enough to respect the option. I'd like to hear why you and THTB think Jade doesn't cause problems for her.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Just because Jade can glow through Mileena's Sai doesn't mean that Mileena isn't going to throw it out there to build meter. What is Jade going to do? Throw an EX Green Kick to reach a fullscreen Mileena throwing iAS? That's a waste of meter IMO.

Think of this scenario: Jade does glow to avoid a Sai then throws a boomerang. Mileena recovers from Sai throw (air or ground, it doesn't matter) and does a telekick on reaction to the boomerang throw which grants Mileena a free safejump mixup and she's in.


Well yeah, I didn't say Mileena could never throw sais at all, just that when she does she risks being countered. She has to pick her spots with it more now, than she would against a character that's forced to dash block or spend meter to get in. And Jade can opt to use normal Green Kick instead of Boomerang after going through the sai; knocking her down and saving her meter. If she does recover in time to block, no harm done, it's safe and she has the threat of EX glow waiting.

If Mileena is only doing sais fullscreen, then yes, she is out of reach of Jade's counter options except EX Green Kick (which you're right, it'd be a waste). But it wouldn't take long for Jade to be in range of green kick, or maybe even U+3.

I only put a 6/4 because Mileena is certainly not hopeless in this match. What I'm not seeing yet, though, is what gives Mileena any real edge in the matchup.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
My thing is even if Jade gets in she has nothing threatening. Hell, Mileena has a better up-close game than Jade so she loses no matter where she is on the screen. Jade has no overhead/low mix-up, crap throw with little mix-ups, weak pressure strings, no unblockable...I mean she's got nothing. lol She's better off trying to zone Mileena but her zoning isn't anything threatening either so she's just gets wrecked.

Someone mentioned Jade's 3,4 mixed with 3, EN d,b+2 was a viable mix-up but that can be seen pretty easily. Good online strat though.

Only good thing she's got is the purple stuff, which is a shenanigan once you get used to it.

At least Barak and Sheeva have good mix-ups when they get in.

Jade = worst in the game.


I like m2dave's list except Cyrax and Nightwolf obviously. :) Replace with Kabal/Kano/Ermac/Sub and I can go for it. I know Cyrax has got that combo now but I still don't think its enough.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Unlike you I actually have reason and logic in my post. An image of a troll radar is in itself trolling dumbass. lol